I have had two root canals within the last year....they don't hurt too much at all dude. Don't sweat it. Besides, they will hook you up with wicked painkillers if you ask for them, then you can sit on your ass and drool at home.
HA HA, shut up Petter, or ill bring the tooth and shove it in your eye!! lol.. you just love those exlamationmarks and those oneone`s don`t you?Petterpuinnfjell wrote:
haha, own3d!!!11110neoneone
Good luck tomorrow Steike! Here's +1 for moral support and for the funny thread title.
Did they burn the nerve or how did they remove it??D6717C wrote:
I have had two root canals within the last year....they don't hurt too much at all dude. Don't sweat it. Besides, they will hook you up with wicked painkillers if you ask for them, then you can sit on your ass and drool at home.
Similar in England. It's mostly because anything to do with teeth is considered cosmetic, and most cosmetic stuff isn't covered by our NHS (good thing, waste of our tax money).SteikeTa wrote:
Whaat? 6000 dollars??? Jesus!! I pressume you meant dollars.. hehe. Its fucking irritating. In Norway we pay just a small amount to go to the doctor, and the state covers the rest. But we have to pay everything when going to the dentist!!! I mean, come on!!! Teeth are a part of the body too, so why dont we have the same payment when going to the dentist? I dont understand the logic...
Certain cosmetic things are covered, like emergency plastic surgery if you were badly burned, but I'm not sure. Maybe someone could fill me in.
Well, the only thing that should hurt is the anesthetic solution being injected. after that, youll just be annoyed that you have to keep your mouth open for so damn long (as long as its a root canal). are you getting the entire tooth and root extracted for an implant? or are you saving the root and some tooth structure for a crown? did this dentist give you different options or did he tell you needed to do this one procedure? sometimes they tell you that you have to do a certain thing when in fact there are other treatment options. it just so happens that they tell you that you need the 5 thousand dollar procedure. i wouldnt worry about the pain as much as i would about the money and making sure your getting the right treatment.
Dont give those dentist bastards the satisfaction ! show no pain !
Watch this video:
And get the song (and if possiblet he video) stuck in your head. Play it in your head all during the operation.
And get the song (and if possiblet he video) stuck in your head. Play it in your head all during the operation.
Hmm, well, a lot of people have spoken good words about this dentist. First i was with.... the "dentist nurse", dont know the word in english. A student. She was very nice and careful. Sounded like she knew what she was doing. Took the x-ray photos and other small things. The dentist came inside after having watched the x-rays and told me that most likley, judging by the photos, i would have to remove the tooth and have a root canal. Cause the tooth was so broken that there was not much structure to build on. And i can feel that as well. After these replies im getting more calm actually, now i am more conserned about the money. And wondering how much he will be doing in 1 hour. My appointment starts at 1500 and they close at 1600, so.... probably just remove the tooth and some hygenical stuff or what ever.Dr.Pachanga wrote:
Well, the only thing that should hurt is the anesthetic solution being injected. after that, youll just be annoyed that you have to keep your mouth open for so damn long (as long as its a root canal). are you getting the entire tooth and root extracted for an implant? or are you saving the root and some tooth structure for a crown? did this dentist give you different options or did he tell you needed to do this one procedure? sometimes they tell you that you have to do a certain thing when in fact there are other treatment options. it just so happens that they tell you that you need the 5 thousand dollar procedure. i wouldnt worry about the pain as much as i would about the money and making sure your getting the right treatment.
norsk: jeg har ikke hat rotcanaler men har hatt bedøvelse i munnen, er faktisk litt morsomt merket etter 15 at jeg bet på leppen, hehe. får du kose deg der da uhmm, og lykke til!
english: omgwtflololz
english: omgwtflololz
Haha, jeg er så pysete når det gjelder sprøytene at jeg skulle ha fått bedøvelse FOR BEDØVELSEN!!! Men det er jo ikke mulig :SWilhelmSissener wrote:
norsk: jeg har ikke hat rotcanaler men har hatt bedøvelse i munnen, er faktisk litt morsomt merket etter 15 at jeg bet på leppen, hehe. får du kose deg der da uhmm, og lykke til!
