fdcp_elmo wrote:
i think the US has some strange laws. like in some states you may buy a gun to protect yourself. i mean how easy are you going to make it for the criminals. i dont know if the number of murders is higher in those states but its why should you need a gun. we in europe dont own guns do we have problems? certainly there are murders. but no serials.
Ok, where to start.
1st off, serial killers aren't created cuz they can get to guns. Most serial killers don't USE guns, they despose of thier victims in the same manner every time(usually gruesome), that is why they are CALLED serial killers. I don't think having access to a gun makes you mentally Ill(as is the case with most murders).
2nd, You may buy a gun in every state of the nation. It is a constitutional right for crying out loud. As for making it easy for criminals, they do background checks on you. It's not like you can just walk up, buy a gun, and have it that day. It's usually 2-3 week waiting period, if not more. As for europe not havin ANY serial killers, do any of these names sound familiar: Charles Sobhraj, Slobodan Milošević(not a serial killer in the traditional sense, but he still fits the criteria)
and I think it's ridiculus that there was so much going on about that hot coffee mod for GTA.
It is ridiculus, but what do you really expect when a naturally conservitive country has not only congress but the white house as well controlled by conservitives.
i dont know if its a true issue but it is how i think about the Amerikans.
these people first just name the first country they can think of and then they dont even know where it is.
I am sure if i went to a large city in your country, stopped 200 people, and all asked them the same kind of questions, i could find aleast 10 people who would come up with the same kind of answers. Just because a few people are morons, doesn't mean an entire population is that way.
he Kyoto issue. as you all know the Kyoto is to safe our eviroment (to secure the northpole)
and what we also know is that the US makes a load of CO2. in fact there are allmost no country's that didnt sign Kyoto. but why the hell didnt the US sign. its also their world.
This has to do with something that many europeans don't know about our president. He is the biggest supporter of Big Oil ever to be president. Gives them HUGE tax breaks, and doesn't blink an eye. It is no shock to any of us here that he didn't sign it(unfortunetly). I am sure the next president will, as long as it's not cheney.
nk the US should calm down they dont run the world we did for millenia without them and the world wasnt destroyed in those millenia.
I don't see how this really matters, since the US hasn't destroyed the world either. What's your point?
the Americans will come into trouble in the middle east and with china. and then European country's can help the Americans out once more because you know where we are when you need us.
Personally, i think you are wrong. Have you seen the polls in america lately? Over 65% of americans disagree with the way bush is running the war. We want our soldiers home NOW. If he gets into another war, you will see his approval rating drop below 2%. Nobody in america wants another war. Not even the president. As for china, why would we start a war with THEM????? That doesn't make ANY sense. We have a better chance of starting with Iran or North Korea than China. China has actually been on our side with the talks with North Korea.
but now i wonder what do the Americans think about the Europeans
Honestly, i think alot of em are pretentious. They look down on America, but when they need a little money, they come running straight to us. Many i have met still think Europe is the center of the world's power and if europe cut off ties with america, America would crumble.(which could not be further from the truth, as a country, America doesn't need to import anything to truly survive) I would say over the past 100 years, we have done a lot more for europe, than Europe has done for us.