Well dude, you're young and it's probably best you break it off. It's very rare to see young couples last (NOTE: I did say rare, not 'it never happens'). Took me 27 years to find the woman of my dreams and it's not often we get to have sex because of her kids, but when we do, it's amazing. I know some guys would not follow that route, but at my age (27), i'm thinking about my future, family, etc, not one nighters. Go out and have fun, respect yourself and the women you meet, but i assure you, it will become routine as well.
Tell her that your sex life with her is boring you and maybe she should consider inviting some of her girlfriends around for a fuckathon.
After you do, you'll either be single or you'll get more sex with her friends..........win win really.
You're only 19, piss her off and fuck anything that moves until you're old enough to want to settle down. Just make sure you cover up!
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After you do, you'll either be single or you'll get more sex with her friends..........win win really.
You're only 19, piss her off and fuck anything that moves until you're old enough to want to settle down. Just make sure you cover up!
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Last edited by VspyVspy (2006-07-05 16:46:45)
definitely need to wrap your whacker before you attack her
dude your 19 you should be fucking everthing with 2 legs 4 if you want . just dont catch anything nasty . save long term relationships for later when you have experienced different types of chicks . coz theyre all different and you can not make most of them happy . experience everything you can , asian girls , african american girls , euro girls , AUSSIE GIRLS which by the way are the best . i think it s the shit they put in chicken , but here they all have really lovely boobs man
if you neg me for this be nice
you dont need to be tied down at this age
if you neg me for this be nice
you dont need to be tied down at this age
Tough call mate ... I've been through my fair share of break-ups (hasn't everyone) and my only advice is to be honest with her and make it clean and decisive. Actually just listen to what Cameron put
Hope it works out mate.
ps. I'm still trying to get that knife out of my chest
Hope it works out mate.
ps. I'm still trying to get that knife out of my chest
Don't play emotional games around this issue...don't intentionally do things to make her break up with you. Be honest, and just come out saying "we can't be together" or "this just isn't working" line. Keep it truthful and quick, or you'll end up with a huge emotional drawn out mess which will hurt even more (since you'll keep kidding yourself that drawing it out will not hurt both of you as much).
Afterwards, don't try to contact her, and don't ty to be "friends" too quickly. Give yourselves a few months to cool off. Usually the cooling off time is proportional to the amount of time you were together, so it can take quite a while.
Afterwards, don't try to contact her, and don't ty to be "friends" too quickly. Give yourselves a few months to cool off. Usually the cooling off time is proportional to the amount of time you were together, so it can take quite a while.
Or the " We need to talk " line.Marconius wrote:
Don't play emotional games around this issue...don't intentionally do things to make her break up with you. Be honest, and just come out saying "we can't be together" or "this just isn't working" line.
just say you think its better the two of you move into diffrent directions, apart from each other. you just dont feel the same anymore. if you feel bad for hurting her, tell her sorry and give her a flower or something when you do it.
Quick Method: Accuse her, in a deadly serious tone, of sleeping with her father on the side.
Make her give you head...spuge in her eye then tell her you just want to be friends with benefits.
Lol, yet another triumph ...CameronPoe wrote:
Quick Method: Accuse her, in a deadly serious tone, of sleeping with her father on the side.
tell her that everytime yuo see her in bed you think of her mom. should work plenty.
if not then just tell her that you are uncertain of your sexuality and need to "experiment" on your own
if not then just tell her that you are uncertain of your sexuality and need to "experiment" on your own
whats the name of the sex addict website. i wanna take that test
my last breakup was tough as shit, she used me man, and hard. It was horrible, we were only together for a year and it took me almost 4 years to get over her, even though she fucked me over. As for the sex addict thing. I will admit, i have no respect for players, i have beaten up people just for disrespecting women, i even how trouble holding my fist around my friends cuz some of them are players too. believe it or not, no matter how much they beat around the bush, or play u, they deserve the truth. Even if it hurts, tell her the truth and get it over worth, and move on. The point i am trying to make in my drunken state right now, is pick one girl and stick with her, dating more then 1 at a time is just asking for trouble, don't lie, don't cheat. They deserve more, if they cheat on you, find him, kick his ass so u feel better, and move on to the next girl. Geez, sorry for ramblin.
Last edited by calamity (2006-07-05 17:28:30)
You know Silence of the Lambs? The guy they were after is a perfect role-model for how to break up with a girl. Cut her skin off and wear it. Never fails. She's guaranteed not to bother you after that.
The other alternative if you don't have the guts to skin her is to just tell her you're sorry but you are not ready for a serious relationship. It's awkward for a few weeks afterwards, but they get over it and cheer up again eventually. Even the totally crazy ones.
The other alternative if you don't have the guts to skin her is to just tell her you're sorry but you are not ready for a serious relationship. It's awkward for a few weeks afterwards, but they get over it and cheer up again eventually. Even the totally crazy ones.
I just broke up with my girlfriend of 4 1/2 years!! Didn't have the balls to tell her that I wasn't keen on the relationship anymore, so I scored a hot Irish chick, I told her, OVER. My advice is to not do what I did!! Fcuk me drunk. That was a bad move. 1/2 an hour of the most brutal crying I've ever seen. And me just sitting there like a retard. NOT COOL. Just tell her dude. By far the easiest way.
4 1/2 years of sex on tap and then nothing is shit!! It's been 1 week and I'm tempted to hit the hunch backed shop owner up the road for some slap and tickle!!
4 1/2 years of sex on tap and then nothing is shit!! It's been 1 week and I'm tempted to hit the hunch backed shop owner up the road for some slap and tickle!!
haha some great replies, definately some humourous ones in a time of humour-needing.
I basically told her that she needs to find someone who wont hurt her and that i cant see us going any futher.
I basically told her that she needs to find someone who wont hurt her and that i cant see us going any futher.
honesty is what you need bud
ive been in your feet. im a soft hearted bugger so when i broke up with the g/f i got upset...
but it was for the best...im now back with her lol.
anyway you need to tell her the truth, not all at once else it will break her heart even more.
be a man and do what youve got to do
good luck!
ive been in your feet. im a soft hearted bugger so when i broke up with the g/f i got upset...
but it was for the best...im now back with her lol.
anyway you need to tell her the truth, not all at once else it will break her heart even more.
be a man and do what youve got to do
good luck!
no to be a dick or any thing but get with her 1 more time befor u break up with them thats what iv done the last 3 times lol. or use a text message thats the best way:)
this guy i know gave this girl pink eye using that method. skeezers ftw!!pdanrichey wrote:
Make her give you head...spuge in her eye then tell her you just want to be friends with benefits.
Look man, youre headed for trouble, my honest to goodness advice is be honest with her, youve already hurt her, but she dosent know it yet, or hasnt acknowledged it. Youre 19, youre young!!! Live it up! Dont get married or get in a serious relationship if you wanna bang every girlie on the block, you dont want to hurt this girl, tell the truth and it wont hurt her near as bad as her walkin in on you bangin the hot blonde chick next door. Take it from me, I was in the same situation when i was 19, im 23 now, and I just got married. So my advice? Do what you gotta do and get it out of your system! Then find the chick you wanna be with, and see if you can hang on for a couple years faithfully. Then see where it goes from there. Hope the best for ya bro.
ahaha +1Cammc wrote:
4 1/2 years of sex on tap and then nothing is shit!! It's been 1 week and I'm tempted to hit the
hunch backed shop owner up the road for some slap and tickle!!