Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7054|I'm worldwide, beotch
I love jets. I hate patches. Why, you ask? Same reason all of us pilots do - the AA now locks on better and hits awfully hard. After playing AF for about 25 hours (I got my ribbon, thank you!), I've discovered a tactic to avoiding AA with a high success rate. This tactic will NOT prevent every missile from hitting you, but it will damn sure prevent 3 from doing so. Here goes.

1. When you hear beeping tone for more than second and ideally before lock is acheived, POP FLARES IMMEDIATELY and DIVE RAPIDLY to the deck. Get under your flares while still gaining distance from the AA launcher. This serves a twofold purpose: a - flares fall rapidly. The longer you're around your flares (ideally below them), the longer the flares screw with the AA lock.  b - many AA sites and mobile AA will find themselves located inconveniently around obstructions on the ground. If you defeat the lock until you can get these obstructions in between you and the launcher, or if you can defeat the lock long enough to get out of their range, you're golden.

2. Don't do any dumb shit like barrell rolls or sharp turns. You're only delaying the time in which you stop loitering in the range of the AA. Distance is your friend, and manouvers only prevent you from opening this distance. If the AA acheives lock, you're probably screwed.

I've had great success with this tactic. Please try it, play with it, and come back and let me know if it worked for you, and if you have anything to add to make it better!

With all this being said, here are a few more AA pointers:
1. Don't go into combat with a crippled plane or helo. Self explainatory.
2. When you are being shot at, USE YOUR CAMERA ANGLES to see where the shot came from. On next approach, approach the AA from a high angle (70 degrees or greater) from a different bearing from which you approached and left if last time. Keep 'em guessing.
3. Don't fly aimlessly all over the map. Stay to the edges and only fly over the main battlefield or at low altitude if absolutely necessary.

Now get out there and try it!

Last edited by Aegis (2006-06-13 19:06:27)

Banned - for ever.
+231|7019|Wilmington, DE, US
Only thing I would debate on it is flying at low altitude. Flying high lets you get the drop on enemy planes, and keeps you out of AA as well.
+13|6951|cali usa
pretty sweet
Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7054|I'm worldwide, beotch
Well, the low altitude flying is designed only to defeat the lock - other than that, I suggest very high altitudes whenever possible.
Positive Karma Here!
Not bad, not bad at all....not to try it!
Back from the Dead.
+1 dude, Well thought out and quite effective if I do say so myself.
very imformative and helpful, thanks for taking the time to write this as I am sure many pilots will find this useful.
+1|6907|Leicester, UK
Good tips. I've actually been using these tactics for some time and they've saved me many times.  Keep up the good work
mostly afk
+480|6860|CH/BR - in UK

thank you very much, I always tried the barrel roll thing while putting on afterburner, tends to work against planes (their missiles sometimes spiral off) but your idea seems really good to me.
Kick His Ass!
+371|7004|Howell, Mi USA
If u know where the AA is located, it helps to fly at an angle as u drop to the deck. A missle will pass u most every time.
+783|7153|Reykjavík, Iceland.
If locked into, look behind you, if there is not jet it has to be AA, if that's the case dive straight down and use trees and buildings to your advantage, Dalian plant is the best map for this, since it's fairly easy to fly around warehouses, cranes and chimneys to lose the lock. Daqing is also golden since you can just fly right inbetween the big 4 water containers or whatever they are in the middle.

Wake leaves you pretty open, so does Zatar.

Gulf of Oman has it's places but not that much, AA is pretty much useless in Gulf anyway.

FuShe, just dive down and fly through the canyon, most AA is stationed above it.
PR Only
+70|6953|United States - Illinois
Does anyone know the altitude where AA won't lock on you anymore?
Dutch Delight
damn now everyone knows...........
was having so much fun with AA.

