OK so Jose, Mark, ali and I leave L and J's tonight to walk mark to the train. Now we're walking down Washington in this funny tuff guy town and a kid walks into me. So I'm staring him down thinking he wants to start with me, and he mouths off and says "what the fuck you looking at". I'm not a fighter, ok maybe sometimes I am, but this pissed me off so I stop and spin around all the while not saying anything because I'm not a talker when I do fight, Jose, Marianne, and everyone that was at Sarah and I's party knows this, I'm much more of an action person. Now I stoped and this kid keeps on walking and Jose yell's out "what the fuck did you just say" pretty loud. I type now alot. I have the excitement in my stomach and everywhere else in my body hoping the kid will stop and turn around. Thinking in my head hells yeah he's just a chump and I've taken down bigger people in my day. Again I'm not a fighter I just know how to fight. But no again the people who fequent Hoboken are a disappointment, I"m not saying all of them just a majority of them.
Also I'm rocking my Tom Jones teshirt and one of the things racing through my mind was "you just got your ass beat by a guy wearing a tom jones teeshirt">>
Also I'm rocking my Tom Jones teshirt and one of the things racing through my mind was "you just got your ass beat by a guy wearing a tom jones teeshirt">>