bad touch

i found this little tidbit to be rather interesting, considering i had never heard of it.

Unit 731

(quoted from Wikipedia)

Unit 731 was a secret military medical unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that researched biological warfare and other topics through human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) and World War II era. For information on its origin see Kempeitai Political Department and Epidemic Prevention Research Laboratory.

The unit was disguised as a water purification unit. It was based in Pingfang, near the city of Harbin in northeastern China, the region which was then part of the puppet state of Manchukuo. Various Eastern and Western sources estimate anywhere from 3,000 to 200,000 Chinese, Korean, Mongolians, Allied civilians and POWs (especially Russian POWs) were directly or indirectly killed by Unit 731's experiments.
wow, now to me that is sickening

this "Unit" practiced Vivisection, which has to be the wrongest thing i have ever read upon

* Vivisections were performed on prisoners infected with various diseases; scientists would remove organs            to study the effects of the disease on the human body.
    * Prisoners were amputated limb by limb to study blood loss.
    * Arms were cut off and reattached to opposite sides.
    * Limbs were frozen and sawed off.
    * Stomachs were surgically removed and the esophagus was reattached to the intestines.
    * Parts of the brain, lungs, liver, etc. were taken out.
    * Vivisection of a pregnant woman (impregnated by one of the doctors) and the fetus.
i also found pictures of these acts in action, it almost made me vomit

Weapons testing

    * Grenade tests used human targets at various distances and positions.
    * Flame throwers were tested on humans.
    * Bombs were tested on humans tied to stakes at various positions
wow, what a horrible way to die

Other experiments

    * Human subjects were deprived of food and water to study the effects and duration before death.
    * Prisoners were placed into highly pressurized chambers until they died.
    * Frostbite experiments were conducted on prisoners to determine how long humans can survive when exposed to extreme temperatures.
    * Temperature experiments were performed to determine the relationship between temperature, burns, and survival rate.
    * Prisoners were placed into centrifuges and spun until they died.
    * Animal blood was injected into humans.
    * Prisoners were bombarded with lethal doses of x-ray radiation.
    * Gas chambers tested chemical weapons on prisoners.
    * Air bubbles were injected into prisoners' bloodstreams to simulate a stroke.
    * Sea water was injected into prisoners to determine if it could be substituted for saline.
jesus christ. how could someone do that to another human?

the part that caught my attention was this, tho
In 1946, the U.S. cover-up of a secret deal with Ishii and Unit 731 leaders -- germ warfare data based on human experimentation would be offered in exchange for immunity from war-crimes prosecution -- began in earnest. The deal was concluded two years later.
Ishii (Lt. Col. in charge) walked. what the fuck.

your thoughts?
this was actually on the history channel.  saw a bit on this some years back.  pretty sick.
+1,153|6940|Washington, DC

Fucking sickening, just as bad as the Nazis did to the Jews.
+31|6853|New Jersey
thats just wrong...
+183|6983|A sunburnt country
You'll probably be surprised to know that most countries have done similar things to their own people.

During WW2, us Aussies tested mustard gas on our own soldiers.  They put them into a shipping container and gassed them up.  The soldiers were then put through physical training for a week or until they couldn't do it any longer.  When the soldiers were asked why don't they give up, they said "I can't let the other guys down and don't want to be the first one to quit" !!!!!!!!!!!
+447|7158|Seattle, Washington, USA

Sickening. Makes me think of a disturbing little child playing with other peoples lives/bodies like they were tinkertoys. Seriously, injecting people with animal blood, amputating arms and reattaching them to the other side, spinning people until they die.... There really is no scientific use for this. Disgusting.

