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- Why oh why do people insist Hulk is the strongest Marvel Character?
gumby > hulk!

Last edited by -[Silver.Inc* (2006-06-24 20:02:00)
One word....spandex!XIthRyker wrote:
More to the point how come when the Hulk does his thing and goes green all his clothes rip apart from his boxers. .
ROFLMAO That was hilarious!DrunkFace wrote:
Theres only 1 thing that this reminds me of!!
Batman running over Aaron Carter and Shaq...
*suffocates from lack of oxygen due to too much laughter*
yeah i got banned from that comic book forum too. it was was for calling this kid a fucking faggot for arguing which comic book character was the strongest.
thanks for reaffirming my opinions of you
thanks for reaffirming my opinions of you
good stuff! +1DrunkFace wrote:
Theres only 1 thing that this reminds me of!!
cos' hulk didnt broke his pants when hes mutating
Goku will spiritbomb all!
i really do not see any intrest in this lol
We truly are on the internet today
Well said, viper, well said. I like the fact that this can make it on to BF2 forums (even under non-BF2, don't flame me).
I have to say that the power rangers would beat anybody you name... EVEN Tinky winky
These ain't characters, but "Gods"...Nyte wrote:
And Thor/Thanos/Loki/Cytorrak/Odin/The Celestials
Thor/Loki/Odin are Asgardians-Solv3r- wrote:
These ain't characters, but "Gods"...Nyte wrote:
And Thor/Thanos/Loki/Cytorrak/Odin/The Celestials
Thanos is an Eternal
Cytorrak is a mystical demon
The Celestials are cosmic beings
None are godly though some have been worshipped
getting ready for the flames...
They Dont Exist THus They Cannot Fight, Thus No One Is Stronger Than Another, I CaN Make A Pube Kill The Hulk In A Comic Its NoT Real!
They Dont Exist THus They Cannot Fight, Thus No One Is Stronger Than Another, I CaN Make A Pube Kill The Hulk In A Comic Its NoT Real!
that's just because he's not as incredible as he could beLordMelkor666 wrote:
and how do his pants never rip?XIthRyker wrote:
More to the point how come when the Hulk does his thing and goes green all his clothes rip apart from his boxers. And how much does he spend on new clothes a week? He's always ripping them to shreds.
oh its probably cause his cock shrinks
then why are you so upset about it?ImmortalTechnique wrote:
They Dont Exist THus They Cannot Fight, Thus No One Is Stronger Than Another, I CaN Make A Pube Kill The Hulk In A Comic Its NoT Real!
Um.. (EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay is the best superhero anywhere.
LMFAO! now that was the funniest shit i ever saw lol.DrunkFace wrote:
Theres only 1 thing that this reminds me of!!
about the strongest marvel person, what about the dark pheonix? i think she would own anyone and everyone. but like someone else said, goku owns any superhero marvel or dc . but in marvel world, GAMBIT FTW!!!!
FUCK YEAH SPIDEY FTW!!!!11!!one!!11!TheNaziPredator wrote:
Spiderman Ftw!!!
im not upset, i posted because i tryed to make fools like you less stupid!crotchlemur wrote:
then why are you so upset about it?ImmortalTechnique wrote:
They Dont Exist THus They Cannot Fight, Thus No One Is Stronger Than Another, I CaN Make A Pube Kill The Hulk In A Comic Its NoT Real!
second comes the DivineGodSquad though(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:
Um.. (EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay is the best superhero anywhere.
of course you did. the concept of reality was previously lost to me. i thank you incessantly for your unabashed wisdom. we would all do well to have more like yourself around to set us all straight.ImmortalTechnique wrote:
im not upset, i posted because i tryed to make fools like you less stupid!crotchlemur wrote:
then why are you so upset about it?ImmortalTechnique wrote:
They Dont Exist THus They Cannot Fight, Thus No One Is Stronger Than Another, I CaN Make A Pube Kill The Hulk In A Comic Its NoT Real!
Pubes good! Hulk bad!
Then Gen.AssPaddlerspawnofthemist wrote:
second comes the DivineGodSquad though(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:
Um.. (EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay is the best superhero anywhere.
these poor bitches aint gonna have a clue what we're on about..
i'm sure they might some day though
i'm sure they might some day though
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- Why oh why do people insist Hulk is the strongest Marvel Character?