I have been seeing this floating like cobwebs in both my eyes. I have 2 clumps of them, each in my eyes. One has a dot with a lump of cobwebs around it. Its only this year that i have been noticing it but i have been seeing the same thing from last year but took no real notice of it. Is it because i have been beaten up 5 times on the head simultaneously? Ps. it was 5 blows to the left side of the head.
okay... what the hell .. lol umm i might just +1 you for the hell of it..
Doctor maybe?
I wouldnt get medical advice from bf2s.
I wouldnt get medical advice from bf2s.
Maybe tell your doctor and not a gaming community? It might get better results!
nope... they are suspended blood vessels within your eyeball, in the jelly part of the eye, known as the vitreous humour. everyone has them / will get them throughout the course of your life.
worry not.
worry not.
the blood vessels in your eyeballz got fucked up?
um, id see the doctor instead of listening to a guy who has a dog humping a pig for a sig. no offense uber73
Last edited by 5N1P3R (2006-07-03 06:47:57)
Wow, so u mean i get it now? I am 17 lol.uber73 wrote:
nope... they are suspended blood vessels within your eyeball, in the jelly part of the eye, known as the vitreous humour. everyone has them / will get them throughout the course of your life.
worry not.
maby shock paddles would help?
lemme take a wiffle ball bat wrapped in a wet blanket to the other side of your head 5 times to see if it makes a difference
I don't think it's a critical injury. He needs someone to throw a first-aid kit at his head.jimmanycricket wrote:
maby shock paddles would help?
lol, nice one mate5N1P3R wrote:
um, id see the doctor instead of listening to a guy who has a dog humping a pig for a sig. no offense uber73
I have these floaties too, had them since i was about 6 i think. Recently had eye test, im 20:20, but i actually asked about these floaties during test. Besides, i have a degree in Zoology, so ive also studied physiology, including the eye
I'm surprised to see a post like this here in BF2S but I'm in the same boat as Ayumiz and uber, I've got floaters too. I've heard they're nothing to worry about but they annoy the shit out of me as I LOVE the outdoors... but everytime I take a look at a beautiful scene outside or at a wonderful blue sky... I see these pesky things float about and disrupt my ambience
Why not, we're all medics aren't we?Snipedya14 wrote:
Doctor maybe?
I wouldnt get medical advice from bf2s.
God knows how many people we've brought back from the dead
Get First Aid Here!
Last edited by DoctorFruitloop (2006-07-03 07:31:58)
U iz smat.uber73 wrote:
lol, nice one mate5N1P3R wrote:
um, id see the doctor instead of listening to a guy who has a dog humping a pig for a sig. no offense uber73
I have these floaties too, had them since i was about 6 i think. Recently had eye test, im 20:20, but i actually asked about these floaties during test. Besides, i have a degree in Zoology, so ive also studied physiology, including the eye
But seriously I have the worst vision in my right eye, the other eye is perfect, I can't see past like 15 feet with my right one.
hey, what about don't stick it in HIS pooper?
I have them as well. They aren't much to worry about. They can be broken bloodvessels and bits of dust and crap which can get in their when you get a blow to the head. THey usually float just outside your field of vision. I don't think you can get rid of them.
either:malarkeycoon wrote:
bits of dust and crap
a) go BACK to school,
b) sue your teachers!
very simple and i better get a +1 karma for this.Ayumiz wrote:
I have been seeing this floating like cobwebs in both my eyes. I have 2 clumps of them, each in my eyes. One has a dot with a lump of cobwebs around it. Its only this year that i have been noticing it but i have been seeing the same thing from last year but took no real notice of it. Is it because i have been beaten up 5 times on the head simultaneously? Ps. it was 5 blows to the left side of the head.
I volunteer at an optometist's office on a weekly basis since this is the profession i want to have the rest of my life. Its because your vitreous humor ( the jelly part of your eye ) stats to clump up as you get older. Its prevalent with people who are myopic ( nearsighted) or it can be a sign of a detached retina that may lead to diabetes retinopathy( leaky blood vessels in the eye----so you gamers better watch your glucose levels... ).. if it gets worse, i would go see a opthamologist or an optometrist.
high blood pressure and high glucose levels will screw up your vision really quickly. instead of beating yourself up playing bf2 all day and all night, get off your arse and run a mile, cut down on the fast food, eat good fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A that will prevent macular degeneration, xerophthalmia ( inflamation of the mucus layer right outside the cornea).
Off topic: Being a health professional ( doctor or dentist, or optometrist) and gaming dont mix very well.
Instead of playing Bf2 , quake 4, WoW, grand theft auto, grand turismo, i got to bust my ass with gross anatomy, histology, pathophysiology, nutrition, infectious diseases. And my head feels like crap after all that studying.
Best wishes.........professionalx2324
LOL damn. Bad genetics must suck. My sympathies.specialistx2324 wrote:
very simple and i better get a +1 karma for this.Ayumiz wrote:
I have been seeing this floating like cobwebs in both my eyes. I have 2 clumps of them, each in my eyes. One has a dot with a lump of cobwebs around it. Its only this year that i have been noticing it but i have been seeing the same thing from last year but took no real notice of it. Is it because i have been beaten up 5 times on the head simultaneously? Ps. it was 5 blows to the left side of the head.
I volunteer at an optometist's office on a weekly basis since this is the profession i want to have the rest of my life. Its because your vitreous humor ( the jelly part of your eye ) stats to clump up as you get older. Its prevalent with people who are myopic ( nearsighted) or it can be a sign of a detached retina that may lead to diabetes retinopathy( leaky blood vessels in the eye----so you gamers better watch your glucose levels... ).. if it gets worse, i would go see a opthamologist or an optometrist.
high blood pressure and high glucose levels will screw up your vision really quickly. instead of beating yourself up playing bf2 all day and all night, get off your arse and run a mile, cut down on the fast food, eat good fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A that will prevent macular degeneration, xerophthalmia ( inflamation of the mucus layer right outside the cornea).
Off topic: Being a health professional ( doctor or dentist, or optometrist) and gaming dont mix very well.
Instead of playing Bf2 , quake 4, WoW, grand theft auto, grand turismo, i got to bust my ass with gross anatomy, histology, pathophysiology, nutrition, infectious diseases. And my head feels like crap after all that studying.
Best wishes.........professionalx2324
enemy boat spotted
Well, the only bright side to it is that if it is GLAUCOMA...... you can ask your Doc to prescribe you pot. Hopefully everything will be ok. Wish you the best.
From what i heard from doctors, pot may slow Glaucoma but in the end the patient will loose their vision.rmilhous wrote:
Well, the only bright side to it is that if it is GLAUCOMA...... you can ask your Doc to prescribe you pot. Hopefully everything will be ok. Wish you the best.
There is no treatment for glaucoma.
Glaucoma is a nerve disease in which the optic nerver ( cranial nerve II last time i checked) starts to get damaged due to high IOP ( intraoccular pressure). If you have IOP of 40 or even 60, better run your ass to the hospital.
Insufficient dranage of the aqueous humor will cause IOP to increase.
At least I think it's a boat, I don't see so good these days, sonny!TheEqualizer wrote:
enemy boat spotted