I voted UK as they are doing good for a severly underpaid army....We don't even have sidearms!!!
Best Army in the world!!!
U.s.a | 40% | 40% - 104 | ||||
United Kingdom | 29% | 29% - 76 | ||||
Gemany | 3% | 3% - 9 | ||||
French | 1% | 1% - 4 | ||||
China | 2% | 2% - 7 | ||||
Isreali | 5% | 5% - 14 | ||||
Ninjas | 16% | 16% - 43 | ||||
Total: 257 |
thank you.
if ninjas arent really teh pwn... then why did the US military try to clone me?!!
I cant believe you posted this, Uk have the best trained army and well disiplined and the USA have loads of money to pump up there forces and buy shit.^KoB^Buckles wrote:
The UK Armed Forces are the best trained and organised force in the world. Period.
The US simply have more money to pump into their armed forces
By the way i am not trying to start a flame war, i love USA when i went there it was amazing! :p
i dunno.
SAS are very well trained, delta force dont exist apparently and the SEALs are pretty on the money with the SAS. Havent the foggiest about china but china has a bad navy i think but im stabbing in the dark.
SAS are very well trained, delta force dont exist apparently and the SEALs are pretty on the money with the SAS. Havent the foggiest about china but china has a bad navy i think but im stabbing in the dark.
LMAO YOUR A [CLOWN] ARG I MEAN A CLONE LMAO!!!!!!!cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
thank you.
if ninjas arent really teh pwn... then why did the US military try to clone me?!!
You cant say army, for example, the USA also has Navy, Marines(techniclely part of Navy), Air Force, Coast Gaurd, ect. And also in man power the Chinese. But in technology the USA. I would much rather be fighting for the US(and I am a citizen ) then any other country. Because in a conventional WWIII once our massive industrial power gets rolling we are unstopable.=TFF=Omen_NataS wrote:
Who would you say has the best Army in the World?
Delta Force dosent "officialy exist" but almost everyone knows that they are there, hell, look at Somilia, we know there is a Delta Force. In SF training I think the SAS are the best but scince they are allied to the USA I would say Britan, USA, Germany, France(ahhhhhh),Isreale(sorry about spelling), Australia, Japan, South Korea, and a few that I forgot would be unstopable if faced with a conventionaly WWIII. Because a WWIII fought with WMDs we would win but the world would lose.Widjerd wrote:
i dunno.
SAS are very well trained, delta force dont exist apparently and the SEALs are pretty on the money with the SAS. Havent the foggiest about china but china has a bad navy i think but im stabbing in the dark.
Pfft, you're just assuming everyone will fight according to your rules.-Gunsmoke- wrote:
So do ninjas. Why? Because if you put a ranger holding a rifle and a ninja spitting out batttle cries and putting his hands upin a room, who is gonna win? The ranger, because they can simply raise their rifle and boom, the ninja goes down. No one has the best army, but each army has its best.
The ninja would win because the ranger would not see him. Ninjas were renowned for using cheap tricks and any means necessary to kill their target.
Most likely, the ninja would hide out of site, track the ranger. At the right moment, the ranger would have a face full of white powder and his throat slit.
*This post is light-hearted*
china has by far the biggest army in the world, UK has one of the best trained AND has probably the most war experience,,,,we were fighting wars when half your countries werent even on the map.
since u know that... i must kill you, sry nice meeting u though=TFF=Omen_NataS wrote:
LMAO YOUR A [CLOWN] ARG I MEAN A CLONE LMAO!!!!!!!cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
thank you.
if ninjas arent really teh pwn... then why did the US military try to clone me?!!
I just thought of an awesome idea.
US, UK and Israeli armies (read: armies) face off against each other in some war game type thing somewhere.
And then have Delta Force, SAS and Sayeret Matkal (Isareli SF) face off in some wargame type thing.
See who would win.
US, UK and Israeli armies (read: armies) face off against each other in some war game type thing somewhere.
