....against TOADS!
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-p … 092226.stm
personally, my moneys on the toads ftw.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-p … 092226.stm
personally, my moneys on the toads ftw.
They didn't know they would be such a pest either, nor did the know that the toads preffered Australian Wildlife over the cane beetle....Widjerd wrote:
self inflicted problem really, not being mean or anything but didnt they think of only taking male toads there....
Last edited by Flecco (2006-06-18 14:55:46)
suppose...and you really do all that stuff to toads? XDFlecco wrote:
They didn't know they would be such a pest either, nor did the know that the toads preffered Australian Wildlife over the cane beetle....Widjerd wrote:
self inflicted problem really, not being mean or anything but didnt they think of only taking male toads there....
Yes, spades and shovels work too...Widjerd wrote:
suppose...and you really do all that stuff to toads? XDFlecco wrote:
They didn't know they would be such a pest either, nor did the know that the toads preffered Australian Wildlife over the cane beetle....Widjerd wrote:
self inflicted problem really, not being mean or anything but didnt they think of only taking male toads there....
try playing golf with em
How ironic!The toads have reached the outskirts of Darwin in the Northern Territory.
I fail to see the irony...The_Mob_Returns wrote:
How ironic!The toads have reached the outskirts of Darwin in the Northern Territory.
LOL reminds me of monty python and the holy grail for some reason...Cougar wrote:
lol, i was waiting for that!Havok wrote:
Enemy Toad Spotted!
I don't know that that would have solved the problem. Some members of the Frog and Toad families are able to change their sex if there aren't enough of one of them in the area for the race to survive. No idea if the cane toad is one of them, and it's a moot point now anyway.Widjerd wrote:
self inflicted problem really, not being mean or anything but didn't they think of only taking male toads there....
So true...Flecco wrote:
That explains your comments then.... British... You've never had to deal with the little cunts... Yes the swearing is appropriate to get across how much I hate them, they are destroying my bloody homeland...
Ah, nothing like smacking the bastards back into Queensland with a golf club .THA wrote:
cane toads are fun. we play cricket with them
and golf
Nah, no need for a national sport, senseless violence will do us fine... Well, most of us...joker3327 wrote:
When I was stationed in Hong Kong ..on the boarder area we had Toads that used to blow themselves up if you went near them...so we used to make 2 teams of 3 on bikes and play Polo!! bloody funny because if you hit them too hard guts went everywhere..
perhaps you could make a new National Sport Aussie Rules Toad ball!!