+76|7086|Antwerp, Flanders

mtb0minime wrote:

Nah, I'm going Italian all the way. Ferrari and Lambourghini (sp?)

But realistically, I'm going Japanese. My family has had a Toyota Tercel for a little over 20 years and it still runs! (Though nowadays it can't pass smog check )
Lamborghini. I prefer Lamborghini over Ferrari. Or Alfa Romeo (beautiful cars).
And Fiat's also Italian and they're quite affordable so don't give up hope yet (I wouldn't want to be caught dead in a Fiat though).

Lamborghini isn't strictly Italian anymore, however, it's German now -> VW/Audi

Last edited by Rosse_modest (2006-06-14 15:35:24)


No! I spelled it correctly. The U.S. is getting absorbed by England now, remember?

and Fiats, well.... Fix It Again, Tony
Property of BF2s©
+112|6892|Brisbane Australia
If this is the reaction I got to this thread I wonder whats going to happen when I post my next joke thread about the English lol.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6860|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

PspRpg-7 wrote:

[I absolutly LOVE how you judge all Americans on what a stereotypical European says. I could judge you on stereotypes too, you alchoholic wifebeating redhead, (sorry if i offended any people from ireland, but this guy is an ass hole and must die). We're stupid, hilarious, YOU'RE stupid because you stereotype...brilliant.
Don't confuses alcoholism with the abilty to handle more than 3 pints....  Americans can't handle their drinks and I find it so funny when I see a US student over here get pissed (that means drunk not "pissed off" which has 'OFF' written at the end) on 4 pints, LOL

mtb0minime wrote:

There is no way you're 27 years old. Did you even graduate from high school?
yeah then 2 years of college

mtb0minime wrote:

The double negative thing wasn't a joke, you just made an excuse and said it was because you don't know what a double negative is, and once I proved you wrong, you decided to play it off like you meant to say that.
Yeah thanks for telling me what I was thinking. You're not too perceptive because you're wrong but I did think it was quite retarded of you to say "ignorant moron". I'll give you a quick English lesson sine your junior high summer school doesn't seem to be cutting it. Adjectives modify nouns and using 2 adjectives of the same definition is redundant, furthermore if you insist on using 2 words of the same definition they should be separated by an "and". example: you're ignorant and moronic.

Heres the retardation you exhibit
example: you're inbicilic feebleminded
example: you're immature infantile

Learn to use adjectives then get back to me.

mtb0minime wrote:

once I proved you wrong, you decided to play it off like you meant to say that.
you seem to have a little hardon hoping you can win some Internet argument haven't proved anything ..

mtb0minime wrote:

you seem to think that just because America manufactures a car DESIGNED BY THE JAPANESE that it makes the car American. You seriously need help.
Japs didn't invent or design the first hybrid or the American hybrids. This is the real point here. you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about just some irritating dumbass little boy babbling about shit you don't understand. America initiated the mainstream production of hybrid/electric cars. Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) was the program initiated by Ford Chrysler and GM and was the first program to manufacture hybrid cars. GM makes a Chevy silverado hybrid and an Astra hybrid designed totally by American engineers. Ford makes the Escape and Mariner both American cars. You cant seem to get it through your little stubborn head that hybrid doesn't mean Japanese or Honda and Toyota. You tried to correct me about some shit you're wrong about ..dumbshit.

mtb0minime wrote:

I swear, you are one of the stupidest people I've ever graced with my knowledge.
Stupidest isn't a word ironic that you used it talking about your "knowledge". Thanks for gracing me with your ignorance.

mtb0minime wrote:

And what ever happened to you not giving a shit about this post?
Go ahead and browse back to where i said that it was in reference to karma ..but i certainly can apply it to you. I'm sure it was quite stupid of me to waste my time talking to some retarded little boy about shit he does not understand.

I called you an "ignorant moron". Moron being a noun, ignorant being an adjective. And for the hundredth time, they don't mean the same thing!

