then dnt post u arsewahjot wrote:
didnt read dont care
Spelling spelling spelling...gimp-pf wrote:
i forgot flamers are lurking around must be careful with wat i Do. O yea I acxtually do have a life u ass and having fun is part of it dip shat. Why dnt u lighten up u 3000 lb wale. Go bunny hop or sum shat nub
i think thats the point he is trying to make..Pop To Ster wrote:
Spelling spelling spelling...gimp-pf wrote:
i forgot flamers are lurking around must be careful with wat i Do. O yea I acxtually do have a life u ass and having fun is part of it dip shat. Why dnt u lighten up u 3000 lb wale. Go bunny hop or sum shat nub
that the flamers usually don't bother about their spelling and grammar.
maybe i'm wrong
sif admit your wrong....spawnofthemist wrote:
maybe i'm wrong
NEVAAAAAAR!!!kontrolcrimson wrote:
sif admit your wrong....spawnofthemist wrote:
maybe i'm wrong
*loads shotgun*
and why am i still awake at 4.20am?
Last edited by spawnofthemist (2006-06-12 20:21:01)
Why comment something you don't like? I thought i was a little bit funny, some parts where very funny actually
Right, Lets abuse what little live help the average joe can get with support for a product. Great Idea!
where did you get hte chats with the linksys people?
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
i belive the mist comes alive about now.spawnofthemist wrote:
and why am i still awake at 4.20am?
i am in the process of doing some linksys pranks my self
where do you do it!?!?kessel! wrote:
i am in the process of doing some linksys pranks my self
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
do it for yourself, its fun … equest.php … equest.php
Last edited by kessel! (2006-06-12 20:38:43)
post your chats
That's funny. Maybe it's my abusive sense of humor, but that's hilarious. +1.
we need to get a master list going of all of the technicians. that way, we can make constant reference to them and have fun exploring that option
who i have had
Kris Jorhen
who i have had
Kris Jorhen
Lol, i had to fix my real problem... now it is time for me to prank.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
How does that work? Some people seemed like they were automated, otheres seemed like people were actually talking.....
ask them personal questions. they are not automated.
I thought the first one was funny, about being a really fat and not wanting to move
Desiree M(16345): Hi, my name is Desiree M(16345). How may I help you?
cum: oh.. sry, my internet is running slow today
cum: that is what i am here for
Desiree M(16345): Can you please confirm the model number of your Linksys product?
cum: normally, when i buffer porn... it takes about 10 time for me to get warmed up... but lately i seem to go "down" before it can bufffer
cum: why does it do this?!?
cum: the model is
cum: linsys
cum: and the product is router.
Desiree M(16345): Look underneath the device and verify the exact model number also indicating the version number.
cum: CUM4110V3RU
cum: thats the one right?
Desiree M(16345): If there is no concern with regard to a Linksys device, I won't be able to help you.
cum: this regards my router and my personal plesure is at stake!!!
cum: my router is runng ectermely slow!!!
cum: extremely*
Desiree M(16345): You are not able to provide a valid Linksys model number.
cum: CUM4110V3RU
Desiree M(16345): I apologize, but I can't help you with anything else.
cum: thats what it says!!!!
cum: why dont you believe me!?!?!
cum: can you transfer me to wilson!
cum: ffs!
Desiree M(16345): Do you have an Incident Number to refer to?
cum: incident number? my paroll number?
cum: its not on me....
cum: you can call my P.O.
Desiree M(16345): What is your email address so that I can try to check on any record you have with Linksys Technical Support.
cum: i believe on the supprt form i sent in not two minutes ago it was on there... here it is again
Desiree M(16345): Sure.
cum: are you a bot?
Desiree M(16345): No.
cum: is this chat automated?
Desiree M(16345): What do you mean?
cum: ok... anyway, here is the emai;
cum: this is sooo automated!!!!
cum: show some emotion if this isnt automated then!!!!
Desiree M(16345): Okay.
