I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7149|Cologne, Germany

I don't like to fly. I don't even own a joystick. I'll fly a chopper only if no one else seems interested ( happens very rarely, as you can imagine ).

therefore, I am more than willing to give the damn thing up to someone who knows how to make good use of it. Same goes for tanks, btw.

On the other hand, as people have said here, it's FFA and whoever gets to the hardware first may use it. sure, from a teamplay point of view one would want those to fly that are best at it, but as it is now, every pilot will say he is the best..

and as long as there is no way for the server to check the respective stats ( live ) and then decide who should be allowed to fly we will have to live with some noobs crashing. On a side note, even those who now claim to be expert pilots now were crap at flying at some point. It's a learning experience.

apart from that, I am with thinner44. It's a game. Just a game.

Michael82 wrote:

I DON'T feal like i own everything. But when i land near a flag with a black hawk or helo or tank or whatever. It's taken faster if peeps get out (thereby we win).
Everyone probably agrees this is annoying. Get out and cap that flag!

Michael82 wrote:

If he blows, he doesn't fly with me again.
That's the attitude people are against. Who are you to decide who flys/uses what?

Michael82 wrote:

I can't see why you guys feal provoked to go "witch hunting" against me. Im just annoyed with people not being able to be nice in the game (counting constant punishing etc.).
Being nice in the game? We'd love that. Sadly,though, too many people have this 'Get out MY <whatever> when I say so!' attitude. You may have come across it. Sad isn't it?
+4|7089|Copenhagen, Denmark

BladeRunner wrote:

Michael82 wrote:

I can't see why you guys feal provoked to go "witch hunting" against me. Im just annoyed with people not being able to be nice in the game (counting constant punishing etc.).
Being nice in the game? We'd love that. Sadly,though, too many people have this 'Get out MY <whatever> when I say so!' attitude. You may have come across it. Sad isn't it?
Bah your just nitpicking now . I'm actually a nice player. The thing about not flying with me, if someone shoots like hell or flies bad, it's annoying that they insist on staying in the helo, gunner, whatever .

plus once in a while, it's fun to play with a friend than with a netplayer . But there are numerous other ways to get helo (take blackhawk, ride people to shore, you and friend goes to enemy base, ripe up others and steal their helo (fyi, i don't mind baseraping, sometimes you rape, sometimes you get raped ))
+4|7089|Copenhagen, Denmark

thinner44 wrote:

Michael82, I probably underestimate how much this game means to some people from time to time, but you have to realise, it is just that, a game.

Let everyone play how they want to play. Me, I just run around shotting things up, I play a team game when I feel like it, but most times I prefer to do my own thing... Getting badges/ribbons and medals is an achievement but it won't change my life and if we didn't have 'stats', no one would be really that bothered how anyone played this game... Lighten up a little, you'll enjoy it much more.
Hehe i know what you mean... why you think i LOVE finding a good pilot, so i can get frags in a helo (20.000 kills is HARD to get with helo ). I'm usually pilot, and damn good (the other day i was being hunted by helo, plane and AA and i actually lived for some time... forgot about the dumbarse cranes on Kubra Dam :S).

But as i said just above, sometimes i just want to have fun with my friend. So it's annoying that i get out in some games to give up space and there's someone who trash talks me just for saying "bail out".

WHICH btw, i might add, is the reason for this thread. It was the last straw that someone actually said "stfu and fly noob".

Kinda pissed me off, and don't have any remorse killing him (the way i said). As i also said, if he says "go go go", i'll give him a go, and get friend with helo if possible, but trashtalking cause i ask him? I mean... don't tell me you wouldn't get upset if you already were having a bad day
Michael82 says "forgot about the dumbarse cranes on Kubra Dam :S).", they're my worst enemy... in fact, we need 'enemy crane ahead' on the rose

Michael82 says "WHICH btw, i might add, is the reason for this thread. It was the last straw that someone actually said "stfu and fly noob, don't tell me you wouldn't get upset if you already were having a bad day." You're right, I would get upset and have done in the past... but it's just not worth the hassle... think of your blood pressure

Insert witty comment here
+3|7066|Brixham, UK
I believe in equal rights for choppers. He paid for the game, if he gets there first, he can use it.

