You...Are...Incredibly annoying as hell. From what I gather from your forum title and the bottom of your sig, you've been banned before and are on probation. I wonder why...
Uhuh. My point still stands fool (i.e. you have contributed nothing other than irrelevant, immature crap).PspRpg-7 wrote:
You...Are...Incredibly annoying as hell. From what I gather from your forum title and the bottom of your sig, you've been banned before and are on probation. I wonder why...
Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-13 23:08:10)
See, you call ANYONE who disagrees with you immature. Or what they've said was immature. Are you the essence of maturity? All I see is an insecure pile of five year old girls who can't stand anyone to disagree with them. You have problems, I suggest you get off your computer and go talk to people.
Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-06-13 23:12:29)
Please, I'd like to see such a list of my donning all those who I am in disagreement with, with the tag of immaturity. The fact is that what you have said has been extremely undignified. Such being so with your constant, rash, unrestrained jumps to conclusions you couldn't possibly make, apart from your calling a set of objective truths "annoying". Do you actually think that you haven't been acting immaturely? Obviously this is the case, and you have no grasp upon the concept of integrity.PspRpg-7 wrote:
See, you call ANYONE who disagrees with you immature. Or what they've said was immature. Are you the essence of maturity? All I see is an insecure pile of five year old girls who can't stand anyone to disagree with them. You have problems, I suggest you get off your computer and go talk to people.
How ironic is it that such an idiot confuse the disagreements held by me as ones not based in unbias, reasonable observation, but rather, ones of obstinance?
Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-13 23:23:12)
There you go spouting what you thinks big words to confuse people, but all you do is make you sound like a douche.
God, they banned my first account on a fraction of Xietsu's assholeness. I don't get it. It seems like liberals get cut more slack. Oh well.
I have a feeling he be banned again soon.
I have a feeling he be banned again soon.
For the FIFTH FUCKING TIME, please QUOTE, LINK, TAKE A SCREENSHOT, or frankly ANYTHING showing me where you answered ANY of these things. You just saying "ohh yeah, well I answered those things and you'll just have to find it" shit isn't good enough. I am not searching through 5 threads that are 15 pages long a piece to find your answer that probably doesn't even exist. I and everyone else are still waiting. This is day 2.
Lol, you're mature Xietsu? Remember saying this? OH MUH GAW KAUGHNGRAHCHOOLAYSHINZ AWN SUCH AN AWSSUM AWBSURVAYSHUN!!!!!!!!
Haha, you're such an idiot.
Haha, you're such an idiot.
Do you truly feel I care about some superficial perception you have against me? If you can't see the truths for what they are, you're blinded by such great a footing in the fake. Again, in case you haven't read many of my posts, articulation is made to the amount necessary for proper explanation and thoroughness.PspRpg-7 wrote:
There you go spouting what you thinks big words to confuse people, but all you do is make you sound like a douche.
Ask Raimius, he PMed me with some bullshit and I clarified for him.Cougar wrote:
For the FIFTH FUCKING TIME, please QUOTE, LINK, TAKE A SCREENSHOT, or frankly ANYTHING showing me where you answered ANY of these things. You just saying "ohh yeah, well I answered those things and you'll just have to find it" shit isn't good enough. I am not searching through 5 threads that are 15 pages long a piece to find your answer that probably doesn't even exist. I and everyone else are still waiting. This is day 2.
Apparently, you're notwithstanding the understanding of appropriate humor.PspRpg-7 wrote:
Lol, you're mature Xietsu? Remember saying this? OH MUH GAW KAUGHNGRAHCHOOLAYSHINZ AWN SUCH AN AWSSUM AWBSURVAYSHUN!!!!!!!!
Haha, you're such an idiot.
Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-13 23:27:38)
There you go yet AGAIN using big words to make yourself sound smart or 'articulating' as you call it. All I precieve from it is you being an asshole.
Well that's a shame. You ought to either get someone to translate or obtain a greater understanding of a language you use so often. Do you really think I care about "sounding smart"? You are such a fucking fool man. The point is to disquiet any misconception. Were you worthy enough to actually give something some time, you wouldn't be as rash and assumptious as you are (i.e. not being a little, pathetic, impulsive fuckbag).
Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-13 23:31:07)
I refuse to type the same shit over and over again just keep reading my post above you.
You're a useless person (well, not fully--there are always menial tasks for the likes of your kind).PspRpg-7 wrote:
I refuse to type the same shit over and over again just keep reading my post above you.
Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-13 23:34:37) wrote:
I refuse to type the same shit over and over again just keep reading my post above you.
check that out for some entertainment....
That about sums it up.PspRpg-7 wrote:
There you go yet AGAIN using big words to make yourself sound smart or 'articulating' as you call it. All I precieve from it is you being an asshole.
Have you been banned yet?Xietsu wrote:
You're a useless person (well, not fully--there are always menial tasks for the likes of your kind).PspRpg-7 wrote:
I refuse to type the same shit over and over again just keep reading my post above you.
What GSOI fails to realize is that he displays the same exact qualities found in the people who have such large discrepancies in their thought processes.GunSlinger OIF II wrote: wrote:
I refuse to type the same shit over and over again just keep reading my post above you.
check that out for some entertainment....
Take it to PM's, or take a silent side, but don't thread jump an argument.
But i'd rather do it in public, to make everyone see what a ass he is, and why hasn't he been banned?
what if you could sum up every single rebuttal with that one thread, wouldnt that make more sense than repeating the same words over and overKung Jew wrote:
Take it to PM's, or take a silent side, but don't thread jump an argument.
But the fact is that such a revision could not be made. I don't really think it's thread jumping anyways, if I have no problem with putting to rest PspRpg-7's confliction against me. Is it not funny that when gravely proved to be in the wrong, one resorts to taking spiteful, totalitarian action? That's called immature, in case you haven't caught the drift by now.
You're really digging in the bag of insults now 'Immature' that's new.
I read through ten pages of opinion wars and mud slinging (in the debate and serious talk section) to come back and find it kick up here again?
This is done.
This is done.