If you like the 1942 engine, but want to play with bf2 weapons, check out desert combat. It's got at least 50 different vehicles, so much more than BF2, different weapons, many more bigger and better maps. I loved it. Played it for 3 years and it never got old.
It's got 7 weapons classes like in BF2, but it doesnt have the bugs, the stat padders, the tank/heli/plane whores, the bf1942/DC community is alot nicer than the BF2 one now that i think of it
Like you got 10 different helis like the blackhawk (un-nerfed!) little birds, chanouks, apachies, hinds, SA-80'splanes ranging from f-15's, f-16's, f-14's, migs, SU's, f117 nighthawks, C-130 warbird gunships that you can spawn on and sky dive from, tons of differnt tanks, nuclear subs that fire tomahawk cruise missiles, and there are civilian vehicles like cars and trucks and stuff scattered everywhere.
Yeah, theres soooo much more, check it out at
http://www.desertcombat.com/ You know, im gonna go play it now... I <3 that game
Last edited by -=]NS[=-Eagle (2006-06-29 20:00:53)