You can base your answer on anything you gained, strategy used, post-conquer success of land etc......
It's a flip up between the British and Genghis for me.
The British Empire has covered most of the globe at one point or another and the countries that were once colonies have more often than not prospered compared to Genghis' ex-territories (Australia, India, USA, Canada etc).
However, I have to go for Genghis Khan, simply because what he did was a total conquest. He did bugger all to look after and everything to terrorise the people of his new lands, but just the sheer amount of land gained makes him by default the best conqueror......besieds, I didn't want to be accused of being overly patriotic
It's a flip up between the British and Genghis for me.
The British Empire has covered most of the globe at one point or another and the countries that were once colonies have more often than not prospered compared to Genghis' ex-territories (Australia, India, USA, Canada etc).
However, I have to go for Genghis Khan, simply because what he did was a total conquest. He did bugger all to look after and everything to terrorise the people of his new lands, but just the sheer amount of land gained makes him by default the best conqueror......besieds, I didn't want to be accused of being overly patriotic