DAMNIT he's the funniest too...spawnofthemist wrote:
actually.. i've noticed a few mistakes in the original post..
1) you've messed up the bbcode and some parts are underlined that shouldn't be..
How come Peter Griffins chin looks like a scrotum?
Very good points there. Being a fan of FMA, I wasn't phased by Al's 'apron' piece on the suit of armour. If you can take the time to appreciate what the anime is about, you'll understand the main lesson that is portrayed in the series. Where as in Ed and Al's world, in order to use alchemy, you must sacrificefe something of equal value to gain or transmute something. By breaking the number #1 taboo of trying to use alchemy to revive their deceased mother, the 'gate' forcefully took the body of Al and soon later Ed's arm and leg.Xietsu wrote:
I think you're just hating on some of the Anime's 'cause you're being faceless. I mean, come on, you're hating "Paranoia Agent" with the citation a character who runs around and beats people up with a bat, and then support adding "Fooly Cooly" back when it's a cartoon of a kids who gets beat up by a girl with a guitar?
On top of that, you just go on to make some whacked assumption about FMA concerning aprons, as if that somehow detracts from plot development if a character manages to wear one during the course of the story? Confusion engages here.
Most Anime's are about ethical lessons, and to judge them just because some of them play "cool rock-ish techno" and others play songs sang in the native language of the creator just seems kinda...fake. Stories of adventure should be judged upon the various levels that are often used to critique and analyze literary works and filmed productions.
Just following your directions, so don't get too incensed.
Their motivation to regain what they lost when they failed to revive their past mother by breaking the taboo brings fourth an interesting story that binds conflicts of a corrupted near war-bound country, 2-dimensional worlds, great fight scenes (yes there's some nice bloody gore scenes), comedy, and much more. Sorry to ramble on so much, but I hate to see a great anime be looked down upon so abruptly without any good reason other than one piece of garment on a suit of armour.
However, as you first stated in this thread, basically this is all opinion- and I respect that-just giving my 2c. And yes, there are some factors with anime that may turn people away, some just hate it, whatever- I'm not going to convince someone to like it when they don't.
Hell- if you're planning on watching FLCL, then be prepared because you'll be in for one bumby ride.
Also as a few others have mentioned, Fan-Subs are generally much..MUCH more better than those crappy dubs. Especially some of the dubs they air on [adult swim] censor and take away a lot of the original content and emotion of an anime. I've practically stopped watching tv because most of its full of crap, nothing decent on to watch, so I now simply download Fan-Subs of any interesting anime that I have come accross.
I'm now currently watching a Fan-sub of Bleach- which is apparent in someones sig as
Last edited by subz3r0mkt (2006-07-06 23:50:05)