
c0ldfyr3 wrote:

easy-skanking wrote:

oh and 9 too ..sure german cars are well engineered but they cost 3 times as much
Thats because of a small thing called engineering, sure you american clowns dont mind pouring 3 gallons of 'gas' into your car to go from your house to the 'store' but over here we prefer to drive economicaly.
My German car is well-engineered ... no doubt about it.  But it gets shitty gas mileage.  Really shitty.,,bo … le=s4sedan
Modified Luck Soldier
+10|6846|Grand Forks, ND

easy-skanking wrote:

..sure german cars are well engineered but they cost 3 times as much
That's only because of various import taxes and levies intended to give US automakers a chance in thier home market, along with middle men raising the price at every step to pay for those taxes and levies.

A girl in my brother's class got a Jetta from her grandpa who currently lives in Germany.  He bought one there to US market specs and then imported it here himself, ended up being half the cost of just buying one here.

mtb0minime wrote:

Oh, and easy-skanking, about the hybrid cars thing, you obviously don't know that Toyota and Honda are Japanese car manufacturers...
Yes, the parent company is Japanese-owned. 

But Toyota, Honda, and Nissan all run major American assembly plants ... the Camry, for example, is over 75% American-made.  And as for the cars they assemble?  Toyota has 48% built in the States, Honda 59%, and Nissan 45%.  They're more American than you think.

easy-skanking wrote:

ford escape and mercury mariner are 2 that i know of im sure theres more..
know theres many more coming out
What's so special about titles anyway?
+40|7056|Minnesota, USA
wow this whole thing got way out of hand.  It was intended as a bit of humor (yes I am an american) and everybody decided to take it seriously.  By the way all you British out there, I love that thing your Parliament does where the Prime Minister has to answer all those questions.  Is it called Question Time?  Or is that just the name we have for it over here?  George Bush wouldn't last a minute doing that.
Property of BF2s©
+112|6892|Brisbane Australia
HAHAHA we have Question Time here in Australia too but we refer to it as "lets dodge the issue and call each other names time"
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6860|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
You shouldn't have posted that without explaining this concept to the Americans.....

Even then, you should have realised that the yanks have absolutely no ability to laugh at themselves.....rookie error
[PED] soul76
hand me the gun and ask me again
+18|6842|Mülheim a.d.R. | Germany

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

Even then, you should have realised that the yanks have absolutely no ability to laugh at themselves.....rookie error
too true.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6984|Canberra, AUS
Damn. Someone (easy-skanking) needs to lighten up.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+76|7086|Antwerp, Flanders
I'm generally not too fond of the British but I love their humor.
The Lizzard

4_Phucsache wrote:

No idea if he wrote it or not I was just searching some old Monty Python stuff and it popped up.
He didn't, whoever did is good at imitating him, though.
BORING... if US is so bad, why does everyone in the world want to live here?
+572|6968|BC, Canada
The Lizzard
Uh.......they don't?  I don't.  My family doesn't.  Almost everyone I know doesn't.  In fact, I know an American who's moved over here.
+572|6968|BC, Canada

Squidward wrote:

BORING... if US is so bad, why does everyone in the world want to live here?
what!!??!... why was I not informed of  this?!! its a conspiracy!!
Property of BF2s©
+112|6892|Brisbane Australia
Psssst Squid I'll let ya in on a secret or 3....
1. It was posted a a joke (a little satire if you will).
Main Entry:   satire
Part of Speech:   noun
Definition:   ridicule
Synonyms:   banter, burlesque, caricature, causticity, chaffing, irony, lampoon, lampoonery, mockery, parody, pasquinade, persiflage, play on, put-on*, raillery, sarcasm, satiricalness, send-up*, skit, spoof, squib*, takeoff*, travesty, wit
Source:   Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)
Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
* = informal or slang
2. Im happy living where I am and every other Australian I know is happy living here too. I actually HAD to go live in the USA however it was not by choice but rather with my fathers work when I was younger. Whilst it was a great experience and you do have a great country I would never live there again, however I happily visit friends from time to time.
3. I served in the Australian military which gave me a great opportunity to meet and serve alongside some of Americas finest sons and daughters. It amuses me that whilst "On Tour" in various places in the worlkd these people managed to have a great sense of humour despite the hardships we shared yet many people from your country fail to have the same affability (af·fa·ble    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (f-bl)
Easy and pleasant to speak to; approachable. ) here on something as harmless as a public forum board.

I guess basically all Im trying to say is yes I know your country and like it, yes I know your people and like them but relax we Australians make fun of everyone including ourselves...learn to laugh life aint that serious.

4_Phucsache wrote:

I guess basically all Im trying to say is yes I know your country and like it, yes I know your people and like them but relax we Australians make fun of everyone including ourselves...learn to laugh life aint that serious.
+25|7069|Yorkshire, UK.

Squidward wrote:

BORING... if US is so bad, why does everyone in the world want to live here?
I don't.

And for the record, aussies might possibly be the irish of the southern hemisphere, ie... a fun-loving people who can take the piss out of themselves and others.

Last edited by senor_fulff (2006-06-13 05:42:11)

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7080|AUS, Canberra
if everyone new just how laid back aussies where, and the fact that we really dont give a fuck about anything, they would be shocked.

It really does suck that so few people in the world know how to take a joke. The world would probably be a lot nicer place if they did.
Property of BF2s©
+112|6892|Brisbane Australia

the_heart_attack wrote:

if everyone new just how laid back aussies where, and the fact that we really dont give a fuck about anything, they would be shocked.
Actually we would probably get invaded and overrun coz then they would realise we would be to busy at the beach, down the pub or in the TAB to bother fighting back.

Gotta go I smell beer....................................

Despite the fact I would be hated for being a 'pommie', I think I'd like to live in Australia. Other than the large spiders of course.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7080|AUS, Canberra

4_Phucsache wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

if everyone new just how laid back aussies where, and the fact that we really dont give a fuck about anything, they would be shocked.
Actually we would probably get invaded and overrun coz then they would realise we would be to busy at the beach, down the pub or in the TAB to bother fighting back.

Gotta go I smell beer....................................
shhhhh if the Japanese find out they might try again. especially after last night.
Property of BF2s©
+112|6892|Brisbane Australia

ghettoperson wrote:

Despite the fact I would be hated for being a 'pommie', I think I'd like to live in Australia. Other than the large spiders of course.
Speaking of which you should have seen the size of the damn bird spider I caught today in my roof....HOLY CRAP!!! It scared the livin shit out of me.

Oh yeah and by the way we dont hate Pom's we just pick on em a lot....kinda like Kiwi's really.
You -1 me because you have a poor sense of humor?  Interesting how you can write this long post bashing the US and when people start writing you back- your defense is "learn to take a joke."  How about you learn how to tell a joke.  If the only way you can be funny is at the expense of others, then go buy a jokebook.  Learn to tell a knock, knock joke or something.  But grow up and realize that if your only way of being funny is to trash someone else, then you're not being funny.

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