Aegis wrote:

2. Don't do any dumb shit like barrel rolls or sharp turns. You're only delaying the time in which you stop loitering in the range of the AA. Distance is your friend, and maneuvers only prevent you from opening this distance.
the rest of the post was...correct...I have to disagree with you here. Many a time flying an jet, mostly the F-35 (keep also in mind i really don't use aircraft all too much) I've found that a sharp turn in conjunction with a barrel roll almost always throws off AA, with the missiles flying off to one side, or (and Ive watched this 3rd person), the missiles fly just above the bottom of the fuselage. It's sweet to look at, flying upside down and missiles burning paint off your aircraft.

All that said, distance is key, but maneuvers help evade the AA snapshot.
Fantasma Parastasie
Although your tactics do work, Aegis, just do what I do: Never get locked onto in the first place. Think ahead, be smart, and fly high when needed.

Diving works well, however, there is a tactic that works better and completely contradicts your posts claim to never barrel roll. Barrel roll WHILE launching your flares to launch them upwards, thus covering you longer and letting you escape. Works like a charm. also, sometimes I drop flares while going up in a loop so I can fly through them once more when I'm down again in dogfights.

Remember that in an F18 you can dodge EVERY missle from other aircraft simply by doing a loop upwards.
Surprised this is news, really.  But then, as an avid AA hound, I wasn't going to pass along what I figured was obvious. 
Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7054|I'm worldwide, beotch
Well maybe I could qualify my remarks here with something I shoulda included at first - I put this in the AF section because I was specifically referring to evading AA with the A10, Q5, and SU39. Barrell rolls will work with the fighter jets, but these attack jets are entirely too slow and unmanouverable to do anything fancy. Just get low, get away.

With afterburners and a quicker jet, you can have luck with doing rolls - you just gotta time 'em right!

Many of the tactics you all have posted can see success on a number of different levels and in different situations - a truly adept pilot will learn to recognize these situations and employ each of these tactics in turn.

Last edited by Aegis (2006-06-14 10:40:39)

=ARC= Irish
Good tips thx
Self Proclaimed A10 Whore

Colfax wrote:

Does anyone know the altitude where AA won't lock on you anymore?
I think that you loose the lock around 250 meters in the air. 

Since I bomb at a high altitude i usualy just go straight up and drop the flares.  Since my flairs are almost right behind me they usualy can't re-lock on to me. 

This is a good guide though  +1

Colfax wrote:

Does anyone know the altitude where AA won't lock on you anymore?
Me and a buddy tried to find this out although I was the AA and I can't remember the exact height. I think it was between 170-210, not completely positive though...

Remember that the distant may be constant, but the height of the AA is different for each site.
I would also recommend, if you can tell if you're going to get totally fucked in the ass by a missile, that you bail the fuck out of your plane and float down to safety, and if you're as lucky as me, you can land in the middle of an enemy base and find a good sniping spot, get some good kills in, and then prob get your ass blown up by some T-90.  It's all in fun though.
good idea, i usually fly around 5 altitude with choppers, and come up only when necessary. Jets i fly all altitudes, and the J-10 can shake off most missiles, except AA when flipping. When in the J-10 i reverse the view so i can see behind me and i start to flip and i flare. Then i can watch the missiles and see if its a Jet and what kind it is. i saw this tactic in ronin.:patton:.'s video of him carrier raping at wake.

anyways good post!
I beg to differ, in a Jet you don't immediatly pop flares w/o discovering the threat of the missle lock.. the last thing you want to do is immediatly pop flares if another Jet is on you, only until he fires. If it's AA get high and burn.. higher you are faster you go.. away from the AA threat, and hopefully your a good enough pilot to have all the AA spawns memorzied and know where Stinger/IGLA turrets are located so you can exact revenge against those who attempt to ruin your 'Zoomy' glory...
I dont agree with the barrel rolling comment, Barrel rolling, 3/4 turns & sharp drops have done more than save my chopper & crew in the past, only earlier today a plane locked on, I flared, barrel rolled down with them & the plane pilot desperate for the kill flew past me into a mountain Also very sharp horizontal manuevers even when not in conjunction with flare will usualy dodge 1 if not both missiles from an IGLA.

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