King_County_Downy wrote:
Cougar wrote:
I usually shit in the floor next to the toilet.
That reminds me of this one time at a bar, for some reason I was just pressurized and I knew it wasn't air, anyways, I go into the shitter and of course, there's piss all over the seat so I hover and let it rip. Except it went everywhere except the toilet. Man I'm glad I didn't work there.
Just thought I'd share that with all of you
When I graduated from high-school my class went on our Senior Trip to Dallas to do various things. My best friend and cousin, Josh was in my class. On the way back the bus stopped at a shopping center where they had all sorts of resturants. Everyone else went to eat steak but me and Josh went to Long John Silvers. After we got done eating Josh said "Hey man, wanna see something funny?" , I said yeah and he proceeded to grab a handful of toothpicks and go to the bathroom. About 10 minutes later he comes out beat red and tells me to go look.
I walk in the bathroom and the first thing I see is a massive turd in the stand up pisser riddled with toothpicks in the shape of a happyface. I thought I could do better so I shit in the floor and smeared it all around with a piece of paper towel. As I was walking out, an old man was walking in. I would give my firstborn child to see the look on his face when he went in there.