I'm even nice enough to look up both definitions for you, just to prove how ignorant you are.
Definition of moron:
Definition of ignorant:

Your two years of college has gotten you nowhere, considering you're "27" and still don't know jack shit. I assume you dropped out, because from what I've seen you say, there is no way you could have even graduated high school. Unless you went to some dumbass college and you think you're smart because you graduated in two years and they give you a fake diploma, which means nothing. Besides, you probably never went to "college" anyway since getting a GED isn't really going to college.

Oh by the way, "stupidest" is a real word. What happened to your knowledge?

And if you consider me enlightening your sorry ass to facts that you are too ignorant to understand as wasting your time with a retarded little boy like me, then why can't you just accept the truth that you are an ignorant moron (look I said it again) and move on with your life?

Last edited by mtb0minime (2006-06-14 20:41:21)

when you say "you are an ignorant moron" you is the pronoun ignorant is an adj and moron is an adj. adjectives are nouns that modifies a noun or pronoun .both of those describe and modify the pronoun both are adjectives. ex: ignorance is a noun. ignorant and moron are synonyms.

stupidest isnt a word .. its stupid more stupid and most stupid stupider stupidest those are derived forms and improper. go ask your junior high english teacher if stupider is a word.

go back to where you assume all hybrids are japanese. the first hybrid gas electric came from austria in 1898. you know what they say when you assume you make a little douche asshat out of you and yourself.

Since when did I say all hybrids are Japanese? I never said that at all. Stupidest is a word.

And I completely give up. Your head is sooooo thick you just can't comprehend that "moron" is a noun, and "moronic" is the corresponding adjective. Did you even click the fucking links I gave you? It is so obvious that moron and ignorant have different definitions and are NOT synonomous. In fact, if you even would look at the definition of moron, you'd find that it really is a noun and I'm not making this up.

Don't call me a little douche asshat if you can't even accept the fact that you're wrong. And since you won't even read the definitions of the words, I'll give you an example of ignorance: You are ignorant because you keep thinking that moron is an adjective when you won't even bother to click the lovely links I provided you with.

Can someone please ban this fucking moron? I've seen quite the bunch of stupid people on the internet, but this guy surely takes the cake. He does not deserve to be here, let alone on this earth.

mtb0minime wrote:

Oh, and easy-skanking, about the hybrid cars thing, you obviously don't know that Toyota and Honda are Japanese car manufacturers...

I'm just glad I belong in the 2.15%

Nice quote, but I still don't see where I said all hybrid cars are Japanese. You really are a moron.

Last edited by mtb0minime (2006-06-14 22:31:05)

i said

easy-skanking wrote:

dont forget we got hybrid cars and otehr high gas milage cars as an option.
you posted after

mtb0minime wrote:

Oh, and easy-skanking, about the hybrid cars thing, you obviously don't know that Toyota and Honda are Japanese car manufacturers...
you refuting that we *america* have hybrid cars ...dumbfuck

I said that later after you said that American cars came out first here in America when I pointed out that the first hybrid cars here in America were Japanese (Hondas and Toyotas to be more specific). You kept debating that Toyota and Honda were American cars; they may be made here, but they are certainly not designed by American companies like GM and Ford.

And besides, in my quote I'm saying that Toyota and Honda are Japanese cars, nothing more. I never denied that America has hybrid cars. You only took those quotes out of context to make yourself look good. So please, stop talking, since you obviously don't understand the English language.
Its on page one get a fuckin clue.
I never said hybrids came out in America first.
I never said Honda or Toyota are American cars that was someone else.
Look on page one retard and you'll figure out where you went wrong.
I said simply Americans have other options besides gas guzzlers speaking to someone else.
You chimed in with your misinformation saying that hybrid cars are Japanese ..

You can't seem to handle accepting the bullshit you said..nothing is out of context.

page 2..

remo wrote:

Yes, the parent company is Japanese-owned.

But Toyota, Honda, and Nissan all run major American assembly plants ... the Camry, for example, is over 75% American-made.  And as for the cars they assemble?  Toyota has 48% built in the States, Honda 59%, and Nissan 45%.  They're more American than you think.

