
Do you want to buy battlefield 2142?

Hell Yeah29%29% - 38
Yeah7%7% - 10
Maybe20%20% - 26
No15%15% - 20
Hell No27%27% - 35
Total: 129
]TsS[ ][Serial|<illr][
I think that bf2142 looks like a great game yet to come..let me know what u think

ps: Hell yeah i want to buy it

Last edited by ]TsS[ ][Serial|<illr][ (2006-06-12 20:52:49)


Hell no, do I need to make a sign that says "do no feed the company that keeps making new expansions leaving their buggy original game in the dust with out fixing the glitches in there" It infuriates me that people whine and whine and whine about the glitches, then spend a total of 30 (BF2:SF) 10 (EU) 10 (AF) and 10 (2142) that's 60 bucks you're giving to EA to make new buggy exspansions and not fixing BF2.


I believe I did.
]TsS[ ][Serial|<illr][
well bf2142 is not an expansion its a brand new game with the same game engine

]TsS[ ][Serial|<illr][ wrote:

well bf2142 is not an expansion its a brand new game with the same game engine
Oh that makes it so much more reasonable to waste cash on.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7019|Wilmington, DE, US
no one would buy it if it didn't have the Battlefield brand attached to it.
+13|6951|cali usa
is bf 2142 gonna have same graphiics engine ?

if so i might buy it becuase i dont have to update compouter

but now that every1 is just now settling into bf2 i thin its dumb to come out so quick just like bfv did to bf1942
]TsS[ ][Serial|<illr][
all that means is that the controls will mainly be the same with not as much graphic upgrades but the game will be brand new.......if you sit with the same game it gets boring

Okay, if you play it, tell me it dosn't have any glitches or bugs or completly overpowered\overpowered kits. It's impossible with any game company, but EA it WILL NEVER HAPPEN.
]TsS[ ][Serial|<illr][
it will have glitches and bugs yeah every game does that will never change ..with patches they fix some glitches and unlock others...glitches never end

Yeah, but EA/Dice, whatever, dons't lessen them, they multiply.
]TsS[ ][Serial|<illr][
You Cant Lessen Them Glitches Always Come Out!!!!
Too X-Core
+100|6870|laguna beach, ca

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Hell no, do I need to make a sign that says "do no feed the company that keeps making new expansions leaving their buggy original game in the dust with out fixing the glitches in there" It infuriates me that people whine and whine and whine about the glitches, then spend a total of 30 (BF2:SF) 10 (EU) 10 (AF) and 10 (2142) that's 60 bucks you're giving to EA to make new buggy exspansions and not fixing BF2.

please try not to be so ignorant.  2142 is going to be everything but a $10 expansion pack.  please look at the official 2142 and insider's thread, then come back.
I won't buy it, BF2 series is the last line of EA games I buy.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6985|Canberra, AUS
People! THINK for once in your sorry life.

The trailer for 2142 came out SIX MONTHS after the release of Battlefield 2.

Do you SERIOUSLY think that they would have the TIME to make a powerful, decent graphic engines in SIX MONTHS?

The one you all so was not so much 2142 as a mod of BF2.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
No. I have nothing against EA or 2142. Just not my type of setting. Futuristic games aren't my cup of tea. Present day-WWII and I'm game.
Too many problems with BF2 that EA/Dice don't appear to be able to sort, given that 2142 will be a mod/rehash of BF2 many of the existing bugs will just carry over so no I won't be buying it for sure.
I have been playing online games since Novalogics Delta Force came out and although BF2 is the best out there it is also the worst supported game I have ever played and I can't see 2142 being any different.
+1,716|7042|St. Andrews / Oslo

everyone knows that starwars pwns!!!
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
Looks like a great game but I got into the BF series because it featured historical battles etc. BF2 was a stretch for me and I'm so glad that I brought it. However, sci-fi conflict is beyond me ... oh hell who I am kinding? Of course I'll end up getting it
mavrick 3399
+102|6851|Doncaster UK

Spark wrote:

People! THINK for once in your sorry life.

The trailer for 2142 came out SIX MONTHS after the release of Battlefield 2.

Do you SERIOUSLY think that they would have the TIME to make a powerful, decent graphic engines in SIX MONTHS?

The one you all so was not so much 2142 as a mod of BF2.
Jesus fucking Christ i have seen this fucking shit been posted so many times. who gives a fuck that they are using the same game engine, the doom 3 engine has been used for most of the fucking games out there at the moment yet i don't see people calling them a mod of doom 3!!!

spark has got one thing right it cost alot of money to make a complete new game engine, Just maybe they didn't make a new engine because directx 10 is round the corner and they wanted 2142 to come out with this generation of games.
+27|6960|Mashtuur Boulevard
I agree.. the Battlefield license was interesting to me because it was something we could relate to interms of it being based in either a historical setting (World War II or Vietnam), or on a modern setting.  When it comes to futuristic warfare, do not fuck with Quake Wars / Unreal Tournament 2007.

It looks to me as if Dice are honestly trying to compete with these upcoming titles.  I suppose the game is good news for people who wont be upgrading their PCs anytime soon.

It ends with Battlefield 2 for me, personally.
teh m0nsta
I won't buy it because it will be just a Mechwarrior game. And i don't like that.
If cool(IMO) addons will come out like EF+AF i will buy them and continue playing BF2.
ill try the demo that will be the decidin factor for me
Nope, I think EA has fucked me for tha last time (At least for a while.)
After all the BS of BF2 it's not worth my effort to stay loyal to them.

I knife Generals
+278|6847|Search Whore killing fields
no, if i want a new age shooter ill buy unreal tournament 2007

would rather see them come out with a expassion of afgans

Last edited by DirtyMexican (2006-06-13 09:21:15)

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