
Most of us know about all the anti piracy movements that are being done by the MPAA and the RIAA in particular. Such things like lawsuits of massive P2P clients and networks (ISOHunt, PirateBay, Torrentspy, Limewire, Napster, Kazaa etc etc) and they are trying to shut down all these P2P networks.

The problem is, human error still prohibits these things from taking full effect. The biggest networks such as ISOHunt and Torrentspy are still as operational as ever despite lawsuits and any 12 year old can download limewire and get their fix of Chingy and Lil John all day long.

But that's not the point. The point is stuff like this.

That is the MySpace of a band I myself like very much, "Rise Against."

Tell me what's wrong with that page. Anything? Here it is: The entire Sufferer and the Witness album is streamed on the myspace player. You can't fast forward to certain songs, but all the data is there.

To prove a point to myself and some other people on other forums that this is possible, I (through a method I'm not going to tell) copied the entire album, ID3 labled it and burned it to a CD. Instant album, days before it is *supposed* to be released. I am not going to spread it or release it on any networks. I am going to buy the CD when it comes out over iTunes.

*I'm going to email Rise Against and inform them of the wonderful possibilities of the internet. I don't want this happening to them or other bands for that matter.*

I have checked other bands and the same thing is going on. Entire albums not even released yet are listed there. This proves why I hate myspace (this is a joke, this doesn't effect my opinion of myspace even though i still think it's full of shit), it helps piracy!

But in all seriousness, don't people know that it's possible to take anything on the internet and do anything with it?

Personally, I'm in all support of anti piracy DRM, except the type that lockjaws you with a certain company. I.E, ITMS downloaded music only works with the iPod. Then again, people have already figured out how to strip the files of that DRM.

On another topic, companies can take it too far. You may have heard of the rootkit that installed itself whenever certain Sony CDs were inserted into a computer drive. Please, look up what a rootkit is and you can understand why sony was in hot shit for this.

Please, post your opinion of DRM. I'm hoping for a serious discusson.

Last edited by Defiance (2006-07-01 21:50:29)

The Giant hot dog that haunts your dreams.
hrm, i feel piracy is just rich people bitching about only making 2 mill instead of 3 mill...i mean honestly i have yet to hear of any band or singer having to sell their million dollar homes and live in a card board box because of Napster or Kazaa or anything else.
Aspiring Objectivist
If the shoe were on the other foot, I'd want all my money.
What's so special about titles anyway?
+40|7057|Minnesota, USA
I'm not sure anything will ever solve piracy... those guys will continue to crack whatever is thrown at them.  and I know what you mean Jhelom when you say it's not really effecting them a whole lot... but that is the bigger and better known bands.  The lesser known bands out there (which are some of the better ones) do lose out, which is a shame.

Rise Against is a good band, haven't listened to them for a while.  It's a shame that their new album is leaked.
The Giant hot dog that haunts your dreams.
True don't get me wrong i'd want to have all my money as well. But at the same time i'm not gonna bitch forever about how a few songs or albums of mine are being copied......downloaded whatever when i'm still bring in millions of dollars a's hard to bitch about it....when they still make more money than most us ever will..  now if they started to actually have to sell their houses and things like that......than i'd understand.........besides I would know my true fans would come to my sold out concerts.
What's so special about titles anyway?
+40|7057|Minnesota, USA
some bands out there actually think piracy is good publicity for their music.  I guess it gets the band more attention, and they consider it a compliment.  I think I would.
It's pronounced Knuck, like in Knuckle!!
this shit will never end.  as long as their is the internet there will always be hacks, cracks, and every way around files, just give it time.  guess if i was losing money i might give a shit, but since i'm not i don't care.  as far as i see it, paying $30 for a Disney cartoon is just fucking stupid and is just asking for illegal downloads.  same as music, i think these guys are doing just fine.  just catch the next "cribs" when you get time.  fuck it, accept it, or just get rid of your computer if you don't believe in it.
Yeah, that thing I said
+18|6945|Ames, IA
You can still find pretty much any song you can buy on p2p networks, so its not preventing the dishonest pepople from getting whatever song they want.  what I don't like about drm is that it tends to inconvenience the honest customers by doint things like limit the amout of times you can burn the songs to cds and things of the sort. (I have two vehicles and use a burned copy for each one so as to not accidently damage the origional cd).  drm'd songs also severly decrease my mp3 player's battery life.  To me it seems like drm crap drives the people like myself who aren't dead set on paying for all of their music but also don't prefer illegal downloads away from legal internet downloads rather than the opposite.

just my two cents

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