Because Im bored im going to do this.heman6666 wrote:
You must answer all questions . Tell Why you replyed so and motivate your answer
1# You must chose between that 10 of your neighbours must die and that 1000 chineses must die.
2# Your entire family will die or that the the pope must die.
3# All in the USa must die or that All in the Uk must die.
4# All in Sweden must die or that all in Finland must die.
5# Your Battlefield cd will be broken and you cant buy a new one or that your car i broken.
6# Break up whit your girlfriend or Kill a man
This can be fun:)
1. 10 of my neigbours because I dont know any of them.
2. the pope
3. neither dumbass
4. neither moron
5. my car because I dont have one.
6. break up with my nonexistant gf
7. kill you for being an annoying n00b and making this thread