The guy with the Superior Mind...
110% stat padder
its normally the most unpopular that have the notes!Superior Mind wrote:
Bigmack has no note because he is unpopular.
Good Mod Hammer
I see your have been added to my "ok dudes" list.THA wrote:
its normally the most unpopular that have the notes!Superior Mind wrote:
Bigmack has no note because he is unpopular.
small u know what Dr phil talking
still blank
mmmmm not sure if that counts as a win.UnOriginalNuttah wrote:
still blank
potential cyborg but no way ninja
has a weird obsession with neon colors…hmm
that is bloddy hilariousDirectFire wrote:
has a weird obsession with neon colors…hmm
Can I have a note? I'd like some notoriety among the moderators.
I'd assume the contest is extended to those who have aquired a note.THA wrote:
mmmmm not sure if that counts as a win.UnOriginalNuttah wrote:
still blank
(I'll give you Karma point for being original though)
loves Kung Fu
Has had an unfair share of unforeseen accidents including falling down the stairs as a child.
lol love the sig
lol love the sig
"This guy could be a threat to our plans of world domination, been seen in the areas if the forum known to be frequented by subversive individuals and talked with other conspirators on several occasions. Found out about the water powered car we have been trying to cover up, and our plans to turn the world superpowers against each other. Intercept all PMs to and from in case he tries to tell anyone else, and keep a close eye on anyone he communicates with."
wow thats deep dude a coockie 4 uUnOriginalNuttah wrote:
"This guy could be a threat to our plans of world domination, been seen in the areas if the forum known to be frequented by subversive individuals and talked with other conspirators on several occasions. Found out about the water powered car we have been trying to cover up, and our plans to turn the world superpowers against each other. Intercept all PMs to and from in case he tries to tell anyone else, and keep a close eye on anyone he communicates with."
I am so confused. Why the hell do I have a note?
"self toucher"
I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is 11 years-old.
prefers the rambo approach to sniping
beat you by 3 seconds! HA!
Assmaster :p