this tickled me
+1 for ju
+1 for ju
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
There is just one thing i can say to that LOL.
Great stuff +1 to you
that is hilarious..
iv seen that before, the place i read it was about 7 pages long and had photos of the mail address and all kinds of info.
was a pretty funny read.
was a pretty funny read.
Thats awesome lmao, I would have loved to either be the guy sending it...well, since noone has never heard from him again idk if id want to be him or not, but even being the guys that staked out the shop to see the reaction of the guy getting the package lol.
lol thats some funny stuff right there ! He got what was comming to him !
+1 mate. Had a chuckle.
that is great!
Lol! Thanks for sharing +1 for you
Wow took me ages to read all of it but it was well worth it in the end! Nice Work
Holy crap that junk should've been instilled on a TV show special or something LOL that was LEGEND!
The scammer got owned +1
Wow a scammer got scammed. Finally there is some justice in the world.
I wonder what happened to that Jeff guy. Just disappearing like that is a conspiricy all to itself.
I wonder what happened to that Jeff guy. Just disappearing like that is a conspiricy all to itself.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
qftAardcore wrote:
Holy crap that junk should've been instilled on a TV show special or something LOL that was LEGEND!
Pretty simple really. He was already feeling quite nervous about his involvement and once his story spread across the internet like a wildfire, he chose to disappear. After some of the completely pointless and baseless legal cases I've heard of, I would not be surprised at all for him to be prosecuted for his actions.kilroy0097 wrote:
I wonder what happened to that Jeff guy. Just disappearing like that is a conspiricy all to itself.
Yes, he scammed a scammer but in the eyes of a hungry prosecutor, a scam is still a scam.
LMAO! That was great, thanks for the link!
Hah. I too believe he is simply shying away from the spotlight. Shame though, 'cos that shizz is genius.
Also, I live just down the road from Mildenhall.
Also, I live just down the road from Mildenhall.
In the face......brilliantly done.......