im just wondering since im a sniper do alot of ppl sniper in AF?? or is it mostly tanks and jets and if there is snipers are there good spots?
Stop reading this and look at my post
Midnight Sun is a very good sniper map. The other two are pretty useless for sniping though, they're too big. Plenty of good spots in all though, lots of ladders.
nope, go play assault or support. Sniping aint good for ya... (besides me hate snipers)
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Road Rage has some good spots, but don't expect to find many infantry.
im more of a pilot,infantry,sniper i sometimes go in helo but i do armor more than helos and are the new helos sweet??? is it like be a gunner and a pilot just no missles?

Venegance i played with u one time on a SF server u where a good commander

Last edited by ?? (2006-06-13 08:27:29)

No, sniping in general won't net you a lot of fun in AF.  Too many vehicles to make it worth your while. 

Once in a while I find a sniper camping a flag.  On the off-chance that they are actually able to hit someone, it's more of a minor annoyance than anything. 
- Next time you spawn you either RUN to your vehicle, or use cover to hide behind while you walk. 
- Get in vehicle. 
- Blow sniper to kingdom come with vehicle weapon or call in Little Bird to strafe him.
- Go on my merry way. 
- Wait for sniper to hike back to spot, climb long, tall ladders and hunker down again.
- Rinse
- Repeat

While sniping can be fun for the sniper sometimes, it really doesn't do much in this game, especially in AF.  We have a favorite saying on my clan's Teamspeak.  "I'm a snipe-ah!  I'm in da game!"  Inspired by those rounds that never end when one team has completely obliterated the other team but the lone sniper:
A.  Doesn't realize his entire team is dead and there are no spawnpoints left
B.  Doesn't care

Last edited by TF501|Slee (2006-06-13 08:49:10)

AF = AA = Points

Some nice maps though, I've been sniper on a couple and it shocks people because they are expecting tanks, most people use vehicles to capture the flags though so your peashooter doesn't really do much against them.

I like to go engineer or AT on AF, hopefully I find an empty AA and then listen to some AHA
Kick His Ass!
+371|7004|Howell, Mi USA
U would need some balls to be a sniper in AF, the only map that would be decent for sniping is Midnight Sun. Even that map has too many vehicles, if u are spotted your going to be swarmed by attack chopper and little bird. Plus like someone said b4, everyone is going to be in a vehicle so not very many opportunities.

Lunatic_480 wrote:

nope, go play assault or support. Sniping aint good for ya... (besides me hate snipers)
Not sure I agree with this.  I can't see the point in playing Assault or Sniper at all, and I'm not convinced by the merits of Support.  The AF maps are so focussed on vehicles that if you've no way of taking out a tank, then you're pretty much boned.  Support with a PKM can cause trouble for the choppers, especially they Recon choppers which are so fragile, but beyond that I'd say go with Anti-tank, Spec-Ops or Engineer.  Medic might get a bit of work, but most of the time the bodies are trapped within the burning wreckage of a vehicle, so there's not much you can do.
I knife Generals
+278|6847|Search Whore killing fields
Sniping pilots on airfiields fun
If you really must snipe, then pick a spot near a stinger so you can at least help the team out a little by keeping those AC down.
+3|7033|Aalborg, Denmark

Cbass wrote:

Plus like someone said b4, everyone is going to be in a vehicle so not very many opportunities.
to u and the some1 b4: its called the M95 pal:)
Midnight is excellent for sniping, and I've had great luck in Harvest too. Road Rage...I just chopper whore.

?? wrote:

im just wondering since im a sniper do alot of ppl sniper in AF?? or is it mostly tanks and jets and if there is snipers are there good spots?
there are a buch of good sniper spots an road rage.. it water tower in teh gain silos by juck yard and in the suburb on the cliff overlooking the truck stop and overpass
i think all maps are good for sniping. the sniping is actually the way it should be. its not like in karkand or sharqi or mashtuur where you are sniping at 10m. no on these maps you snipe and good 100-300m and you pick critical spot like vehicle spawns and turrets.

road rage has lots of roofs and cement barriers to snipe from. midnight sun is very dark and very linear so you can snipe in one direction alot. harvest i think is the best map b/c there is nothing but dark grass and trees so you can be virtaully invisible. there are lots of infantry in all the maps, it just depends on who has more bases and therefore vehicles.

Last edited by benben10 (2006-06-13 22:14:21)

Got His War On
+37|7084|Golden, CO
Yeah you can play as sniper if you know you can rely on having access to vehicles, but even so I don't recommend it.  I get a lot more points playing as Anti-Tank.  In fact, AT players are absolutely vital to winning on AF maps.  The anti-tank guy can capture and defend flags really well against any kind of enemy (except the jets and helicopters of course).  What's better is if you have 3 or more AT's in the area, the tanks and apc's get torn apart with rockets coming from every direction.  Also, if you're an Anti-Tank and you get into armor you can just use it to take some shots at the enemy armor and when it's about to blow up bail out and hit them with a few rockets.
+42|6950|Montreal, Canada

TF501|Rocker wrote:

If you really must snipe, then pick a spot near a stinger so you can at least help the team out a little by keeping those AC down.
Totaly my strategy +1

FOX2PRO wrote:

Midnight is excellent for sniping, and I've had great luck in Harvest too. Road Rage...I just chopper whore.
I was about to say the same thing - midnight and harvest are good if you want to snipe, as despite the lack of infantry, there are heaps of AT and spec ops running around. Harvest in particular is great if you're a MEC sniper, as the MEC camo actually works a bit on that map (I suppose this might depend on what you have your settings on though).

Road Rage is the worst for sniping I think, unless one team has been pushed backed and contained within their uncap, and you can pick away from the spawn raping tanks and get some targets as they spawn and run around like headless chickens, trying to get to their vehicles.

Generally though, I think AT is the most useful kit for all of the AF maps if you have to go infantry.

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