|60|Cobalt wrote:
hehe, germany the land of the free
they give you your driving licence with 18, but you are allowed to drink (beer and wine) when u turn 16 (age for hard stuff is 18)
in comparison usa: wheels 16, alc 21
in america its: 14 to work legally, 16 for driver's license, 18 for porn, smoking, and buying stuff from the tv, and 21 for alchohol
Superior Mind wrote:
Actuaaly the drving age differes in each state. Here in New York, you can get a Learners Permit (can only drive in state, w/ a licenced driver with u) at age 16. You can get your full licence at 18, but if you take drivers ed, u can get it at 17.
Heh, in new hampshire, you dont need a learners permit. When you turn 15 and a half, all you need is a licensed adult sitting next to you and you can drive anywhere in the state. If you take driver's ed, you can have your license the day you turn 16. NY's system sounds like it sux man
Last edited by -=]NS[=-Eagle (2006-07-05 21:18:00)