Most Of things you said were perfectly stated. However there were a few things you seemed to miss.LordMelkor666 wrote:
Demorcrats.. the more liberal ones anyway..
like to be extremely politicaly correct. in the strive for political correctness they try to take Under God out of our pledge of alliegence. they try to take God out of everything, and seeing how our counrty was based off of a christian based religion. this seems very stupid and unconstitutional, seeing as how God is the reason for the constition, they used his rules as guidelines...
he believe in rasing taxes to pay for everything.. they dont believe in guns.. they think that guns kill people which is not true.. people with guns kill people.. but do those people even have gun permits in the first place?? no. in the states that have more citizens with guns the crime and murder rate is lower
also they are supporting the whole illeagal immigration issue. they believe that by sending all the illeagals back we are destroying our economy, which is plainly not true.. because they dont pay taxes and live off of our welfare (the majority do). also why would we want a bunch of rascist Mexicas running through our streets bruning our flag raising theres high screaming Viva La Mexico anyways?? (thats what they did in their protests).
in conclusion of this party.. they are complete idiots.. i mean im not saying republicans are any better.. but this party has very few good things about them..
The Republican Party.
well we like to lower the taxes (nobody likes them anyways.) we find other ways the get money. we do have a habbit to try and raise taxes on the wealthy (not very constitutional)
we go to war.. republicans often go to war much more the democrats (not very good, cause sometimes its not neccasary)
we arent scared to "offened" anyone..
we dont believe guns are wrong. they are encouraged. they reduce crime and murder.
our current president is a republican.. but hes a complete dumbass.. (i honestly think its not our business to be in Iraq fighting their civil war.. we should have left after we got Sadam) but what can i say?? at least he is better then Kerry or Gore (the oposing canidates)
In conclusion on the republican party.. we are also complete idiots.. but we arent as stupid as the democratcs we also do alot of retarded things. but we do some good things as well.
In conclusion of both parties.. they are both extremely retarded sometimes..
but the republican party has alot more common sense.. they try to solve the problem (example: they attempt to kick out illeagals)
Democrats arent as smart (example: Instead of solving the problem they try to cover it up in the case with the illeagals, what do they do?? they raise the taxes to pay for their welfare)
all of this is fact (except the parts where i state how retarded someone is)
This Country the USA was not founded on a single religion, Sorry but the christian religion had no effect on the founding fathers who were all deists: For those who don't know it is someone who believes in the possibilty of GOD, but does not follow a religion, nor do they pray or go to church. They are free thinkers, someone who chooses to use logic to to understand the world around them. That is why you have freedom of religion in this country. This country and the people who made it what it is today didn't use the "Bible: Science Fiction" Was not the base of american soceity like it is today.
Now a little history about the politcal parties
Back before slavery ended the South was the majority democrat and the north was republican. When good old abe freed the slaves he did this to piss off the south and destory the free labor that keep them competting with the north. IT wasn't becuase he cared, he was an asshole! Shortly after the slaves were freed the political parties switched, the north became democrats and the south became Republicans. Now with this in mind, who wants to know whos fault the KKK, and all the bigots came from.
The old republicans, which are modern day democrats caused it all, in response to the heavy influx of newly freed people, they moved south and started the KKK and the head wizard and all of the people in control of the begining of the KKK. Democrats were to blame. This is becuase they were cranky assholes that thought they had a right becuase their plan that freed those people bit them in the ass.
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it. This is hard to swallow i know, but my family which has lived in the south for over 200 years and has seen everything you could imagine, has passed on the knownledge from one generation to the next so that we coudl always remeber who really was at fault.
I bet you can't find even one president who didnt use the military for some type of battle/ war
Procrastinate and never accomplish anything, they have alot of wonderful ideas for helping the american people but never seem to get it done because they are scared little rabbits.
1. Rasie taxes, on the wealth which payes the maority of the taxes in this country.
2. Waste money on a bunch a crap programs that dont work.
3. They constantly call out how the repbulicans are screwing up but provide no solution or a patch to the problem
1. Lower taxes, and cut spending, inless were going to war!
2. They are supporters of religion and many other mindless actions.
3. Make rash choices and tend to jump the gun, however they accutal accomplish something.
Im a republican however im also a non beliver and that makes me well i dont know