Moderator Emeritus
+236|7125|Portland, OR, USA

No, that's it as far as I'm aware.
My host moved me to a new server last night and now i get:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/defcon1c/public_html/stats/index.php on line 71

on my script!

Could this be a permission problem?
Moderator Emeritus
+236|7125|Portland, OR, USA

Well, what's on line 71 of your script?
Even using chuy's script i get:

ERRORS: Your cache directory (<code>/home/defcon1c/public_html/stats/cache</code>) exists, but is not world writable (777). I couldn't make it so. Please do this by hand.
Cache testing failed. You must keep a local cache of the XML data around.

I'm getting this although my cache directory IS set to 777!
The H4xor Mod
+161|7166|North Texas
If you're sure the cache directory exist and is 0777, then find the function called test_cache() in the API. You should see something like the following:


    function test_cache() {
        if( isset($this->has_cache) ) 
            return $this->has_cache;
Change this to:


    function test_cache() {
        if( isset($this->has_cache) ) 
            return $this->has_cache;

        $this->has_cache = true;
        return $this->has_cache;
Some web hosts disable core PHP functions, this may be what your problem is. My host does this. So I won't be renewing in sept. Fuck 'em.

Give this a shot and see what happens.
it worked! Thanks NM156!

Bit strange that my old server (US - same host) worked fine with it but the new server (AU) doesnt!
The H4xor Mod
+161|7166|North Texas
Yup, that happens sometimes. You might want to contact their support to find out why you can't use the native 'chmod' function in your scripts.

Glad it worked!
//kk thx.
Is there a way for the script on a curtain amount of day (like every 6 hours) for it to go to each members bf2s profile, then have the stats update, because I have to keep going to each members pages manually to keep them updated. When I go to my stats page, its just showing the stats the member has at bf2s, not the official stats (meaning, it doesnt update the players stats @ bf2s, it uses there outdated stats..)
//kk thx.
Make love not war
not exactly sure what you mean. the script will refresh the stats on you're website every 6 hours from the stats database on bf2s. that will cause an update on those stats from EA. by the time of the next request from you're site (6 hours later) they should have updated on bf2s so you'll get the latest stats bf2s has. that in turn will cause another update. basically each time the script requests the XML from bf2s that causes an update. meaning that theoretically the oldest the stats the script retrieves from bf2s would be is 6 hours old from the 'official' ones. make sense?

official xml feed sample:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <asof>5/24/2006 1:44:51 AM</asof>
  <Player ProfileID="43917103" AccountName="tf-Hitman" CountryCode="US" Rank="8" Score="49649" Wins="1238" Losses="598" TotalTime="1485345" EnlistedDate="2005-06-15T08:16:00" LastGameDate="2006-05-22T05:49:00" Complete="1146" Incomplete="694" FavKit="0" FavKitTime="302604" FavVehicle="3" FavVehicleTime="293871" FavWeap="0" FavWeapTime="164711" FavEquip="1" FavEquipKills="25437" FavExp="-1" FavExpKills="0" FavMap="4" FavMapTime="245739" BestScore="208" BestScoreMap="6" TeamScore="16664" TeamKills="731" TeamDmg="339" TeamVDmg="274" CombatScore="32216" CPCapture="3769" CPAssist="2687" CPDefend="907" Heal="383" Revive="958" Resupply="438" Repair="145" TargetEnemy="0" DriverSpecial="4747" DriverKAssist="0" TotalShots="133273" TotalHits="29703" TotalKills="16108" KillAssists="1983" TotalDeaths="9737" Suicides="473" KillStreak="46" DeathStreak="11" TopVictimPid="43596155" TopVictim="tF-afrojap" TopVictimKills="15" TopVictimRank="16" TopOpponentPid="45280390" TopOpponent="SEV25" TopOppDeaths="10" TopOpponentRank="17" COScore="2446" COTime="64737" SLTime="538952" SMTime="663665" LWTime="217097" ChuteTime="2336" Kicked="42" Banned="3" />
  <Armies army="0" totaltime="563945" wins="464" losses="218" highscore="167" />
  <Armies army="1" totaltime="513462" wins="435" losses="216" highscore="208" />
  <Armies army="2" totaltime="230967" wins="192" losses="76" highscore="134" />
  <Armies army="3" totaltime="34945" wins="28" losses="9" highscore="82" />
  <Armies army="4" totaltime="29794" wins="21" losses="19" highscore="109" />
  <Armies army="5" totaltime="24011" wins="26" losses="9" highscore="66" />
  <Armies army="6" totaltime="40243" wins="34" losses="24" highscore="71" />
  <Armies army="7" totaltime="10839" wins="12" losses="4" highscore="78" />
  <Armies army="8" totaltime="33534" wins="23" losses="19" highscore="76" />
  <Armies army="9" totaltime="3516" wins="3" losses="4" highscore="53" />
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  <Weapons cat="1" totaltime="14590" kills="195" deaths="169" shots="809" hits="422" />
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  <Weapons cat="6" totaltime="95094" kills="832" deaths="927" shots="4179" hits="2203" />
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  <Weapons cat="12" totaltime="15311" kills="505" deaths="181" shots="3864" hits="1091" />
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  <Equipment cat="1" totaltime="25437" kills="441" deaths="286" deployed="0" />
  <Equipment cat="2" totaltime="3708" kills="144" deaths="26" deployed="0" />
  <Equipment cat="3" totaltime="15311" kills="505" deaths="181" deployed="0" />
  <Equipment cat="4" totaltime="5468" kills="23" deaths="106" deployed="0" />
  <Equipment cat="5" totaltime="2005" kills="46" deaths="45" deployed="0" />
  <Equipment cat="6" totaltime="1168" kills="0" deaths="0" deployed="154" />
  <Equipment cat="7" totaltime="0" kills="0" deaths="0" deployed="190" />
  <Equipment cat="8" totaltime="948" kills="0" deaths="0" deployed="138" />
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  <Kits kit="3" totaltime="264649" kills="3242" deaths="2048" />
  <Kits kit="4" totaltime="277201" kills="2793" deaths="1795" />
  <Kits kit="5" totaltime="124429" kills="1289" deaths="852" />
  <Kits kit="6" totaltime="187091" kills="1915" deaths="1091" />
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  <Badges badge="1032415" badgelevel="3" awardtime="1135920457" />
  <Unlock ID="11" Kit="0" Name="Anti-Tank" Description="Chsht_protecta" />
  <Unlock ID="22" Kit="1" Name="Assault" Description="Usrif_g3a3" />
  <Unlock ID="44" Kit="3" Name="Medic" Description="Usrif_sa80" />
  <Unlock ID="55" Kit="4" Name="Spec-Ops" Description="Usrif_g36c" />
  <Unlock ID="66" Kit="5" Name="Support" Description="RULMG_PKM" />
  <Unlock ID="77" Kit="6" Name="Sniper" Description="USSNI_M95_Barret" />
  <Unlock ID="88" Kit="1" Name="Assault" Description="sasrif_fn2000" />
  <Unlock ID="111" Kit="3" Name="Medic" Description="sasrif_g36e" />
  <Unlock ID="222" Kit="4" Name="Spec-Ops" Description="usrif_scarl" />
  <Unlock ID="333" Kit="5" Name="Support" Description="sasrif_mg36" />
  <Unlock ID="444" Kit="0" Name="Anti-Tank" Description="eurif_fnp90" />
  <Unlock ID="555" Kit="6" Name="Sniper" Description="gbrif_l96a1" />
If anyone is interested in a leaderboard for ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL Server, let me know.

