if your bored post here and this might get interesting
Enemy post spotted.
You Have Been Awarded: Basic Post Spotting Badge!
YAY I been waiting for that one...oh shit here comes a car!
tvmissleman [Jihad Jeep] d3v1ldr1v3r13
heres a self portrait I took with my cell phone;

Wooot Woot
wow your one hot mofo!
Only when I forget to add coolant.Adams_BJ wrote:
wow your one hot mofo!
besides, if you think I'm so hot, why am I STILL at 100???
son of a bitch, why didnt I see that coming?tvmissleman wrote:
tvmissleman [Jihad Jeep] d3v1ldr1v3r13
I got pwneded!
Last edited by d3v1ldr1v3r13 (2006-07-07 21:18:26)
Enemy Submarine Detected! (good ol' 1942)
Last edited by KO (2006-07-07 21:24:30)
Thanks for the fish, asshole.
I hate you, let's do sexes
From idleness grows heresy.
Man, I've been playing too much Dawn of War.
Man, I've been playing too much Dawn of War.
Idle hands spend time at the genitals, so sayeth the lord
haha I just got kicked from a game, reason was " you've been kicked for bitching Admin decision "
some weenie was complaining about my cartillery. I told him " Cartillery is life. Let me do my job, unless you plan to kick me, then okay, otherwise, with all due respect please stfu"
They kicked me.
Somehow this didn't bother me. Cartillery whiners do.
some weenie was complaining about my cartillery. I told him " Cartillery is life. Let me do my job, unless you plan to kick me, then okay, otherwise, with all due respect please stfu"
They kicked me.
Somehow this didn't bother me. Cartillery whiners do.
*imagines cars with large turrets instead of boots and instead of honking, the turret points up 90 degrees and fires*
I want one! :3
*imagines cars with large turrets instead of boots and instead of honking, the turret points up 90 degrees and fires*
I want one! :3
Or not.