It is natural to adopt the ethos 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'. You can't blame some Palestinians for wanting to side with someone who they shared a common enemy with. Arabs in the SS? Are you au fait with the whole 'pure aryan race' guff that Hitler wanted to dominate the world? SS members were selected on the basis of racial purity - I hardly think 21,000 'dirty' arabs would have slipped through the race requirements for Hitler's praetorian guard!!! You must be confusing the SS with the wehrmacht!easy-skanking wrote:
Amin al-Husseini was a leader not acting alone.. in ww1 Palestine was part of the Ottoman empire and they, aside from the thousands that joined the Ottoman army, had an army and they contributed to the "army of Islam" 14000-25000 men. Then in ww2 al-Hussani again a leader this time on Hitlers side helped recruit some 21,000 Arabs for the SS + more unknown. You're kidding yourself if you think Islamic extremism is some isolated acts of a few in Palestine. They elected a terrorist group bent on the destruction of Israel as a govt. Every time you see a PLO and now Hamas rally thousand take to the street, it is widespread.
They elected Hamas partly out of desparation at the lack of progress Fatah seemed to be making on the establishment of a Palestinian state and partly as a smack in the face against the corruption in the Fatah party. I've been to Palestine and all of the Palestinians I met were well-informed individuals that were surprisingly secular and wordly wise. You are persisting in generalising an entire population on the acts of a particular group.
Incidentally, Hamas have implicitly recognised that a state of Israel should exist. So your arguments about destruction of the state of Israel have been compromised somewhat.
I have serious issues with that comment. Arab islamic violence against them? Which 'them' are you referring to? Are you talking about the brits or the jews. If you are talking about the brits then please note that acts were carried out by the jews against the brits also (by the Haganah, Lehi and Irgun). If you think the brits withdrawing from the region was them giving a tacit 'green-light' to a state of Israel then you're wrong. They had no idea what outcome would result. It could have ended up as an arabic state of Palestine for all they knew.easy-skanking wrote:
They abided by that for 35 years but things change. They changed after Arab Islamic violence against them so its reasonable.CameronPoe wrote:
that the British government supported Zionist plans for a Jewish "national home" in Palestine, with the condition that nothing should be done which might prejudice the rights of existing communities there.
You are obviously an advocate of 'might makes right'. I'm afraid that I don't endorse that principle/viewpoint.
Skanking - the fact of the matter is that neither the brits or the League of Nations ever agreed to an actual state of Israel. In fact the brits made quite sure to distance themselves from that interpretation of the phrase 'homeland'. And remember 'with the condition that nothing should be done which might prejudice the rights of existing communities there'.easy-skanking wrote:
maybe you have difficulty Reading but the San Remo conference reviews the British policies in Palestine and gave them approval.... approval of the LEAGUE OF NATIONS
Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-06-30 02:34:47)