Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7056|Houston, TX
So Ken Lay is dead...   Heart attack in a tiny Colorado town that he was well known in...  No jail time spent, and the man who ran one of the biggest business conpiracies is no longer around to fufill his punishment to society...

I smell something.  Conspiracy.

"And Just like that... *poof* He was gone."

This guy had money, motive, and has shown that he is scandalous cocerning the way he dealt with society and business decisions.  He isn't dead, he's in South America, living off the money that he scammed.  If I was in his shoes, facing what he has to look forward to, I'd find a way to be "dead" too.  A nice 5000 sq ft "retirement tomb" in some place with little or no government, nice beach view, no neighbors that speak english, let alone own a TV...

I hope the people he screwed get his money.

teh m0nsta
Just read on a news site about it.

Well, if he is not dead and it's like you said he disappeared, high government officials will send agents to look for him.

Thousands of people lost their jobs because of him and he had 40 Billion $ debts.
If he disappeared and will not be found by government executives, the government itself has its hands in it.

But maybe he committed suicide? Pills or something. He got 64 years old and was facing a 165 years in jail. though that decision wasn't made yet.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7056|Houston, TX
A guy with that much $$ could afford to buy off a DNA tester or two, have some facial surgery and just disappear.  Suicide, maybe... but a guy willing to swindle so many people out of that much money suddenly feeling remorse? Not likely.  If there was a way, he'd consider it an option.


Kung Jew wrote:

A guy with that much $$ could afford to buy off a DNA tester or two, have some facial surgery and just disappear.  Suicide, maybe... but a guy willing to swindle so many people out of that much money suddenly feeling remorse? Not likely.  If there was a way, he'd consider it an option.

Agreed almost like TUpac I think he did the same thing
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6992|Dayton, Ohio
I as talking to our CEO and the first word out of his mouth were "I want to see the body"

I was about to start the same thead.  Is smell a bit fishy.  I bet he is on a real nice beach in the middle of no where living it up right now and a whole bunch of other execs are going to be sending him christmas cards.  It is all part of the new CEO relocation program.
spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack

Kung Jew wrote:

I hope the people he screwed get his money.
Anybody know what happened to his assets?  Does he have an estate worthy of the name?
+5,233|6840|Global Command
I don't know but the place where he died is in Colorado. The guest house on his estate there was 10000 square feet. He would fly a private jet in every coupla weeks to ski and vacation.
     May he rot in hell.
"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.
What if he...

wait for it...

...died and nothing out of the ordinary was involved in his death what-so-ever! Na, that couldn't happen, who dies natural deaths these days?
Knifey McStabstab
Don't lock my topic!

Kung Jew wrote:

This guy had money, motive, and has shown that he is scandalous cocerning the way he dealt with society and business decisions.  He isn't dead...
That is exactly the first thing I thought when I heard about it. That guy is a gigantic piece of shit.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6990|Broadlands, VA
He's worth more dead than alive . . . to his family . . . dunh, dunh.... DUNHHHHHHHH

Viagra+Cholesterol meds = Coronary.

Conspiracy?  Me?  No way!
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6860|Southeastern USA
He tried to steal Nicolas Cage's face, then they realized that John Travolta was a scientologist and no one pays attention to him so they took his face off instead, now he's jumping on a couch with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
teh m0nsta
Maybe, he got killed....
Who fucken cares. He was old and old people die. His life = Scam!
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7056|Houston, TX

spastic bullet wrote:

Kung Jew wrote:

I hope the people he screwed get his money.
Anybody know what happened to his assets?  Does he have an estate worthy of the name?
Apparently, he had purchased a couple of large estates in Florida and another state, a yacht for his wife, and a mansion for his brother (or someone close).  Thing is, in Florida and this other state, apparently it is not legal to sue family for debt owed by benefactors.  The people owed money from the Enron fiasco cannot legally pursue the benefits given to the family from the dividends from the scam.

I bet his wife mysteriously dies soon too.  Or that yacht of hers won't be found in American ports too much...

Since he died before his sentencing, he will be buried an innocent man...  if that is really him they are putting in the ground.

Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6990|Broadlands, VA

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