Michael82 wrote:

Bah your just nitpicking now .
You could be right

As for your playing with a team mate, i couldn't agree more...there's an awesome feeling you get when you gel with someone in a game...seperate, you may be average pilots/gunners but with your team mate you rock; when you communicate well, even anticipating their next move ( er....maybe it's love ), but the game wasn't written for those two people. It was written for anyone who forked out what is (to most) a lot of money for a game. Jeeez, BF2 may be the only game they've been able to afford for years, a special treat maybe.
The people who play this game are REAL people with REAL lives and have REAL problems...next time, just try to remember that you have no idea what the 'shit gunners' life is like. Heaven forbid, it may be the ONLY pleasure he has in his life, the ONLY time he/she feels valued or needed.
Next time, think on.
Once someone said, "stfu and fly noob" all bets would be off especially since I would only ask once and then get over it if he said no.

Of course, I wouldn't ask at all.  You've been flamed enough, Michael82, so suffice to say that I agree with those people that think it's a bit arrogant to think you and your friend deserve to use the chopper any more than anyone else.

PS - I give you credit for not feeding into the flame-frenzy and keeping a cool head.

Last edited by dsb (2005-11-14 09:11:43)

Got milk?
There is a thing such as vehicle owning... I'm not saying that you and your friend owns the heli but if someone wants to fly give him a chance its not a big deal. Anyways if you want to fly with your friend play in UNRANKED servers so ppl will understand you and let ur gunner in cuz they will not care about stats. Also in UNRAnked you can do RLY BAD THING: TK(never do it lol). But if you play in RANKED servers learn deal with other ppl. Hmmm well if person rly wants to help his/her team he/she would hop out and let your gunner in. I do it all the time if asked . GL HF.

Dr.Battlefield wrote:

There is a thing such as vehicle owning... I'm not saying that you and your friend owns the heli but if someone wants to fly give him a chance its not a big deal. Anyways if you want to fly with your friend play in UNRANKED servers so ppl will understand you and let ur gunner in cuz they will not care about stats. Also in UNRAnked you can do RLY BAD THING: TK(never do it lol). But if you play in RANKED servers learn deal with other ppl. Hmmm well if person rly wants to help his/her team he/she would hop out and let your gunner in. I do it all the time if asked . GL HF.
Nicely put.

@Michael82 (& dsb)

If you thought I was just flaming Michael82 personally, I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention.
+23|7058|PDX Metro Area, OR, US, SOL
What's funny to me is that I WILL defer if asked, but God Damn You, I expect a friggin' thank you. I'm so sick and tired of the Michael82s of the world, who demand their way, can't play as a team, AND don't bother to say thank you, either. Clearly your mothers never had children who survived, you idiot rotting placenta...

I will assume that people like to play together, get a style, and maybe do some good for the team...I'll defer to you once or twice...afterward, I *might* tell my buddy on the other team where you are and how healthy you are. I'm enough of a point-whore that I won't tk you...I already have to deal with the idiots who think red skulls are mind-enhancing drugs...

[1stSSF]=Nuka= wrote:

I'm so sick and tired of the Michael82s of the world
See? Now THAT'S proper flaming

Last edited by BladeRunner (2005-11-14 10:02:19)

+4|7089|Copenhagen, Denmark

thinner44 wrote:

Michael82 says "forgot about the dumbarse cranes on Kubra Dam :S).", they're my worst enemy... in fact, we need 'enemy crane ahead' on the rose

Michael82 says "WHICH btw, i might add, is the reason for this thread. It was the last straw that someone actually said "stfu and fly noob, don't tell me you wouldn't get upset if you already were having a bad day." You're right, I would get upset and have done in the past... but it's just not worth the hassle... think of your blood pressure

Enemy crane ahead... i think i'd laugh more than i'd pay attention... i can just immagin... u could controle cranes and try to hit planes n' helos HAHAHA what fun

dsb wrote:

Once someone said, "stfu and fly noob" all bets would be off especially since I would only ask once and then get over it if he said no.