I will post at request because my guess is that there are not many ppl out there running ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL Server for a clansite

Jeinhor wrote:

If anyone is interested in a leaderboard for ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL Server, let me know.

I will post at request because my guess is that there are not many ppl out there running ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL Server for a clansite
Hey man I would to take a look at that one, if you have a chance dropt it at: leTuss [at] gmail [dot] com
Moderator Emeritus
+236|7125|Portland, OR, USA

chuyskywalker wrote:

official xml feed sample:

That was a random post... o_O
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7159|Cheshire, UK

KillinSprE wrote:

Awesome. Thanks. So does do anything else other than show online/offline? eg: get more detailed stats? I signed up for one of the larger packages and so far I'm not impresses
They also provide feeds for server status if you have game-servers.
We have 3 sources of info on our servers GM being one of them.
I use their XML feed for the buddylist (obviously) as well as the server tracker on the main pages where this is not provided by the server host (as this is closer to real-time than GM). If you follow one of the links to a server details page the graphs there are also fed from GM.

Viper007Bond wrote:

chuyskywalker wrote:

official xml feed sample:

That was a random post... o_O
Yeah, I got all excited thinking you had expanded the scope of the XML feed for a minute there!

Last edited by duffry (2006-05-28 02:52:09)

Moderator Emeritus
+236|7125|Portland, OR, USA

duffry wrote:

Viper007Bond wrote:

chuyskywalker wrote:

official xml feed sample:

That was a random post... o_O
Yeah, I got all excited thinking you had expanded the scope of the XML feed for a minute there!
Yeah, same here. I was sad.
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7159|Cheshire, UK

duffry wrote:

chuyskywalker wrote:

It's 3 requests every 6 hours, thus you could do 3 different 64 players feeds in the 6 hour period to support up to a 192 player clan.
While I stand by the coolness of this I have now passed the 64 members mark and found that the table only goes up to 64, I realise that the 'easy' way to solve this would be to have more than one table but that leaves me with 2 problems...

1, I populate the list of pids from our members table and would need to find a means of splitting based on the data there (should be easy enough but...)

2, the idea is obviously to compare members against each other and splitting them into tables based on anything other than the stats doesn't seem quite right.

Can anyone think of a way I can retrieve the 'extra' player details as above but still throw them into one table?

Member since 2005
+44|7095|Kansas, USA

duffry wrote:

Can anyone think of a way I can retrieve the 'extra' player details as above but still throw them into one table?
Already covered. Check page 14 of this post. The trick is that you can only query 64 player stats at a time. So, you would have to create functionality to request only 64 of the total at a time. Then save those values to a flat file or a database. Then the next time you make a request, query the ones that weren't queried before and grab the saved data for the others.
+1,716|7051|St. Andrews / Oslo

OK, I am a total n00b with this stuff so I was wodering i someone would like to make a finished package of everything that I easily can upload with my FTP client.... A finished code and everything...


Last edited by Jenspm (2006-05-30 07:14:54)
Moderator Emeritus
+236|7125|Portland, OR, USA

Have you checked this out -> ? ...
+1,716|7051|St. Andrews / Oslo

Thanks for the link man...

YaY, I made it:
Member since 2005
+44|7095|Kansas, USA

Jenspm wrote:

Thanks for the link man...

YaY, I made it:
I think your clan needs some more brackets "[]" in its name.
+1,716|7051|St. Andrews / Oslo

LoL, it is what makes the clan special
I'm after an XML feed for player stats that I can use on my own site -- does anyone know of one please?
+1,716|7051|St. Andrews / Oslo

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