Why is it, a lot of girls these days are attracted to skinny little emo boys that have stupid hair and really tight trousers? I cant stand wearing tight clothes, it makes me feel awkward and unconfortable (im not fat before you assume) especially around the crotch area. These guys manage to wear skin tight things and walk around like nothings happening. They must have really small penises.
Here are some examples:

conclusion: FAGS!
You can find people like these wasting their life away on myspace.com. I have myspace, but only to keep in touch with friends when i cant reach them via msn or otherwise.
It's funny that the girls that are equally as bad with their massive hair and tight trousers are usually really ugly and often fat. Nothings worse than a fat girl in tight clothes.

your typical high contrast photo..

same girl? WTF!?
Perhaps they girls like these guys because they dont want a guy that will rough them about, they dont want a guy that will call them "bitch" or "hoe", its because they can related to eachother when they get called "fag" and "dyke" - because we all know the guys look like fags and the bitches look like dykes.
I really fucking hate these types of people and I wish they'd all die. Everytime you see a guy dressed like this, punch him in the face (but make sure you know for sure he's a guy, you dont want to punch someone you think is a guy only to find out its a girl..and you dont wanna hit a girl do you? - ive had to ask a few people what gender they are before)
If anyone feels the same way, good. If anyone reading this actually is like this. Strangle yourself with your mouse cord please
Here are some examples:

conclusion: FAGS!
You can find people like these wasting their life away on myspace.com. I have myspace, but only to keep in touch with friends when i cant reach them via msn or otherwise.
It's funny that the girls that are equally as bad with their massive hair and tight trousers are usually really ugly and often fat. Nothings worse than a fat girl in tight clothes.

your typical high contrast photo..

same girl? WTF!?
Perhaps they girls like these guys because they dont want a guy that will rough them about, they dont want a guy that will call them "bitch" or "hoe", its because they can related to eachother when they get called "fag" and "dyke" - because we all know the guys look like fags and the bitches look like dykes.
I really fucking hate these types of people and I wish they'd all die. Everytime you see a guy dressed like this, punch him in the face (but make sure you know for sure he's a guy, you dont want to punch someone you think is a guy only to find out its a girl..and you dont wanna hit a girl do you? - ive had to ask a few people what gender they are before)
If anyone feels the same way, good. If anyone reading this actually is like this. Strangle yourself with your mouse cord please
Last edited by E7IX3R (2006-06-29 20:28:17)