Of course, I wouldn't ask at all.  You've been flamed enough, Michael82, so suffice to say that I agree with those people that think it's a bit arrogant to think you and your friend deserve to use the chopper any more than anyone else.

PS - I give you credit for not feeding into the flame-frenzy and keeping a cool head.
Thank you . Personally i don't see what the point is with throwing more wood in the fire (expression in Denmark ). People have their oppinions and i can do nothing but respect, tollerate or/and accept it. Plus, if you stay calm, people tend to listen more .
Personally i felt a bit sad by Bladerunner (sniff sniff) but since i talk calmly back, he's responded more calmly. I might have come of a bit... rude, wasn't my intention. But i think that people who've read all my answers understand that i'm not a helowhore, but can get annoyed if they call me noob and boss me around (i've yet to see the day where that works

BladeRunner wrote:

You could be right

As for your playing with a team mate, i couldn't agree more...there's an awesome feeling you get when you gel with someone in a game...seperate, you may be average pilots/gunners but with your team mate you rock; when you communicate well, even anticipating their next move ( er....maybe it's love   ), but the game wasn't written for those two people. It was written for anyone who forked out what is (to most) a lot of money for a game. Jeeez, BF2 may be the only game they've been able to afford for years, a special treat maybe.
The people who play this game are REAL people with REAL lives and have REAL problems...next time, just try to remember that you have no idea what the 'shit gunners' life is like. Heaven forbid, it may be the ONLY pleasure he has in his life, the ONLY time he/she feels valued or needed.
Next time, think on.
Finally i hope i made my point . I DO fly with others . Just like to have our fun in ranked servers... and we do, thought not always . Personally i love teaming up with a stranger (by accident) and rip up the map

And btw, i have been flamed alot in this thread, but hey, a guy who says his honest oppinion, no matter where and about what, is surely gonna get flamed .

I went in with a shields up and a hell of alot of water bottles
+23|7058|PDX Metro Area, OR, US, SOL

BladeRunner wrote:

[1stSSF]=Nuka= wrote:

I'm so sick and tired of the Michael82s of the world
See? Now THAT'S proper flaming

:D :D :D
Joined the Internet in 1991 and have been well-trained subsequently...

I love teamplay and it's why I don't play MOHAA much anymore...too easy to be a lone-wolf in MOHAA. If you're a lone-wolf in BF2, you lose...I...HATE...TO...LOSE.

IMHO, pilots generally are the WORST teamplayers in BF2...they demand the planes/helos...fight over 'em to the point of getting killed rather than allowing anyone else to take 'em...have pissing matches about who's better/who's best...and 90% of the time, they don't actually work with their team at all...I don't like Karkand (and have absolutely NO idea why it's #1 in my stats...it's so popular, perhaps?), but at least we don't have the pilot brigade waiting 15 minutes to secure a plane to "help the team out..."

Tell you what, I only fly when no one else is...I capped my first base with a hovering BH the other day (and was immediately shot out of the air by a Z-10...lol). I DON'T WANT YOUR AIRCRAFT...GET OFF MY BACK!
+4|7089|Copenhagen, Denmark

[1stSSF]=Nuka= wrote:

BladeRunner wrote:

[1stSSF]=Nuka= wrote:

I'm so sick and tired of the Michael82s of the world
See? Now THAT'S proper flaming

Joined the Internet in 1991 and have been well-trained subsequently...
Hehe didn't even see that flame . Nice one

[1stSSF]=Nuka= wrote:

Do I need to press 'E' ?

