When you're downloading something and its going at super high speeds but at the "last" minutes it goew super slow and takes and additional 5 minutes?
no but your sig has been removed by an admin fyi
Actually, it was rewmoved, not removed.
Haven't had that problem. I have issues connecting to the internet generally speaking... Time Warner Cable is gay
^^ u got an ISP that like is Uber slow and like 20 people have it?
it depends on how many people you were downloading off . i find that in the last mb i go from 10 or 12 users down to one and it takes an extra 5 mins to finish . where are you downloading from? i use i wont say what i use in case i get in trouble
oh i have 9 mins till AF finishes downloading
oh i have 9 mins till AF finishes downloading
Last edited by GAIKIWARRIOR (2006-06-23 22:00:13)
LimewireGAIKIWARRIOR wrote:
it depends on how many people you were downloading off . i find that in the last mb i go from 10 or 12 users down to one and it takes an extra 5 mins to finish . where are you downloading from? i use i wont say what i use in case i get in trouble
oh i have 9 mins till AF finishes downloading
Yeah my sig was removed but i'm too lazy to resize it