ok..is there anyway to hide files with programs or any methods from the windows search? cuz somebody is tracking and deleting all my mods..(must be my fussy little bro)
Last edited by jkohlc (2006-07-07 06:48:04)
Last edited by jkohlc (2006-07-07 06:48:04)
any ideas for computerlanguage-ish names for my files?mooncricket wrote:
rename your porn and stuff, put them in a folder that, maybe, looks like a system folder. "WIN32" or something.
again when my bro is gonna play and i run away with that CD he will ask weird questions...Lunatic_480 wrote:
burn your pr0n on cd-rom and put in a drawer
Last edited by Ki][mE (2006-07-07 07:06:26)
Don't leave the disk in the computer. You have a lifetime of hiding porn from loved ones. Better get used to it.jkohlc wrote:
again when my bro is gonna play and i run away with that CD he will ask weird questions...Lunatic_480 wrote:
burn your pr0n on cd-rom and put in a drawer
gunnysgt wrote:
Just right click on a folder , go to properties and check off hidden down the bottom.
You will also need to make sur your folder and file options are set properly.
Open up any folder, click on tools, click on folder options and click on the view tab. Make sure there is a dot in "Do not show hidden files or folders" and a check off "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)".
Now all of your files you dont want anyone to see will be hidden from prying eyes.
To be able to see that folder, uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)".
and put a dot in "show hidden files and folders"
Go here:jkohlc wrote:
any ideas for computerlanguage-ish names for my files?mooncricket wrote:
rename your porn and stuff, put them in a folder that, maybe, looks like a system folder. "WIN32" or something.
Last edited by k30dxedle (2006-07-07 07:35:37)
Good Idea... I second that.k30dxedle wrote:
Go here:jkohlc wrote:
any ideas for computerlanguage-ish names for my files?mooncricket wrote:
rename your porn and stuff, put them in a folder that, maybe, looks like a system folder. "WIN32" or something.
C:/Program Files/EA GAMES/Battlefield 2/mods/bf2/Objects/Weapons/Handheld
Make up some fake weapon name like usrif_hk73 or something like that, create a folder within the "usrif_hk73" (or whatever) folder called "Info", and put all the stuff you want to hide in there. Oh and rename the files to gibberish.
What he is really trying to say is that he is trying to hide his pronjkohlc wrote:
ok..is there anyway to hide files with programs or any methods from the windows search? cuz somebody is tracking and deleting all my mods..(must be my fussy little bro)
yeah yeah whatever....btw the quoted text is all crap btw.ACB|_Cutthroat1 wrote:
What he is really trying to say is that he is trying to hide his pronjkohlc wrote:
ok..is there anyway to hide files with programs or any methods from the windows search? cuz somebody is tracking and deleting all my mods..(must be my fussy little bro)
Last edited by KnowMeByTrailOfDead (2006-07-07 07:51:17)
sooo... what you're saying is that he should really talk with his bro and share?? lol4_Phucsache wrote:
Agreed dodgy folder names rock. All my pr0n was hidden away in a folder called "Sys32 Extraction Files" to hide from the wife........until the wife asked me very inoccently about a week ago "Why the hell do you have this world wide interwebby thing if you dont get any decent porn" followed by the statement "maybe if you had some good stuff you might get a bit more often".
Consequently all pr0n is now stored in a shred directory called "Good shit to burn to DVD"
Moral to the story fellas.....maybe you should have a wee lil chat to the missus before you hide all the good shit.
Oh back on topic....yeah use a bodgy folder name or similar idea to hide from your bro