Desiree M(16345): What is the email address?
cum: ...... not the kind of emotion i was looking for
cum: but her eis the email
cum: here is *
cum: are you there?
cum: courtneycumms#[email protected]
cum: there
cum: i dont check it often but yeah
cum: can you help me get my wireles router in tip-top porn buffering state?
cum: damnit!!!!! are you there!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
cum: sry for the language
Desiree M(16345): Unfortunately, I am not able to retrieve a case detail from your previous conversation.
cum: excuse me? previous conversation?
Desiree M(16345): It is possible that there is technical problem which caused the session not to be recognized.
cum: is there?
Desiree M(16345): You mentioned that you are able to chat with Wilson, previously.
cum: oh, ok, wilson is cool, just let me talk to him and we'll "discuss" it with each other, i am afraid we cannot "disclose" the details....
it isnt done, i am getting transfered to wilson now
more to come, lol
cum: oh.. sry, my internet is running slow today
cum: that is what i am here for
Desiree M(16345): Can you please confirm the model number of your Linksys product?
cum: normally, when i buffer porn... it takes about 10 time for me to get warmed up... but lately i seem to go "down" before it can bufffer
cum: why does it do this?!?
cum: the model is
cum: linsys
cum: and the product is router.
Desiree M(16345): Look underneath the device and verify the exact model number also indicating the version number.
cum: CUM4110V3RU
cum: thats the one right?
Desiree M(16345): If there is no concern with regard to a Linksys device, I won't be able to help you.
cum: this regards my router and my personal plesure is at stake!!!
cum: my router is runng ectermely slow!!!
cum: extremely*
Desiree M(16345): You are not able to provide a valid Linksys model number.
cum: CUM4110V3RU
Desiree M(16345): I apologize, but I can't help you with anything else.
cum: thats what it says!!!!
cum: why dont you believe me!?!?!
cum: can you transfer me to wilson!
cum: ffs!
Desiree M(16345): Do you have an Incident Number to refer to?
cum: incident number? my paroll number?
cum: its not on me....
cum: you can call my P.O.
Desiree M(16345): What is your email address so that I can try to check on any record you have with Linksys Technical Support.
cum: i believe on the supprt form i sent in not two minutes ago it was on there... here it is again
Desiree M(16345): Sure.
cum: are you a bot?
Desiree M(16345): No.
cum: is this chat automated?
Desiree M(16345): What do you mean?
cum: ok... anyway, here is the emai;
cum: this is sooo automated!!!!
cum: show some emotion if this isnt automated then!!!!
Desiree M(16345): Okay.
Desiree M(16345): What is the email address?
cum: ...... not the kind of emotion i was looking for
cum: but her eis the email
cum: here is *
cum: are you there?
cum: courtneycumms#[email protected]
cum: there
cum: i dont check it often but yeah
cum: can you help me get my wireles router in tip-top porn buffering state?
cum: damnit!!!!! are you there!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
cum: sry for the language
Desiree M(16345): Unfortunately, I am not able to retrieve a case detail from your previous conversation.
cum: excuse me? previous conversation?
Desiree M(16345): It is possible that there is technical problem which caused the session not to be recognized.
cum: is there?
Desiree M(16345): You mentioned that you are able to chat with Wilson, previously.
cum: oh, ok, wilson is cool, just let me talk to him and we'll "discuss" it with each other, i am afraid we cannot "disclose" the details....
it isnt done, i am getting transfered to wilson now
more to come, lol
Last edited by Kmal1 (2006-06-12 21:07:17)
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
i thought it was funny...
Janneth (20359): Hi, my name is Janneth (20359). How may I help you?
Kunalerani: hello janneth
Janneth (20359): Hi.
Janneth (20359): What is the problem you are experiencing with your Linksys product?
Kunalerani: well i accidently filed this under wireless access points
Kunalerani: this is really to do with the documentation
Janneth (20359): What do you mean by that>
Kunalerani: when i was registering for this chat session
Kunalerani: instead of documentations
Janneth (20359): Again.
Janneth (20359): Tell me the model number of the router?
Kunalerani: well
Janneth (20359): I dont understand you.
Kunalerani: let me start over again
Kunalerani: i opened my range extender
Kunalerani: and instead of finding a manual,
Kunalerani: i found a note
Kunalerani: saing help me, and a phone number
Janneth (20359): Ok.
