
I give up!!

Metal!!75%75% - 155
Rap!!24%24% - 49
Total: 204
This is why i don't like Rap!!!

Cougar wrote:

COME ON MAN, They we're showing off ROLLER SKATES with SPINNERS. FFS!!  It followed the typical "I'm a rapper in my car and I'm rapping and there is a dude in the passenger seat who isn't doing anything but looking mean." crap.  I'm pretty sure I saw at least three people hold up a medallion neckalace bigger than my fist and the guy goes home in his freckin pimped out ride and pulls up in front of a run-down shack with a man-lady lifting weights in the street, and low and behold who comes out the house?  Mike Epps.  Yeah right.  Mike is fucking talkin about getting a midget pregnant and then at the end, there are 15 people sitting on 1 couch in an empty club.  Why?  Who writes this shit.  My teabagging guide would have made a better rap video.
Well said bye the way Cougar

They always show there bling like there special or some shit!!!
Always Rap about the same shit!!
And the list goes on and on and on Like a Jack Johnson Title to his one CD

I’m sorry but show me one Metal Artist That brags about his money and shows off his Bling Wtf!!

Last edited by =TFF=Omen_NataS (2006-06-16 10:50:42)

I kill you in future, too

=TFF=Omen_NataS wrote:

This is why i don't like Rap!!!

Cougar wrote:

COME ON MAN, They we're showing off ROLLER SKATES with SPINNERS. FFS!!  It followed the typical "I'm a rapper in my car and I'm rapping and there is a dude in the passenger seat who isn't doing anything but looking mean." crap.  I'm pretty sure I saw at least three people hold up a medallion neckalace bigger than my fist and the guy goes home in his freckin pimped out ride and pulls up in front of a run-down shack with a man-lady lifting weights in the street, and low and behold who comes out the house?  Mike Epps.  Yeah right.  Mike is fucking talkin about getting a midget pregnant and then at the end, there are 15 people sitting on 1 couch in an empty club.  Why?  Who writes this shit.  My teabagging guide would have made a better rap video.
They always show there bling like there special or some shit!!!
Always Rap about the same shit!!
And the list goes on and on and on Like a Jack Johnson Title to his one CD

I’m sorry but show me one Metal Artist That brags about his money and shows off his Bling Wtf!!

I got a spinner watch. It's the shit.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Anger is a gift
+174|6949|Sin City

I agree, rap totally fuckin blows ass. Bunch of pussys trying to prove who is a bigger pimp, who has more money, better cars......the shit all sounds the same. If you have to brag about all that shit, i'm sorry but you must have a dick the size of a Kansas city field mouse. I for one am still awaiting the much anticipated realease of Cougar's teabagging music video.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7081|Toronto Canada
seriously, i say time and time again, not ALL rap is bad. Only this mainstream bullshit. Go listen to Immortal Technique if you want GOOD Rap. he hates all that bling bling bitch hoe shit so check him out.

Last edited by kessel! (2006-06-16 10:54:41)


King_County_Downy wrote:

I got a spinner watch. It's the shit.
Yea! It goes round and round when I flush the toilet!!!! Lmao xD
+27|6915|the Faroe Islands
i hate RAP music... Metallica, Guns & Roses and ETC. ALL THE WAY!!!!
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7081|Toronto Canada
metal is just so lame! its a bunch of screaming. i would rather listen to some well articulated rap (again. not the mainstream variety). rap with purpose. seriously.

shit that sucks
50 Cent
Slim thug (what kind of name is that)

ill shit
Immortal Technique
Talib Kaweli
Dead Prez

D6717C wrote:

I agree, rap totally fuckin blows ass. Bunch of pussys trying to prove who is a bigger pimp, who has more money, better cars......the shit all sounds the same. If you have to brag about all that shit, i'm sorry but you must have a dick the size of a Kansas city field mouse. I for one am still awaiting the much anticipated realease of Cougar's teabagging music video.
Me three!!!

D6717C wrote:

Kansas city field mouse.
[THE] comben
Wee and Biscuits
i like both tbh..depends on the artists innit.

having said that i listen to gangster, easy listening, classical, accoustic, thrash, grunge ...and bands like weezer and tom petty and stuff too?

also i stopped watching music vids coz id rather do summat constructive instead of monging in front of a tv.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7081|Toronto Canada
respect comben.

i like some of everything. even some metal. alot of metal kinda scares me tho.

metal =
deaatth deaath
cut me and watch me bleed

=TFF=Omen_NataS wrote:

This is why i don't like Rap!!!

