lol very errm interesting
Lol "cocky" good one.
Good find + 1.
I wish i could live up to my countrys standards,but alas.
Good find + 1.
I wish i could live up to my countrys standards,but alas.
The site is hilarious. I linked there from
Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2006-07-05 12:09:22)
See this is why we Brits are the best lovers in europe, stuff them italians, brits ftw
i'm definately not an imported foster child without my parents letting me know then.
Its not the size of the boat, its the motion in the ocean.
I jest. Situation called for it
I jest. Situation called for it
I feel like I'm letting my country down...
lol i wishyounggun wrote:
With help from Google, I've come up to an answer on that age old question.
Size 12.5 shoe...
a 16 year old with a 11 and a half inch dick
im bigger than most men in my country anyway, being 6 foot 7, hell i need a big dick to look normal haha
Well, being of German descent, I have no worries.
+1 for my Man Darth. Very Funny.........LOL