Read sig. Rethink what you just said.Cougar wrote:
I'll take you out on the town tonight and we can rape someone. Afterwards we can murder them and dispose of the body.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Read sig. Rethink what you just said.Cougar wrote:
I'll take you out on the town tonight and we can rape someone. Afterwards we can murder them and dispose of the body.
I know it's a joke, sig comes from best movie ever.spawnofthemist wrote:
saying that.. Cougar... lets go take IndianScout..
(s)he sounds like (s)he has tits.. or at least no balls.. and no one would REALLY care if (s)he went missing
and Flecco.. its a joke? k?
now say happy birthday to me and play nice:P
let me guess...Cursed You wrote:
Happy birthday... you topic reading bastard. Why did you read my posts? No one has and no one is supposed to
<3 wub.