Kunalerani: i this somesort of linksys contest?
Kunalerani: did i win?
Janneth (20359): So you want to set up the range expander.
Kunalerani: no
Kunalerani: i want to know what this was.
Janneth (20359): What linksys device you have?
Kunalerani: a range extender
Kunalerani: it came sealed from the factory
Kunalerani: but it had this note in it
Janneth (20359): Ok.
Kunalerani: it looked like a child's writing
Janneth (20359): This range expander help you to expand the signal of the wireless router.
Kunalerani: yes
Kunalerani: but that is not the issue
Kunalerani: where are these extenders made?
Janneth (20359): For example if your wireless computer has low signal from certain place.
Kunalerani: i know what it does
Kunalerani: thank you
Janneth (20359): You have to put the the range expander in between.
Kunalerani: i know
Kunalerani: where are they made?
Kunalerani: malaysia?
Janneth (20359): Let me check.
Kunalerani: thanks janneth
Janneth (20359): Ok, thanks.
Janneth (20359): Pls wait.
Kunalerani: alright
Janneth (20359): I verify this one, but sorry to say that we are not allow to disclose those such information.
Kunalerani: really?
Janneth (20359): I hope you understand.
Janneth (20359): I am sorry for that.
Kunalerani: the phone number written on the note was for the linksys production facility in malaysia
Kunalerani: are you using child labour?
Janneth (20359): No, Sir.
Kunalerani: are you personally sure?
Kunalerani: by the way, it's ma'am
Janneth (20359): What ever information you see on the package, those information is tru.
Kunalerani: ok
Janneth (20359): Yes, I am real person.
Kunalerani: someone failed grade school
Kunalerani: ok
Kunalerani: well
Janneth (20359): Any technical questions?
Kunalerani: i would like to know how this not got there
Kunalerani: its written in crayon
Kunalerani: and it has 2 numbers
Kunalerani: one for a malaysian police station
Kunalerani: and one for linksys malaysia
Kunalerani: any ideas?
Janneth (20359): I am not sure what you are asking.
Kunalerani: i still dont have an instruction booklet
Janneth (20359): I can help you to manual troubleshoot the router.
Kunalerani: sure.but before we do that
Janneth (20359): Now, do you have any technical questions regarding on how to work on Linksys,.
Kunalerani: i would like to solve this note issue
Janneth (20359): I can help you on that.
Kunalerani: can i photocopy the note and send it to you?
Kunalerani: its very sad
Kunalerani: i want to help this kid
Kunalerani: don't you?
Kunalerani: but also, i have a 9 year old daughter that your company may be interested in
Janneth (20359): Again.
Janneth (20359): Any technical question?
Janneth (20359): If not you may exit this chat session.
Kunalerani: is there no justice in the world?
Kunalerani: fight linksys janneth
Kunalerani: fight the power!
Janneth (20359): I don't think that you really have linksys concerned.
Kunalerani: no?
Janneth (20359): If its ok, if no linksys concern you may exit this chat session.
Kunalerani: are your agents on the way to assassinate me for knowing the truth?
Janneth (20359): So we can assist other client.
Kunalerani: no
Kunalerani: assist this kid
Kunalerani: please
Janneth (20359): Who really have problem on the device.
Kunalerani: you are going to hell janneth
Kunalerani: you and leilani
Kunalerani: and kris
Kunalerani: for being part of this crime
Kunalerani: and not doing anything about it
Janneth (20359): If you don't have any technical concern, I need to exit this chat session.
Kunalerani: no
Kunalerani: this is a moral issue
Kunalerani: do u have morals?
Janneth (20359): Be sure to visit our Knowledge Base located at The site contains troubleshooting tips, how-to instructions, as well as solutions to common issues relating to all Linksys products.
Kunalerani: obviously not
Janneth (20359): Once again this is Janneth, tech ID (20359)
Thank you for chatting with us. Have a nice day!
Kunalerani: fuck you
Janneth (20359):
I apologize but I do not see any of your response. I would need to exit this
chat session to assist other client. Thank you.
Janneth (20359) Has Disconnected
Kunalerani: hello janneth
Janneth (20359): Hi.
