anybody wanna mail me some nongel toothpaste lol
Go to the drug store and buy a tube of Crest or something.lukeiamnotyourfather wrote:
anybody wanna mail me some nongel toothpaste lol
Thanks for mentioning it you I want Taco Bell too.Special_ops_3 wrote:
Dude funny but it kinda does...={OGC}=HK-47 wrote:
for some reason this thread makes me want taco bell. weird.
(no I'm serious)
2 soft tacos , and a spicy chicken burrito sounds good
maybe stay on topic?
*stomach growling*
seriously, if toothpaste does work, where is the proof article? show the link and I will give you +1 but as of right now it sounds like a way to make me feel like an idiot.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
actually, if you have a soft cat, you can rub the cat on the cd for about five minutes and it'll be good as new. make sure the cat doesnt claw it or anything though..
put some fecal matter on it and just buff it in circles
once i used a scrach repairer for glasses and watches and it worked
sorry, but i dont have forty dollars, if i did, i might have bought a new disc already
I am going to type the text word for word in a bit as proof, all you need to do is to go get a july 2006 copy of Popular Science and turn to page 84... Unfortunately it is not on their websitehaffeysucks wrote:
seriously, if toothpaste does work, where is the proof article? show the link and I will give you +1 but as of right now it sounds like a way to make me feel like an idiot.
Last edited by BlackLegion42 (2006-07-08 18:35:08)
I saw the toothpaste thingy in PS too.
Here is the text.
How 2.0
Music trick of the month
Saving scratched cds
Next time your CD skips, treat it with some toothpaste. The fine abrasives that polish coffee stains from your teeth can also buff the scratches from a disc. Apply a small amount of paste (not gel) to the shiny side of the CD. Wipe gently from the center out with an opticla grade cloth, a cotton ball or even your finger, and then rinse the disc with water. Still scratched? Try the same motion using Brasso metal polish and finish with a coat of Turtle Wax. Darrin Burgess
Info from page 84 of Popular Science July 2006
Here is the text.
How 2.0
Music trick of the month
Saving scratched cds
Next time your CD skips, treat it with some toothpaste. The fine abrasives that polish coffee stains from your teeth can also buff the scratches from a disc. Apply a small amount of paste (not gel) to the shiny side of the CD. Wipe gently from the center out with an opticla grade cloth, a cotton ball or even your finger, and then rinse the disc with water. Still scratched? Try the same motion using Brasso metal polish and finish with a coat of Turtle Wax. Darrin Burgess
Info from page 84 of Popular Science July 2006
Last edited by Rainnmann (2006-07-08 18:47:55)
Thanks you for doing that! +1Rainnmann wrote:
I saw the toothpaste thingy in PS too.
Here is the text.
How 2.0
Music trick of the month
Saving scratched cds
Next time your CD skips, treat it with some toothpaste. The fine abrasives that polish coffee stains from your teeth can also buff the scratches from a disc. Apply a small amount of paste (not gel) to the shiny side of the CD. Wipe gently from the center out with an opticla grade cloth, a cotton ball or even your finger, and then rinse the disc with water. Still scratched? Try the same motion using Brasso metal polish and finish with a coat of Turtle Wax. Darrin Burgess
Info from page 84 of Popular Science July 2006
That toothpaste thing is a great idea!
Thank you for the proof. +1.Rainnmann wrote:
I saw the toothpaste thingy in PS too.
Here is the text.
How 2.0
Music trick of the month
Saving scratched cds
Next time your CD skips, treat it with some toothpaste. The fine abrasives that polish coffee stains from your teeth can also buff the scratches from a disc. Apply a small amount of paste (not gel) to the shiny side of the CD. Wipe gently from the center out with an opticla grade cloth, a cotton ball or even your finger, and then rinse the disc with water. Still scratched? Try the same motion using Brasso metal polish and finish with a coat of Turtle Wax. Darrin Burgess
Info from page 84 of Popular Science July 2006
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
I have an old disc, its not scratched but split, any idea on that?
you're screwed go buy another if possible
wait, did you just reply to your own thread? and not even as a bump, just an actualy reply? ZOMGlukeiamnotyourfather wrote:
you're screwed go buy another if possible
car polish. don't laugh, it works best by far.
it needs to be cutting polish though.
it needs to be cutting polish though.
rub cheese on it
Last edited by [BHA]*SharpShooter (2006-07-09 22:26:07)
BEFORE you go any further, what kind of PS2 is it, the new slim one or the old big ass one. Because i used to play GTA before on the Big ass ps2 and it stopped working, so i buy a new one and that doesnt work. Ended up being my ps2, which i had to senf to sony, who fixed it. Well after 3 more times of it breaking and fixing sony finally stopped taking it and we had to get a new one. If its the big old ps2s, try other games to see if they work and if that dont, its your ps2.
But if you can find the disk after all that, i bet it would work.lukeiamnotyourfather wrote:
cleaned it and polished it thricewtf? thats almost as weird as putting toothpaste on it and flushing it down the toilet={OGC}=HK-47 wrote:
peanut butter
Put your PS2 in diagnostic mode(triangle for options on the bios screen), if that don't work try a disc cleaner. Besides I think that game is only 20 bux now.... if not get it used.