I wanna be on you
+116|6837|So Cal
my child hood years I grew up playing D&D, Whitewolf, WarHammer every weekend with a group of my 'still' bestfriends.  Staying up all night, making characters, rolling dice, going to 7-11 at 3am for a break and getting nachos. 

What games did you guys play? if any....

Any things you guys did that you would consider, 'standard'? ie played at the same persons house, BBQ'd, etc.

I'm proud to be a geek.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|7004|San Francisco
Damn, I thought you meant playing Craps.  I'm a great Craps player, but I never got into any of the tabletop  role-playing games... Yo, 11, Yo!
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
I'm a D&D-er. Still get together with the guys Friday nights and some Staurday nights for all-nighters. I've even got a friend that calls in from Arizona and plays by speaker phone.
I wanna be on you
+116|6837|So Cal
AZ by way of speaker phone?? wow, that's crazy. 

My friends played the other night downstairs, brought back a lot of memories.  I would've played, but I was busy drinking and playing w/ my girlfriend.  I only made a few trips to the fridge and could overhear them talking about encounters, rolls, saves, attacks... made me laugh.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6868|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
I used to colect WarHammer 40K but I stopped because it costs loads.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7055|Houston, TX
D&D, Shadowrun, WarHammer 40K, Space Hulk, Battletech, Paranoia, Call of Cthulu, and most recently Hero Clix.

Yeah, I'm a geek.  For my 13th (1989), I took my Bar Mitzvah $$ and renovated a storage room in my parents basement into a gaming/play room.  Added AC, pingpong table (for 40k, Spacehulk, and B-tech), boxing bag, big couch, L-shaped bar with micro and fridge, TV and nintendo (super dodgeball tourneys FTW!!!).

It was my mini bachelor pad....  Then military school happened.

I still have most of the old books and gear, including a very used, original copy of D&D Players Guide, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Masters Guide 1st ed.  Every once in a while I'll pull them out of storage and flip through them for nostaligia.  Gary Gygax must have had a really creative imagination, or took too much lsd at the renaissance fair one year.

set your body ablaze
I play tabletop RPGs with a group of friends. Right now we're playing a game in the Rifts setting.
I go to this site called darkthrone, kinda of corny but take a look at it. .
Warhammer 40k, D 20 Modern, D&D, Flames of War, so forth and so on.....
Used to play d&d, vampire and rifts, but havent played any of those in along while.  Still have my warhammer stuff, but all we play is bloodbowl.
I am all that is MOD!

Like Marconius, I thought you were talking about REAL dice games.

Craps and Yahtzee FTW!
Eh, the only good bet in craps is against the roller not making point. which usally really ticks em off.
I am all that is MOD!

Beer_Ranger wrote:

Eh, the only good bet in craps is against the roller not making point. which usally really ticks em off.
Don't pass?  There are plenty of good bets in craps, you just have to know when and where to bet.
Its the Only bet thats a 1:1.  why i stick to blackjack.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|7004|San Francisco
Nah, Don't Pass has good returns, but the odds aren't good enough in the long run.  Keeping a nice balance between passing, odds on passing and grabbing the right point numbers are key, plus learning how to handle the Hard Way and Horn bets.  Playing the Field is fun, too, if you want a quick picker-upper after a bad loss.

It also depends on how lucky you are...I just happen to end up throwing 8 7's in a row when it's my turn to shoot.  I made one guy win $6000 in one roll once...point was 8, and he kept raising his bet on the Hard Eight's to come out...and sure enough, that's what I hit after about 20 shots.  Man I love Craps!
Property of BF2s©
+112|6892|Brisbane Australia
WH40 and battleTech here, I still play Dawn of War and Winter Assualt but I no longer have any of my tabletop armies.
D+D of course, Rifts, Trinity, Vampire: The Masquerade, Aberrant, As well as others. I know plenty of role-players but thankfully they arent your typical 'geeks' (no offence) As in, they dont go too far like dressing up. I havent done it in a few years now, but my friends still do it 1/2 times a week. Its amazing how quickly the hours go by when your playing and of course fond memories of searching and ordering food @ 3am.

+1 for bringing back fond memories
Decepticons forever!
me and my friends used to "play" with warhammer 40k. we only really painted the stuff, never really got around to playing. until we tried it out a few years ago (somewhat older). it was pretty funny, but time consuming and now we aint played for quite some time.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7031|Sydney, Australia

xXSarnathXx wrote:

me and my friends used to "play" with warhammer 40k. we only really painted the stuff, never really got around to playing. until we tried it out a few years ago (somewhat older). it was pretty funny, but time consuming and now we aint played for quite some time.
Same here, tho I player High Elves in the Fantisy Warhammer. I mainly painted (actually won a few painting comps at a local games workshop store).

When it came to playing, I found it just to too long... or my bro/friends would cheat.

+19|6866|newcastle australia
I play anything gamesworkshop. I got pretty good at painting, people offered me money to paint their models . Dont play it much anymore though, too much battllefield and school work to do.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7055|Houston, TX
On Warhammer and 40k - I remember the time consumption that these games took. 2-3 day battles... Finding a food vendor at 3-5 am is a bear...  Prep and painting took weeks sometimes...  Not enough time to do that anymore...

On craps and gambling - Craps can be very profitable, but like Marconius said, it's a matter of knowing when and where to bet.  The blackjack tables are good if you know where to sit, when not to sit down (bad cabooses suck), and how to play of course.  For ultimate skill though, go Texas hold 'em - no limit.  Find yourself a tax bracket to sit in and play the other players.  Gambling is not so much about playing the odds then...


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