Cougar wrote:

COME ON MAN, They we're showing off ROLLER SKATES with SPINNERS. FFS!!  It followed the typical "I'm a rapper in my car and I'm rapping and there is a dude in the passenger seat who isn't doing anything but looking mean." crap.  I'm pretty sure I saw at least three people hold up a medallion neckalace bigger than my fist and the guy goes home in his freckin pimped out ride and pulls up in front of a run-down shack with a man-lady lifting weights in the street, and low and behold who comes out the house?  Mike Epps.  Yeah right.  Mike is fucking talkin about getting a midget pregnant and then at the end, there are 15 people sitting on 1 couch in an empty club.  Why?  Who writes this shit.  My teabagging guide would have made a better rap video.
Well said bye the way Cougar

They always show there bling like there special or some shit!!!
Always Rap about the same shit!!
And the list goes on and on and on Like a Jack Johnson Title to his one CD

I’m sorry but show me one Metal Artist That brags about his money and shows off his Bling Wtf!!
So because you guys dont like rap no one can talk about it on these forums? Here's an idea. Let the rap fans talk on the rap thread rather than trolling it to death. How that be? Almost like a "live and let live" idea.
+27|6915|the Faroe Islands
someone likes RAP, and someone likes METAL... but i grew up on METAL... some RAP songs are good, but all in all i don't like it... but still i ain't saying every single one of the RAP songs suck
+28|7056|Germany, Berlin
i like both metal and rap. though i have to say, metal is more "real" at least to me. HOWEVER, Omen_NataS how about u start listening to some underground hip hop instead of saying that all hip hop is the same? you should find many rap artists who dont like this commercial / pimp rap. so, dont talk shit without doing some reserach!
You want a variant of rap that dosen't mention bling or pimpin or any other random bullshit we've heard ten thousand times? I've got two words for you, Psychopathic Records.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7081|Toronto Canada
yes killa. definately check out these undeground artists who don't have overinflated egos.

viper records

Last edited by kessel! (2006-06-16 11:15:28)

slow as you go
+124|6876|Canaduhhh.. West Toast
both have their place and society and neither are going away anytime soon.... yes lots of pointless rap exists but lots of pointless metal aswell... music is personal taste plain and simple... variety keeps the world fresh or am i wrong? should we all be cookie cutter copies of each other wouldnt that be fun... So you hate that hiphop culture inspires things like spinner and gawdy gold teeth, metal has had an ugly run aswell... everyone overlooks metals downsides: skin tight pants, feathered hair, jackets with tassels etc etc..
+-1|6980|Wake or The Netherlands!
If you listen to rap.. Good rap, 2pac and so on its about politics.. Not only about cars and shit...
Metal is only screaming, like this: FUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUU
Metal Godz
Rap takes no talent, all you need is a drum machine and a book of nursery ryhmes.
And since when did the record player become a musical instrument, whats next the "TV".

All other forms of music take TALENT to write.

There's drums, gotta learn that.
Guitar, gotta learn that.
Bass, same.
Keyboards and Piano.

All these take time to learn with lessons usually, then your skill is creating tunes together that others like.

Any Metalhead could write a rap tune, and perform it.
No Rapper could write a Metal song and go perform it.

So the difference between Rap and Metal is.......Talent

I prefer people with Talent.

Keep Banging thy Head!
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7081|Toronto Canada
listen to stuff like the roots. they are an actual BAND who play INSTRUMENTS and the still have TALENT. OMG! rap with talent OH NOES

FlyingBitch wrote:

You said it FSU!!!!

Immature gay fucks who give – karma and don’t leave there names you are just as queer as the rap music you listen to Lmao!!!

Last edited by =TFF=Omen_NataS (2006-06-16 11:27:00)

I wanna be on you
+116|6843|So Cal
ya know, I grew up with Nine Inch Nails, Metallica, MegaDeath, Alice in Chains, Ozzy, etc, yet I listen to rap 90% of the time now.  I love all music, but I just have to be in a certain mood to listen to anything other than rap/hip hop.

ok, I don't love ALL music... Country can lick my balls as far as i'm concerned...
chavs. we have a lot of bad rappers in taiwan... can sum1 get their ass to this country and tell them stop being chavs.

metal ftw

edit: rap = retards attempting poetry

Last edited by cyborg_ninja-117 (2006-06-16 11:41:48)

I grew up on metal and classic rock, but I still like some rap.  I agree with kessel.  It's the mainstream crap that sucks.  It's all the same.  I have to say, though, that I don't really like stuff that is just rap.  I like rap integrated into other styles of music, like rock and hip-hop.  For the longest time Linkin Park was my fav. band because of this.  I also like rock bands that hire orchestras, like when Metallica did the S&M album.  Right now I am awaiting the new Underoath album that comes out the 20th. http://www.purevolume.com/underoath
+39|7053|Amsterdam,The Netherlands

HeavyMetalDave wrote:

Rap takes no talent, all you need is a drum machine and a book of nursery ryhmes.
And since when did the record player become a musical instrument, whats next the "TV".

All other forms of music take TALENT to write.

There's drums, gotta learn that.
Guitar, gotta learn that.
Bass, same.
Keyboards and Piano.

All these take time to learn with lessons usually, then your skill is creating tunes together that others like.

Any Metalhead could write a rap tune, and perform it.
No Rapper could write a Metal song and go perform it.

So the difference between Rap and Metal is.......Talent

I prefer people with Talent.

Keep Banging thy Head!
OMG so you mean screaming and destroying guitars recuire skills? o yeah id like to see some heavy metal dude write lyrics of 2pac i bet he'd wouldnt even finish 2 sentences. o yeah and dont -1 karma me cuz i am giving my opinion.

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