i really like american accents, what your favourite accents?
Swedish all the way.
Zomg Iraqi
hopefully the south, the south were I live has the best accent... New England has horibble accentsdavid363 wrote:
i really like american accents, what your favourite accents?
I hate the Aussie accents they do in movies. The British ones are pretty bad too, but they get them right occasionally. The Aussie ones are just plain stupid.
German accents. those are just fucking awesome.
Hell, any eastern-european accents rock. (yes, i know germany is part of western europe but the accent is categorized with the eastern)
Hell, any eastern-european accents rock. (yes, i know germany is part of western europe but the accent is categorized with the eastern)
The Antwerp Flemish accent of course.
Norrlänska (Swedish)
The best English accent is Scottish, they are all good, accept new england ofcourse.
The best English accent is Scottish, they are all good, accept new england ofcourse.
G'day maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate...Bubbalo wrote:
I hate the Aussie accents they do in movies. The British ones are pretty bad too, but they get them right occasionally. The Aussie ones are just plain stupid.
I like the Scottish, Welsh and North West British accents... The Irish accents are cool too...
Them too...Coolbeano wrote:
German accents. those are just fucking awesome.
Hell, any eastern-european accents rock. (yes, i know germany is part of western europe but the accent is categorized with the eastern)
Last edited by Flecco (2006-06-18 14:11:33)
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Chinese. Used to watch the HK Jackie Chan films with subtitles and the language sounds quite musical sometimes.
It's not caaaaaaaaar, you obviously haven't met a New Englander. It's cah. Not caaaaaar.cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
aussie mate but no american likes it. i agree w/ new england got bad accent... the dont say car they say caaaaaaar, not garden, but gaaaaaaaaarden. aussie one ftw
Gahden.. Not gaaaaarden
i like British Accent
anybody from canada should agree with me that people from newfoundland have the best accents