|-LoNgHiLL-| wrote:
In my friends words "is he not even recognizing the crippling strategic bombing of German industry"...
Actually, Allied bombing was hugely ineffective. They were bombing all the restaurants and what-not, as they discovered at the end of the war.
|-LoNgHiLL-| wrote:
It was the western special operations that kept heavy water out of the Germans grasp...
And? Even if they'd had it, they were unlikely to be the first with a nuke. America had all the good scientists.
|-LoNgHiLL-| wrote:
And Russia was responsible for a huge portion of its own combat losses...
And? The fact that they could have had less losses doesn't change the fact that they were winning.
cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
then its taiwan! im gonna overthrow the gov and create a private army... then we will create a salvation for all ninjas as for the citezens of taiwan... they can well... do normal stuff like work and wash clothes, cook etc. u can be our economics minister. ur good in economics right?
But Taiwan's so close to China! Why don't we take over Aus, and use all that desert, that's currently wasted, to store other people's prisoners (for a fee, of course). And then show those dirty Kiwis a lesson, by taking away their source of stress relief: yes, that's right, we're coming for the sheep.
cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
I could have lived my whole life without that mental picture.
Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-06-17 10:58:58)