And then have Delta Force, SAS and Sayeret Matkal (Isareli SF) face off in some wargame type thing.
See who would win.
UK SAS,they inspired Charlie Beckwith to start up US Army Special Forces Delta
Don't forget, the Sayaret Mat'kal operate outside of all normal parameters. They are a covert ops group and they work in espionage (counter terrorism, one of their specialties) as well as military operations. The SAS might be mercenaries but the Sayaret Mat'kal operate under Israeli law only, which gives them a pretty free reign when it comes to moving on terrorist groups and other enemies of Israel.Coolbeano wrote:
I just thought of an awesome idea.
US, UK and Israeli armies (read: armies) face off against each other in some war game type thing somewhere.
And then have Delta Force, SAS and Sayeret Matkal (Israeli SF) face off in some war game type thing.
See who would win.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
China and India have the world's biggest armies, search wikipedia if u disagree.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_co … ive_troops
The Chinese and U.S. rank 1st and 2nd in active troops, but the U.S. have much more money to improve and put into their military. I would have to say the British still have the best trained, (partially because u never hear reports of prisoner abuse and similiar events).
just my 2 cents
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_co … ive_troops
The Chinese and U.S. rank 1st and 2nd in active troops, but the U.S. have much more money to improve and put into their military. I would have to say the British still have the best trained, (partially because u never hear reports of prisoner abuse and similiar events).
just my 2 cents
True, the scandinavian countries all have a highly trained winter adapted force.Natte wrote:
Sweden actually got a really modern army, the best tank (Leopard 2 A6 improved), the new JAS 39 Gripen improved(First 4 generation multirol fighter, and the coolest fighter). But the Swedish army is mostly for defense. And sweden also got the Arctic rangers (SF).The swedish army is small, but it´s modern.
Flame me if you want, but it´s true.
(See WW2 battles).
what about Australia and New Zealand? But out of the given options, UK FTW and no you Americans are nowhere as near as good as their SAS soldiers, not even your SEALs are as good as that SAS, wether you want to admit it or not they are
yeah i agree with you mate...the SAS are the best of the best
i think also partly because of the british past we have learn alot of lessons that quality is better than quantity..we had a huge empire but couldnt hold it on all fronts and training wasnt that good..now tho its the best in the world with a relatively small but very capable force.
i think also partly because of the british past we have learn alot of lessons that quality is better than quantity..we had a huge empire but couldnt hold it on all fronts and training wasnt that good..now tho its the best in the world with a relatively small but very capable force.
I would probably have to go Israeli SF for being the deadliest, I mean, those guys are bred from birth to serve.
As far as the best army, USA.
As far as the best army, USA.
has to be the SAS, but on a whole the US army is far bigger and bush seems to like the army so they get shit loads of money to play with=bigger and better guns, take the SA80 its what us brits get to play with the only problem is it only works in fucking devon/any where down south in the UK, take it anywhere else and it decides to stop working.
always with the wikopedia, why do you trust that?
US army has about 3 million personel, chinese has 2.2 million, look it up in congresses annual report.
US army has about 3 million personel, chinese has 2.2 million, look it up in congresses annual report.
lol polls like these are irrelavent cos everyone vote for there own country
I think you meant to say are instead of aren't.cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
thank you.
if ninjas arent really teh pwn... then why did the US military try to clone me?!!
hes saying that hes a ninja, way to catch on.Bubbalo wrote:
I think you meant to say are instead of aren't.cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
thank you.
if ninjas arent really teh pwn... then why did the US military try to clone me?!!
I have a Metal Pen*s. So we are not really that diffrent you and I And for that i will die with honorcyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
since u know that... i must kill you, sry nice meeting u though=TFF=Omen_NataS wrote:
LMAO YOUR A [CLOWN] ARG I MEAN A CLONE LMAO!!!!!!!cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
thank you.
if ninjas arent really teh pwn... then why did the US military try to clone me?!!
Dutch Green Berets /commando's ... just is