Janneth (20359): What is the problem you are experiencing with your Linksys product?
Kunalerani: well i accidently filed this under wireless access points
Kunalerani: this is really to do with the documentation
Janneth (20359): What do you mean by that>
Kunalerani: when i was registering for this chat session
Kunalerani: instead of documentations
Janneth (20359): Again.
Janneth (20359): Tell me the model number of the router?
Kunalerani: well
Janneth (20359): I dont understand you.
Kunalerani: let me start over again
Kunalerani: i opened my range extender
Kunalerani: and instead of finding a manual,
Kunalerani: i found a note
Kunalerani: saing help me, and a phone number
Janneth (20359): Ok.
Kunalerani: i this somesort of linksys contest?
Kunalerani: did i win?
Janneth (20359): So you want to set up the range expander.
Kunalerani: no
Kunalerani: i want to know what this was.
Janneth (20359): What linksys device you have?
Kunalerani: a range extender
Kunalerani: it came sealed from the factory
Kunalerani: but it had this note in it
Janneth (20359): Ok.
Kunalerani: it looked like a child's writing
Janneth (20359): This range expander help you to expand the signal of the wireless router.
Kunalerani: yes
Kunalerani: but that is not the issue
Kunalerani: where are these extenders made?
Janneth (20359): For example if your wireless computer has low signal from certain place.
Kunalerani: i know what it does
Kunalerani: thank you
Janneth (20359): You have to put the the range expander in between.
Kunalerani: i know
Kunalerani: where are they made?
Kunalerani: malaysia?
Janneth (20359): Let me check.
Kunalerani: thanks janneth
Janneth (20359): Ok, thanks.
Janneth (20359): Pls wait.
Kunalerani: alright
Janneth (20359): I verify this one, but sorry to say that we are not allow to disclose those such information.
Kunalerani: really?
Janneth (20359): I hope you understand.
Janneth (20359): I am sorry for that.
Kunalerani: the phone number written on the note was for the linksys production facility in malaysia
Kunalerani: are you using child labour?
Janneth (20359): No, Sir.
Kunalerani: are you personally sure?
Kunalerani: by the way, it's ma'am
Janneth (20359): What ever information you see on the package, those information is tru.
Kunalerani: ok
Janneth (20359): Yes, I am real person.
Kunalerani: someone failed grade school
Kunalerani: ok
Kunalerani: well
Janneth (20359): Any technical questions?
Kunalerani: i would like to know how this not got there
Kunalerani: its written in crayon
Kunalerani: and it has 2 numbers
Kunalerani: one for a malaysian police station
Kunalerani: and one for linksys malaysia
Kunalerani: any ideas?
Janneth (20359): I am not sure what you are asking.
Kunalerani: i still dont have an instruction booklet
Janneth (20359): I can help you to manual troubleshoot the router.
Kunalerani: sure.but before we do that
Janneth (20359): Now, do you have any technical questions regarding on how to work on Linksys,.
Kunalerani: i would like to solve this note issue
Janneth (20359): I can help you on that.
Kunalerani: can i photocopy the note and send it to you?
Kunalerani: its very sad
Kunalerani: i want to help this kid
Kunalerani: don't you?
Kunalerani: but also, i have a 9 year old daughter that your company may be interested in
Janneth (20359): Again.
Janneth (20359): Any technical question?
Janneth (20359): If not you may exit this chat session.
Kunalerani: is there no justice in the world?
Kunalerani: fight linksys janneth
Kunalerani: fight the power!
Janneth (20359): I don't think that you really have linksys concerned.
Kunalerani: no?
Janneth (20359): If its ok, if no linksys concern you may exit this chat session.
Kunalerani: are your agents on the way to assassinate me for knowing the truth?
Janneth (20359): So we can assist other client.
Kunalerani: no
Kunalerani: assist this kid
Kunalerani: please
Janneth (20359): Who really have problem on the device.
Kunalerani: you are going to hell janneth
Kunalerani: you and leilani
Kunalerani: and kris
Kunalerani: for being part of this crime
Kunalerani: and not doing anything about it
Janneth (20359): If you don't have any technical concern, I need to exit this chat session.
