Bubbalo wrote:
Horseman 77 wrote:
yes your argument is immaterial.
The one you started about allies is, mine, that the US was not the aggressor in WWII but
could have been described as such in Vietnam, is not. The fact that you have you to respond says alot.
The fact that I have not responded is do largely to moving into my new home
" you still live with your mommy "
The point was the common soldier is rarely if ever kept informed with the overall big picture intelligence and long range strategies.
Yet they do fight.
Lucky for places like Australia as the Japanese unchecked in china Raped any woman as a " cultural habit " and used the locals as live medical lab rats.
Its absurd but what they did to China makes the German medical experiments look ever so tame.
Yet the Japaneses are seen by uneducated little tykes like you as
" forward thinking enlightened and spiritually deep...after we slapped them down for keeps "
I have shown you that the US Navy attacked German naval vessels on site prior to a declaration of war in 1942
In Vietnam The USA was trying only to keep the North Vietnamese out of south Vietnam, We never invaded the North.
When we left they overran south Vietnam, a blood bath ensued.
South Vietnamese risked their lives by the tens of thousands taking to the open seas in any craft sea worthy or not to try and escape their wrath.
These people were referred to as " Boat people " in the 1970s and immigrated to anyplace that would take them USA Canada etc.
I guess The plight of the " Boat people " is just one more piece of history that you are totally ignorant of.
Your argument is immaterial. You are a sheltered child or a schizophrenic or a pathological liar. Which one ?