You guys are missing an important history lesson. The Jews first held all of the land in the Middle East at about 1,000 B.C. By 1950, the Jews were pushed completely out of the Middle East. The U.N. saw this and voted to preserve the Jewish homeland, the Jews were given a seperate state (isreal) that was once a large chunk of palestine. The jews had an incredibly small population in comparision with palestines population, but they got almost half of the arabic land. Leaving a lot more area per person for the jews then there was for the palistineans.
Imagine if the U.S. and mexico were equal countries. We all know that the Mexican empire once streatched far north, containing California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and even a far western part of Nebraska. We took all that land from them 150 years ago. Now imagine that the U.N. decided to give all that territory (1/2 of the U.S.) back to mexico. Even though their population is half the size of ours, they still have more land then us. I'm sure you'd be pissed too.
It's been a half year since I learned all this, and my dates might be a bit off, if anyone is more experienced in this then me, please feel free to correct me. But I'm pretty sure all the important stuff is right.