need guys too my new clan MaCGP [GPMC] = GrandPasMilitaryChildrens the homepage is:
Couldnt find a clan to b heligunner in?
I want to be in your clan 4 sure. How do I join? I'm an ace helo pilot.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
lets all say in unison
I am an ace vodnik driver, I want in!
We're gonna pwn everyone.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
im a l33t hax0r, let me join your l33t clan
Snoopy We Got 4 Clan Members!
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
And I know a guy who is an absolute machine with ground defense and AA, can he join? We will be sooo good, all we will do is PWN anyone who comes near.
Why is the little chicken sniffing the duck's rectal cavity?
ExecutionerStyle wrote:
Why is the little chicken sniffing the duck's rectal cavity?
Hey Snoopy, I got us some kills already. I used the MaCGP prefix as a warning to the rest of the people. When and IF you let me in your clan, I'll put on the [GPMC] war tag for uberclan matches. Here's some screenies:

I saw USMARINE but he was in a tank so I couldn't snipe him

I got a few more kills but then I had to come back to work.

I warned everyone on that server to watch out for us cuz we're gonna be a badass clan SOON.

I saw USMARINE but he was in a tank so I couldn't snipe him

I got a few more kills but then I had to come back to work.

I warned everyone on that server to watch out for us cuz we're gonna be a badass clan SOON.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
lol w00t go this clan.
Join TWL or CAL or sumthing lol and own teh nubs
Join TWL or CAL or sumthing lol and own teh nubs
Good, we're gonna need at least 1 h4x0r in our clan 4 sure :p.ACB|_Cutthroat1 wrote:
im a l33t hax0r, let me join your l33t clan
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
well, most good clans have at least 2 h4x0rs, do you have any friends? Also, we need some type of whores. Everyone else seems to have whores in their clan. I say we get a few of 'em to "service" our clan better. What say you guys?
Oh, for sure. I know a few whores that would be great for this. We still need Snoopy's ok to go ahead with our plans for world domination

Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
OMG Do you know where we can get one of those for our mascot?
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Yeah, they sell them in a quaint shop in Stockholm called "Sven's Giant Isopods". I think it's near snoopy's bachelor pad.
That's perfect! This is what everyone should think of when they see MaCGP. I say this is the background to our clanpage. Snoopy94, when I get home from work this afternoon, I am going to go battle with the MaCGP tag on and let 'em know we mean business. Let me know Snoopy dog!
Ditto.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
That's perfect! This is what everyone should think of when they see MaCGP. I say this is the background to our clanpage. Snoopy94, when I get home from work this afternoon, I am going to go battle with the MaCGP tag on and let 'em know we mean business. Let me know Snoopy dog!
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
So is it [MaCGP] or [GPMC]?
Both! We are so good that one clan tag will not cut it.ExecutionerStyle wrote:
So is it [MaCGP] or [GPMC]?
[MaCGP] is our practice tag. It just means "Warning"
[GPMC] is for uberl33t clan matches. It's more than a warning. It means "DANGER!!1".
[GPMC] is for uberl33t clan matches. It's more than a warning. It means "DANGER!!1".
Last edited by King_County_Downy (2006-06-29 13:54:41)
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it