Kunalerani: no
Kunalerani: this is a moral issue
Kunalerani: do u have morals?
Janneth (20359): Be sure to visit our Knowledge Base located at The site contains troubleshooting tips, how-to instructions, as well as solutions to common issues relating to all Linksys products.
Kunalerani: obviously not
Janneth (20359): Once again this is Janneth, tech ID (20359)
Thank you for chatting with us. Have a nice day!
Kunalerani: fuck you
Janneth (20359):
I apologize but I do not see any of your response. I would need to exit this
chat session to assist other client. Thank you.
Janneth (20359) Has Disconnected
Desiree M(16345): Unfortunately, I am not able to retrieve a case detail from your previous conversation.
cum: excuse me? previous conversation?
Desiree M(16345): It is possible that there is technical problem which caused the session not to be recognized.
cum: is there?
Desiree M(16345): You mentioned that you are able to chat with Wilson, previously.
cum: oh, ok, wilson is cool, just let me talk to him and we'll "discuss" it with each other, i am afraid we cannot "disclose" the details....
cum: are you there?
Desiree M(16345): Let me check on that.
cum: what?\
cum: check on what?
Desiree M(16345): I will verify if Wilson is available so that I can transfer you back to him.
cum: ok
cum: tell him it is Cumallovahu
Desiree M(16345): Sure.
cum: ok, thanks
Desiree M(16345): I will be back in 3-5 minutes. Thanks!
cum: ok tha nks
Desiree M(16345): Thank you for your time and patience!
cum: k
cum: thanks
Desiree M(16345): Unfortunately, the previous agent is currently accommodating other clients.
cum: is he?
cum: that sucks
cum: ok, can you give him a personal message? can you come into contact with him?
cum: or are you in a different office?
Desiree M(16345): If you would like to get them to continue through your concern, you can login back to chat after a few minutes and hopefully he will be available then.
cum: oh... so you are not in the same office?
Desiree M(16345): I don't him personally.
Desiree M(16345): I would be able to forward your message to the proper department in order to reach him.
cum: oh darn, is there a way to contact him... his cell is turned off and mr. peters doesnt want me to call teh office anymore
cum: this is his hubby...
Desiree M(16345): I do apologize. If you continue to send invalid queries or inappropriate messages in the next 2 minutes, I will be compelled to end this session. Thank you for your cooperation!
Desiree M(16345) Has Disconnected
that is teh end of my convo, that is quite funny, lol
cum: excuse me? previous conversation?
Desiree M(16345): It is possible that there is technical problem which caused the session not to be recognized.
cum: is there?
Desiree M(16345): You mentioned that you are able to chat with Wilson, previously.
cum: oh, ok, wilson is cool, just let me talk to him and we'll "discuss" it with each other, i am afraid we cannot "disclose" the details....
cum: are you there?
Desiree M(16345): Let me check on that.
cum: what?\
cum: check on what?
Desiree M(16345): I will verify if Wilson is available so that I can transfer you back to him.
cum: ok
cum: tell him it is Cumallovahu
Desiree M(16345): Sure.
cum: ok, thanks
Desiree M(16345): I will be back in 3-5 minutes. Thanks!
cum: ok tha nks
Desiree M(16345): Thank you for your time and patience!
cum: k
cum: thanks
Desiree M(16345): Unfortunately, the previous agent is currently accommodating other clients.
cum: is he?
cum: that sucks
cum: ok, can you give him a personal message? can you come into contact with him?
cum: or are you in a different office?
Desiree M(16345): If you would like to get them to continue through your concern, you can login back to chat after a few minutes and hopefully he will be available then.
cum: oh... so you are not in the same office?
Desiree M(16345): I don't him personally.
Desiree M(16345): I would be able to forward your message to the proper department in order to reach him.
cum: oh darn, is there a way to contact him... his cell is turned off and mr. peters doesnt want me to call teh office anymore
cum: this is his hubby...
Desiree M(16345): I do apologize. If you continue to send invalid queries or inappropriate messages in the next 2 minutes, I will be compelled to end this session. Thank you for your cooperation!
Desiree M(16345) Has Disconnected
that is teh end of my convo, that is quite funny, lol
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal