its monday morning 10.02am Perth Western Australia
7:00 PM in Las Vegas, Monday night.
I envy you Gaiki, Perth is full of hot chicks........
I envy you Gaiki, Perth is full of hot chicks........
Edit: oh and it's 3:06 GMT with me
Edit: oh and it's 3:06 GMT with me
Last edited by Viper38 (2006-06-18 19:06:16)
Sunday night 10:08pm U.S.A .Florida
leesupport wrote:
Sunday night 10:08pm U.S.A .Florida
Why post this? Lol, w/e, 10:07 in CT, USA.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
8:11 pm cnaada alberta medicine hat
3:12 am GMT
should be in bed really...
should be in bed really...
7:16 Pm, 19:16 .
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin
AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
MyBFi/BF3i Admin
AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
Sunday june 18 10:17pm in NC
i dont know why this is important in any way but......its 10:20 at night where i am.
8:19 PM calgary alberta
Last edited by Superslim (2006-06-18 19:19:54)
cool am at work and bored
7:22 pm Southern california.
^^ what he said
6:57 am. Leaving for work in an hour.
1 am Kingston,Canada
Monday June 19
1:48am EST in Indiana
1:48am EST in Indiana
when this started it was 4.02 at night here, ruhr area in germany.
right now it´s 7.51 here and I should be starting to work.
right now it´s 7.51 here and I should be starting to work.
f'in bedtime. nite all.
3.16PM here
3.16PM here
-ditto- +10 minutes for forum lag..jkohlc wrote:
3.16PM here
08:29am here.
should be on my way to college but my car battery is dead so I have to get the bus. My ipod battery is also flat, but people on the bus make me want to kill them so I have to have music to drown out the constant noise which is their voices.
should be on my way to college but my car battery is dead so I have to get the bus. My ipod battery is also flat, but people on the bus make me want to kill them so I have to have music to drown out the constant noise which is their voices.
12:59 AM
I'm going to bed
I'm going to bed