roflelmo1337 wrote:
I sometimes have the feeling I need to fart, but then I shit my pants instead, it feels goodpoidloid wrote:
i just farted......quite stinky....phew!
jeeeez dont u got something better to do?Cougar wrote:
It's true. Cougar has joined the darkside. Fuck anyone who doesn't like it.
Tired of playing a game that is no longer a game? Tired of having more rules dumped on your fun than a ex-Navy SEAL substitute teacher at a private all boys catholic school? Tired of coming home from work only to go back to your new job that is what BF2 has become? Tired of being told HOW you can have fun and WHERE you can have fun? Perhaps you are just tired of stupid clans, stupid people, stupid rules, stupid admins, and just want to play the game for what it is.....a game?
Three words: Tactics Over Principles.
Smurfs, noobs, nubs, children, thin skinned pussies, brainwashed ROE followers and stats lovers need not apply. This is no recruitment form. There is no recruiter. This is no leader, there is no structure. It is Chaos out of Order.
If you are reading this and you are not instantly infuriated, you have already seen the light. If you think this should have been posted in the Clan section, you don't get it. If you think this is a clan recruitment then you don't understand. If you think TOP wants you for your skill or because you are a nice guy, you are wrong. If you don't understand the purpose of this thread, you haven't seen the light. I recommend the movie Fight Club.
Lastly, just to avoid any confusion, the purpose of this thread is to piss you off, to hate TOP. If you hate TOP it is only because you don't understand, the first step. Words do not explain this, so I will not even try. Those who blindly hate TOP do exactly what we want, they hate and they stay away. Those who hate TOP and are curious, as was I, are closest to the door of enlightenment. The only people who love TOP is TOP, and it is for good reason, if you reach that point you will understand without doubt.
Piss Off,
TOP stinks
Accept our match requests, why u decline them? are u scared? I want a match.|XA|ASSASIN wrote:
TOP stinks
DUDE! I had this awesome old-time-y top that had like a whistle built into it so when you spun it it would make this shrill noise. Good times......Flecco wrote:
Sooo... TOP is a clan? Uhh... I fail to see the point of this thread but I am very curious to know exactly what TOP is besides a toy that you spin to make it stand on a pointy bit...
Why dont you TOP guys go preach your crap elsewhere and leave the rest of us who actually like the game for what it is a game .
Cougar i thought you left for CSS anyway ,i swaer to god you made a big post about loveing it and never coming back to bf2 .Just a shame you didnt keep your word . -1 for you .
Cougar i thought you left for CSS anyway ,i swaer to god you made a big post about loveing it and never coming back to bf2 .Just a shame you didnt keep your word . -1 for you .
TimBob wrote:
I want a match.

Last edited by King_County_Downy (2006-06-27 09:40:31)
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Thanks to all the TOP members yet again who neg karma (which i dont mind)but please be man enough to post your names kiddies .
Karma Received
Date Value From Post Reason Being...
Today 18:08:16 -1 TOP Owns Your Face You Dirty Smurf. fine - tom cruise
Today 17:56:59 -1 TOP Owns Your Face You Dirty Smurf. TOP loves you
just a sample of the so called l337 guys all gang up and try and be hard through karma and pms .please lads grow up its a game if you cant hack it dont play it post your shit elsewhere .
Date Value From Post Reason Being...
Today 18:08:16 -1 TOP Owns Your Face You Dirty Smurf. fine - tom cruise
Today 17:56:59 -1 TOP Owns Your Face You Dirty Smurf. TOP loves you
just a sample of the so called l337 guys all gang up and try and be hard through karma and pms .please lads grow up its a game if you cant hack it dont play it post your shit elsewhere .
Lolll niceKing_County_Downy wrote: wrote:
I want a match.
lol i got a TOP hates you neg karma..
but read the bottom of my sig.
but read the bottom of my sig.
oh my lanta
Well, in the last week I've spent 15 hours in CSS and maybe 30 minutes in BF2. I sense your noob fear.[netsas]knight wrote:
Why dont you TOP guys go preach your crap elsewhere and leave the rest of us who actually like the game for what it is a game .
Cougar i thought you left for CSS anyway ,i swaer to god you made a big post about loveing it and never coming back to bf2 .Just a shame you didnt keep your word . -1 for you .
I recommend to you...........anal feltching with a gerbil.
Yeah, id join a clan like TOP if I weren't so godawfully shite.
Your face, my arse, perfect match!!TimBob wrote:
I want a match.
Well, I'm fucking sick of EA.
Cougars post Shed me some Light.
What do you |TOP| guys get up to Anyway?
I might just decide to Fuck EA and have some Fun.
Why Should I have to listen to the Shit they pull out of their asses.
I payed a Hundred Fucking Bucks for this Game, and its Shit ass add-ons.
I Should be Dictating to Them what I want to Do.
What are they? The Fucking Cyber Police?
Fuck Em'
Does Age matter at |TOP|?
Or My High Australian Ping?
If Not, then I Want In on the Fun.
Cougars post Shed me some Light.
What do you |TOP| guys get up to Anyway?
I might just decide to Fuck EA and have some Fun.
Why Should I have to listen to the Shit they pull out of their asses.
I payed a Hundred Fucking Bucks for this Game, and its Shit ass add-ons.
I Should be Dictating to Them what I want to Do.
What are they? The Fucking Cyber Police?
Fuck Em'
Does Age matter at |TOP|?
Or My High Australian Ping?
If Not, then I Want In on the Fun.
Last edited by Jestar12345 (2006-06-27 17:35:01)
j0mg j00 bash ea, j00 R teh 1337!!!11
This thread should have ended before it began.