Yeah i made a sig in adobe imageready. now how do i get that onto imageshack. Do i have 2 save it with some other program??? I really need help with this! PLZ
PLZ i need help with this... after someone tells me neither 1 of you ppl will have 2 tell me again! plz
Click the browse button and search for the pic you made then click host it and then copy the code it gives you
Click the browse button and search for the pic you made then click host it and then copy the code it gives you
I know how to do all that but i can't find the pic? I know where i saved it.. and it ain't there?? do you have to have a certain type of pic like JPEG or somethin?
PLZ someone help.. come on ppl i know there is SOMEONE out there that can help...
It has to be in some of those formatsallowed: .jpg .jpeg .png .gif .bmp .tif .tiff .swf
Why did you use imageready to make that sig? Why not paint?AirForceOne1 wrote:
PLZ someone help.. come on ppl i know there is SOMEONE out there that can help...
i c... well how do u save it as one of those..
Open the pic in image ready and click ctrl+alt+s and it saves it as .gif
I didn't even mean to edit it in that.. lol when i double clicked the image it automatically came up with imageready... so i said why not just use this...
I am confused.. i did the ctrl+alt+s and i don't think it worked.... can someone tell me step by step on how to save it in any of these forms from imageready
.jpg .jpeg .png .gif .bmp .tif .tiff .swf
.jpg .jpeg .png .gif .bmp .tif .tiff .swf
I won't give up!!! PLZ HELP
File > Save Optimized As > save as .gif to a folder of your choice > upload.
tupla_s u seem to know a lot about this stuff... you go ahead and try to save a picture in imageready on your compter as one of the allowed formats.. then just tell me exactly what you did... plz?
I don't have the option to save as .gif?? why is that... I can only save as HTML and images, images only, or HTML only. I don't have the option to save it like that...
wait a second.. how do u select the image? i mean do u double click or somethin? I think i might have 2 select the image first then go to Save Optimized As? is this waht i need to do?
help plz
come on ppl... tulpa_s where did ya go.. i need your help man
Is it just a single image? As no animated frames?
Well i edited it cause i added Text Boxes to it.. but no animation. You can edit it right? I flattened layers or w/e then i save it. Then i went to Save Optimized As. Then i went to images only saved it in a file. And WTF it ain't there??? This is really starting to PISS ME OFF!
Why Isn't It Saving This Stupid Thing.. Wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!