english: omgwtflololz
Men takk!!!
du må spørre om en kjeks!!1! men pass på å få med deg en kjærlighet på pinne da!
english: hehe
du må spørre om en kjeks!!1! men pass på å få med deg en kjærlighet på pinne da!
english: hehe
Ok, one of the women who work there actually look like the assistant in that movie!!!!!!!! *feeling sick and probably cant go tomorrow afterall............*Ryan_Mercury wrote:
Hehe, tenkte på det med kjærlighet på pinne!!! Må jo få det når jeg drar!
Last edited by SteikeTa (2006-07-03 13:41:35)
Good luck, i hope you dont die from pain!
Hehe... and if I do... NO you cant have my computer!!!!Fredrik wrote:
Good luck, i hope you dont die from pain!
It is very cool.XIthRyker wrote:
Its pretty cool getting teeth out. They numb your mouth so you cant feel anything then when you ge out you can pinch your mouth and cant feel anything. I know it sounds silly but its really cool and i never grew out of it.
Some dude got killed at the dentist a few years ago, the lady forgot about the oxygen and he died. She said she heard the machines beeping, but didnt know what they meant.
Probably because her last job was doing peoples nails...
The motto of the story is: Dont not brush your teeth.
Probably because her last job was doing peoples nails...
The motto of the story is: Dont not brush your teeth.
It is when it costs that much.PoP wrote:
Dont worry about it mate. its never as bad as u think its gonna be.
Dentists over here in Wales are a fucking pain and a disgrace. I pay my taxes every week, they take money off me for the NHS (national health service). When I go to the dentists I then have to pay again. Whilst sat in the surgery waiting a family of immigrants will walk in, they know not a word of english except wait for it..........I dont pay do I?
A root canal filling will cost me £40, the check up to tell me this costs £12, the anti biotics will cost £3 (prescriptions soon to be free), 2 years later the filling has had enough the tooth needs to come out so its £12, then £40 again. They have recently changed the charges in uk densitry to the following. £12, £39 or £177. You pay one of the 3 prices depending on what you had done.
Fucking rip off
ps I reckon, toothpaste makers put stuff to rot you teeth in so the more you use the more you feel you need to re use. Same with spot cream, the more you use the spottier you get and thus you buy the bigger size tube next week.
A root canal filling will cost me £40, the check up to tell me this costs £12, the anti biotics will cost £3 (prescriptions soon to be free), 2 years later the filling has had enough the tooth needs to come out so its £12, then £40 again. They have recently changed the charges in uk densitry to the following. £12, £39 or £177. You pay one of the 3 prices depending on what you had done.
Fucking rip off
ps I reckon, toothpaste makers put stuff to rot you teeth in so the more you use the more you feel you need to re use. Same with spot cream, the more you use the spottier you get and thus you buy the bigger size tube next week.
yeah, i fixed my teeth last year for 29.000 skr bout 4000 usd
i bloody hate the greedy bastard dentists!
i bloody hate the greedy bastard dentists!
Meh. What currency is Kr?
Kroner... what we use in Norway.polarbearz wrote:
Meh. What currency is Kr?
Well, just got back from the dentist. After he gave it a second look, he decided that he would just do a root canal and try to use whats left of the tooth to make a new one. He said just the root canal would only cost me 3000 kr, but i payed 1500 instead. So in total, this time, it was 1800 and so. DID NOT HURT AT ALL!!!!
Damn im so surprised. This dentist i will go to for the rest of my life...
Have to go back on wednesday next week and he will finish the job.
Yeh I recently had fillings put in and he had his grinder thing and it was like aagh stfu nub.
He was also about 21398 years old.
He was also about 21398 years old.
What did you do?xXSarnathXx wrote:
yeah, i fixed my teeth last year for 29.000 skr bout 4000 usd
i bloody hate the greedy bastard dentists!