Last edited by easy-skanking (2006-06-15 00:12:19)


4_Phucsache wrote:

If this is the reaction I got to this thread I wonder whats going to happen when I post my next joke thread about the English lol.
Please do it. The English usually know how to take a joke. And if not, well, who gives a fuck, it's just the internet?

PspRpg-7 wrote:

c0ldfyr3 wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

I suppose you have to be bristish or European to understand British humor butcause I for one didn't find it amusing...
Thats because Americans dont realise their own stupidity, example #1 George W. Bush. Live with it.
Lol, I absolutly LOVE how you judge all Americans on what a stereotypical European says. I could judge you on stereotypes too, you alchoholic wifebeating redhead, (sorry if i offended any people from ireland, but this guy is an ass hole and must die). We're stupid, hilarious, YOU'RE stupid because you stereotype...brilliant.
I dont need to stereotype to make a decision. I have travelled quite far, I've been to America a couple of times, alot of Europe and Australia, and I can safely say ALL AMERICANS ARE STUPID.

The majority of Americans we met while travelling in Europe claim to be Canadian at first, alot even travel through Canada to make sure of their story. And all the Americans I met while travelling either in the US or elsewhere had absolutely nothing worth inputing to any conversation. I have relations in the states, they too are retarded. Every single american citizen has only three major worries, Sex, Food and Entertainment. They don't care where they get it (thanks bush for opening wild life preserves for oil), they dont care how they get it (thanks bush for invading Iraq), and they dont care about who else on the entire planet is disturbed by their pilgrimage of self worth. FUCK americans, and fuck you.

The -1 on the Karma is just pathetic too, who cares about Karma? I bet Americans do...

Last edited by c0ldfyr3 (2006-06-15 02:15:04)

=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6860|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

easy-skanking wrote:

when you say "you are an ignorant moron" you is the pronoun ignorant is an adj and moron is an adj. adjectives are nouns that modifies a noun or pronoun .both of those describe and modify the pronoun both are adjectives. ex: ignorance is a noun. ignorant and moron are synonyms.

stupidest isnt a word .. its stupid more stupid and most stupid stupider stupidest those are derived forms and improper. go ask your junior high english teacher if stupider is a word.

go back to where you assume all hybrids are japanese. the first hybrid gas electric came from austria in 1898. you know what they say when you assume you make a little douche asshat out of you and yourself.
I'm going to clear your argument up for you and you're both right and wrong..

"Stupidest" is very poor grammer but some online dictionaries to count it as being a word.  I haven't got an OED to hand but would be suprised to see it in there.  In future, just say "more stupid"....

"Ignorant Moron" is perfectly acceptable, althogh offensive, and is NOT tautological (a redundancy).  This is because being 'ignorant' is usually always applied to someone's knowledge of one particluar area or field, i.e if someone said something wrong about BF2 you'd call them ignorant but you wouldn't mean they were unknowledgable about everything, just in this instance.  A moron, however is used in slag to describe an all-round stupid person and was originally used to describe people with a mental handicap that gave them the mental age of a 7-12 yr old.  So you could have a moron that was actually quite knowledgable in one particular field in which they would not be ignorant but if they no nothing about it, you could describe them as being an ignorant moron".

Last edited by =OBS= EstebanRey (2006-06-15 02:43:55)

The Lizzard

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Stop spreading your crap to other parts of the forums. Please. Rosse_modest made a good point. That guy was arogant in saying that everyone wants to come to America. But all you did was incourage another blantantly false stereotype yourself.

FYI The only reason I give you the time of day is because I think behind the bias you might otherwise be and intelligent decent human being.

You're right, and I apologise to all Americans (even those who are stupid and arrogant, generalising still isn't fair)
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6975|NT, like Mick Dundee

4_Phucsache wrote:

If this is the reaction I got to this thread I wonder whats going to happen when I post my next joke thread about the English lol.
Please post it... It seems that very few were able to take this thread as a joke... but the debates and bitchfights it has caused are a riot to read. POST THE THING.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+302|7046|Salt Lake City

I love how these threads turn into WWIII.  I thought the original post was quite funny, but then again, I get British humor, if I don't find some of it very funny.

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