Mike_J wrote:

this was actually on the history channel.  saw a bit on this some years back.  pretty sick.
same i saw it a awhile ago on history channel and decided to buy the book about it...very sickening
Aspiring Objectivist
Every country at sometime is probably guilty of atrocities, we must all strive everyday to be more humane to each other.
Junkers Ju 87
+58|6888|Phoenix, AZ

Has a LOT of information, and a few pictures. Nothing too nasty, because that's just friggin sick. Anyways, for more info read some articles on that link. Particularly, the first link has a bit of information on some B-29 crewman and such. Very interesting, but still fucking disguisting.
The Lizzard
I'm not exactly surprised, I must say.  I wasn't aware of those particular experiments being done, but nations tend to use foreigners for those sorts of things.  And America also took scientists who'd helped with killing Jews to work for them.  Everybody does what they like and then justifies by telling themselves it's for a "higher purpose".
2142th Whore
i rather get blown to pieces in a instant with a bomb on my face than go thru that crap

Last edited by jkohlc (2006-06-16 05:43:45)

But this is all like rumour....there isn't actual proof is there :S ?
The beheading was what they called commiting sepeku. which was kinda an honourable thing in japan... The super powers during WW2 have done bad things (except for US). stalin killed his ppl, hitler gased and did medical expiriments on the jews and the japanese did those to the chinese =_=...
Member Member

stryyker wrote:

jesus christ. how could someone do that to another human?
The subjects were not human; they were sub-human...

stryyker wrote:

Ishii (Lt. Col. in charge) walked. what the fuck.
Because all knowledge is good knowledge...

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

The super powers during WW2 have done bad things (except for US).
The US firebombed non military targets in Japan...

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

stalin killed his ppl
Ofcourse; Stalin killed more Jews then Hitler...
Expert Opportunity Misser
+9|6867|Bikini Bottom Germany

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

Fucking sickening, just as bad as the Nazis did to the Jews.
They did the same. Except that bombing stuff (AFAIK).
The Lizzard

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

The beheading was what they called commiting sepeku.
Uh, not exactly.  Seppuku (honourable death) involved cutting along your midriff with a dagger whilst twisting, then sharply slicing up at the same time as a trusted friend cut your head off.  It was done to atone for a sin (most commonly losing a battle).  The reason the the Japanese killed alot of their prisoners is that according to the Bushido (the Japanese warrior code, originally for Samurai but taken by all Japanese soldiers by the time of WWII for reasons I won't go into here) to be captured and held prisoner was dishonourable, so the Japanese were allowing them to die, which was more honourable.  Seppuku was the whole ritual though.
ok US firebombed non-military targets in japan, but at least they didnt do medical experiments to POW's...
2142th Whore
the allies done sum pretty nasty stuff to civillians too

the dresen bombing
and the 2 nukes
bad touch

|-LoNgHiLL-| wrote:

stryyker wrote:

jesus christ. how could someone do that to another human?
The subjects were not human; they were sub-human...

stryyker wrote:

Ishii (Lt. Col. in charge) walked. what the fuck.
Because all knowledge is good knowledge...

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

The super powers during WW2 have done bad things (except for US).
The US firebombed non military targets in Japan...

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

stalin killed his ppl
Ofcourse; Stalin killed more Jews then Hitler...

did you just say that Chinese CIVILANS ARE INFERIOR PEOPLE? what the fuck is your problem?
The Lizzard
I think he meant that was the Japanese logic.  It was the Japanese logic.

Bubbalo wrote:

I think he meant that was the Japanese logic.  It was the Japanese logic.
yeah thats what he ment...
bad touch

ooo k, i though i was going to have to derail my own thread there for a minute

stryyker wrote:

|-LoNgHiLL-| wrote:

stryyker wrote:

jesus christ. how could someone do that to another human?
The subjects were not human; they were sub-human...

stryyker wrote:

Ishii (Lt. Col. in charge) walked. what the fuck.
Because all knowledge is good knowledge...

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

The super powers during WW2 have done bad things (except for US).
The US firebombed non military targets in Japan...

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

stalin killed his ppl
Ofcourse; Stalin killed more Jews then Hitler...

did you just say that Chinese CIVILANS ARE INFERIOR PEOPLE? what the fuck is your problem?
That guy needs to apologise to the community or suffer a perm ban (Longhill that is, not you Stryyker em old mucker).
2142th Whore
heh..chinese civilians are non humans by the WWII japz
Moving Target

jkohlc wrote:

the allies done sum pretty nasty stuff to civillians too

the dresen bombing
and the 2 nukes
Those were nothing in the grand scheme of things.

What is far more horrific is the fact that the US bargained with war criminals of the highest order to get their research.  That in my mind makes us just as bad, considering we knew exactly where said research came from.

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