Last edited by BladeRunner (2005-11-14 10:24:26)

Man, I was irritated as all hell reading this post but I was relieved when I saw most all of the responses.  Seems most people agree... who the hell do you think you are, Michael82?  Why do you think you get to dictate who guns and who doesn't?  Why do you decide who sucks and who doesn't?  Perhaps you and your buddy are a good team... so you think that gives you license to deny anyone else from having fun?  You come across as an arrogant spoiled little brat.  And when you don't get your way so you TK someone?  Grow up!
Wow. I can tell [most] of you guys don't understand how important the choppers are in a game, and how they can make or break a game.

If I'm in a helo, 80% of that time I'm flying. Usually I have a relative or friend gunning with me, if we're gaming together. We will normally get the chopper and it'll be "ours" most of the game. I don't mind one bit, even if we're "owning", if another guy wants in. I'll either let them fly, or they can gun with me. However, the minute an asshat enters the chopper who:

1. Can't keep the chopper steady for the gunner
2. Doesn't want to give the gunner shots; rather use his rockets.
3. Refuses to shoot at the enemy troops on the ground as gunner.
4. Doesn't know what the "c" key does.
5. Decides that the machine gun is better vs tanks than TV missiles
6. is 1 for 12 using the TV guided
7. Even though the enemy choppers smoking, hey still must resort to TV guided
8. Pilot thinks we're shooting a stunt video
And the list goes on.

Now, I'll give anyone a try for the gunner, or even as a pilot. I'll especially give those a try who say straight out, "I rather gun, I suck at piloting".

However, while in the air, if you're a complete smacktard, when the helo respawns, if I'm pilot, you will not be getting back in. If you do manage to get in, you will either get out, or I will force you out. The helicopter belongs to the pilot. If there's some asshat screwing our team because he thinks it's all fun and games using the chopper, than as long as I'm pilot, his ride is over.

Flame me for what I said, I don't care. These are the rules when it comes to choppers and jets. Both of these vehicles can make a game, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let some smacktard ruin it for the whole team.

Last edited by jnick (2005-11-14 11:25:42)

Spawns in front of rockets and bullets
hey, i got an idea...

if you're a good pilot, gunner, tank driver, whatever, and someone gets to your chopper, tank, plane, whatever, WHY DON'T YOU TRY MASTERING ANOTHER ASPECT OF THE GAME.

and in stead of getting pissed at some new guy hoppin' in, let him have his fun.  let him get better.  AT SOME POINT, YOU NEEDED TO GET GOOD TOO.

jnick wrote:

Wow. .......................................................................game, and .................................................game.
I've edited it down to the salient points
Attends Shock Paddlers Anonymous
I do loop-de-loops and barrel rolls dangerously close to the ground to scare them out...that or fly really high in one spot

jnick wrote:

Wow. ... Dick and Head
.... Is the only thing that featured heavily in this post
noob on tour

thinner44 wrote:

jnick wrote:

Wow. ... Dick and Head
.... Is the only thing that featured heavily in this post
I thought exactly the same
+4|7089|Copenhagen, Denmark

LSD_Wash wrote:

Man, I was irritated as all hell reading this post but I was relieved when I saw most all of the responses.  Seems most people agree... who the hell do you think you are, Michael82?  Why do you think you get to dictate who guns and who doesn't?  Why do you decide who sucks and who doesn't?  Perhaps you and your buddy are a good team... so you think that gives you license to deny anyone else from having fun?  You come across as an arrogant spoiled little brat.  And when you don't get your way so you TK someone?  Grow up!
Think i'll start counting my flames ...

But anywho, as i said before, i had a bad day the day before

Michael82 wrote:

LSD_Wash wrote:

Man, I was irritated as all hell reading this post but I was relieved when I saw most all of the responses.  Seems most people agree... who the hell do you think you are, Michael82?  Why do you think you get to dictate who guns and who doesn't?  Why do you decide who sucks and who doesn't?  Perhaps you and your buddy are a good team... so you think that gives you license to deny anyone else from having fun?  You come across as an arrogant spoiled little brat.  And when you don't get your way so you TK someone?  Grow up!
Think i'll start counting my flames ...

But anywho, as i said before, i had a bad day the day before
You must be getting warm there.

( dude, hide behind me...I've ALWAYS got a spare white flag )

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