Screw BF2, I'm gunna play Crysis when it comes out next year.
search it up on google, you wont regret it
search it up on google, you wont regret it
Last edited by 007Bolox (2006-06-27 09:42:51)
teh jetwhorez!!! and they pay u
most ppl didnt have the equiptment to play bf2 either, or the had the min reqs, but most upgraded.cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
teh jetwhorez!!! and they pay u
crysis will need high end video cards... i doubt that most ppl will get them
Did that, played USMC, my favorite map was Strike at Fallujah, and my favorite kit was Designated Marksman (not quite a scout sniper but a close second.......)
I appreciate you playing Sir, hats off to ya. Glad you didn't need any med kits.[1FR]S3v3N wrote:
Did that, played USMC, my favorite map was Strike at Fallujah, and my favorite kit was Designated Marksman (not quite a scout sniper but a close second.......)
dont have 4GB of ram unless u have vista... trust me, windows will show it as only 3gb (not too bad) then every know and then u get blue screen error saying physical memory dump bullshit.ThomasMorgan wrote:
Yeah, I'm looking forward to Crysis as well. I'm not looking forward to having to build a brand new computer just to run it. That game should come with a free video card AND 4gb of RAM.
Lolol n0 r3spawnz in RL
err by that time intel P4's are phased out by conroe... there would pretty much be no more pentiums as they will be non-existantryan_14 wrote:
i doubt they will make those the requirements because they would have no sales except for the rich dudes that can buy 10 000 dollar computers lol
this is what i think
Minimum req's:
2.8GHz or more
1GB of RAM
average vid card for average quality
(if it has good sound quality then a good sound card too)
Need to have directx 9
2GB's of RAM
high end vid card
good sound card
I heard you need directx 10