No offense intended, but I think it's always very telling when a person refers to black people as "the blacks".KillerTroop 11th Cav Whit wrote:
Man, first, in Texas the white people are now the minority. Then a place I worked at had a guy drive to work with his Black Panther sticker all over his car. Do not be on a one lane road with this issue. The blacks here, who have not been a slave or anything near to it want reperations! What a joke. I did not have slaves, did you?
That's great and all, but your history is incorrect. Slaves didn't build the pyramids. Your comprehension of statistical analysis is also faulty as incarceration rates don't indicate anything about crime rates. Incarceration rates prove who is arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned.Also look at history and you can find not only did blacks in slave themselfs but even white people were slaves a long time ago. ie: who built the perimids. Rasism will never go away. A clear point on blacks do commit more crimes is to just look in the prison system it speaks for its' self.
Your comment doesn't take into account various issues such as socio-economic backgrounds, educational backgrounds, profiling, lack of access to proper defense, etc.
By your logic, one could infer that Americans are the most violent and criminal people on the planet, because we imprison a greater portion of our society than any other on earth. Is that a true statement? Not necessarily. You can not correlate incarceration numbers with crime numbers.