I find amusingly convinient that America is getting so much flak nowdays. Living in Africa and having a totally different perspective on things, i see alot people trash talking the sates. Imo the French,English,Dutch,Italians,Portugese and Germans have still not atoned for the collective raping of the African and Asian continents.In particular Africa still suffers heavily due to the impact of rampant colonialism.
In one of the threads in this forum someone asked were America was when the genocide took place in Ruwanda, Dafur was also mentioned.Why should America step in when both Afican countires mentioned were ex colonial states.At least when America leaves iraq it will have a working democracy,schools,hospitals,judical system and public works.When the Europeans pulled out of Africa they went out of thier way to make sure it would take another 200 years before the continent could even attempt to stand on its own feet.
In one of the threads in this forum someone asked were America was when the genocide took place in Ruwanda, Dafur was also mentioned.Why should America step in when both Afican countires mentioned were ex colonial states.At least when America leaves iraq it will have a working democracy,schools,hospitals,judical system and public works.When the Europeans pulled out of Africa they went out of thier way to make sure it would take another 200 years before the continent could even attempt to stand on its own feet.